Crimson Skies: Veil of the Divine

"What? The two of you were attacked by that rogue deity?" Snow Sky-Dog was both surprised and concerned for his older brother and younger sister.

"It's nothing! That low-ranking deity couldn't harm us; his magic is far inferior to mine. Don't worry too much!" Mizuchi Haruka reassured Snow Sky-Dog, soothing his anger mixed with fear. She knew that a powerful and proud deity like Snow Sky-Dog would never fear the "Steel Dragon." However, what he feared was the safety of both her and Kurogami Masayuki. She understood that Snow Sky-Dog was a deity who cared deeply for those important to him. She believed that he worried more about her and Kurogami Masayuki's safety than his own. For Snow Sky-Dog, if faced with a dangerous and challenging situation, he would bravely charge forward, disregarding any threats, even if it meant risking his own life. However, if the challenge ahead involved the safety of those he loved with all his heart, he would not recklessly endanger their lives. He could risk his own life but wouldn't dare risk the lives of those he considered important. This somewhat consoled her, knowing that, besides Seraphina Frostwind, she was also an important woman to Snow Sky-Dog.

"Nothing? Mizuchi Haruka, you were just nearly killed by that malevolent deity! If not for your brother being there, you'd have a hard time protecting yourself from that lunatic. Mizuchi Haruka, if something happens to you, my existence becomes meaningless." Snow Sky-Dog spoke in anger and pain.

"You worry about me that much, Snow Wolf?" Mizuchi Haruka deliberately asked an important question at this critical moment. She wanted to see Snow Sky-Dog's reaction.

"Mizuchi Haruka, I've told you before, that both you and Seraphina Frostwind are two important women in my life. Right now, my mind is torn between many things, including love and duty. So, between you and Seraphina Frostwind, I don't know which choice is more reasonable. But even so, I must protect you. Even so, I am determined not to let anyone harm you. As for the eldest brother, Kurogami Masayuki, he's the one who always supports, helps, and protects me. Anyone who decides to become his enemy will have to face me as well. The two of you were attacked by that rogue deity, and now all I want is to kill that wretched being. I wish I could have been at the flower field when the battle took place to destroy him alongside my brother." Snow Sky-Dog spoke in anger, his clenched fist indicating the intense emotions within him. Mizuchi Haruka had never seen Snow Sky-Dog in such a gruesome and fearsome state.

"Calm down, Snow Wolf! If you were present at the flower field during the battle between me and the 'Steel Dragon,' I would also have to protect you!" Kurogami Masayuki said calmly and profoundly to an astonishing degree.

"What are you saying, Kurogami Masayuki? Do you think I'm weaker than the 'Steel Dragon'? You underestimate me, big brother! After everything that has happened, why do you evaluate my abilities so low? I thought you were very wise, but you truly disappoint me!" Snow Sky-Dog looked at Kurogami Masayuki with eyes filled with dissatisfaction.

"Snow Sky-Dog, I'm not saying you're weak, but I just want to ask you, what is your unique strength, and also the only strength you possess?" Kurogami Masayuki held a cold glass of water in his hand, calmly drinking the water. He seemed indifferent to Snow Sky-Dog's disrespectful attitude.

"My unique strength, and also the only strength I possess, is the power of snow. So what?"

"Your snow power is useless against the steel strength of his. No matter how strong you are, you can't defeat him because his strength counteracts your entire power." Kurogami Masayuki adjusted his tone after casually finishing his glass of cold water. "Mizuchi Haruka is not the only deity whose power is countered by the 'Steel Dragon'; you're the same as Mizuchi Haruka. Even if you are stronger than him, if both of you use all your strength to fight each other until one of you has to die, you will undoubtedly lose to him."

"You're right! I forgot about this. I apologize for my rudeness earlier." Snow Sky-Dog just realized that he, in his hot-headedness, became a fool at the moment when anger overwhelmed his wisdom. He looked towards his elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki, who remained calm and wise, even after going through an extremely terrifying danger. "So, what should we do now? Are we just going to let that wretched one attack us a few more times?" Snow Sky-Dog spoke, hitting the core of the issue. It seemed that he had regained the wisdom he had just lost.

"That rogue deity won't attack us for a while. I inflicted a severe wound on him. He needs time to heal, and during that time, he won't attack us. So, we don't need to worry too much. Furthermore, I defeated the 'Steel Dragon' once with my abilities, not just luck. This proves that I can defeat him many more times if he continues to attack us. So, I can protect both of you. I don't have a unique strength. I am proficient in all kinds of magic, so I have no reason to fail against him. The one in real danger of being harmed is both of you, not me. So, as long as both of you don't venture beyond my protective range, everything will be fine." Kurogami Masayuki spoke, and his tone showed that he wasn't pretending to be unafraid; the truth was he wasn't afraid at all.

"What you say is right, and besides, this is the academy of the deities. I believe if that rogue one openly attacks us here, the headmaster won't forgive him!" Snow Sky-Dog said, and he also slowly poured a glass of cold water and drank it.

"If so, we still have something to worry about," Kurogami Masayuki became unusually serious. "Your beautiful girlfriend may be in danger!"

"My beautiful girlfriend? Do you mean Mizuchi Haruka?" Snow Sky-Dog asked in surprise.

"No! I mean Seraphina Frostwind." Kurogami Masayuki spoke with a very low volume.

"Oh! I forgot that I'm in love with two beautiful girls at the same time."

Mizuchi Haruka looked at Snow Sky-Dog with an unsatisfied expression. The muscles on her face were slightly tense, perhaps because she was jealous, and perhaps there was a bit of hurt in her soul.

"Now, what should we do to protect Seraphina Frostwind?" Snow Sky-Dog also spoke with a very low volume, probably because Mizuchi Haruka was attentively observing him.

"If the two of you stay quiet in this academy, 'Steel Dragon' won't be able to do anything to you. As for protecting Seraphina Frostwind, leave it to me. And if you want to continue dating Mizuchi Haruka at the Human World restaurant, before you go, I'll lend you my strongest weapon, the 'Youkai Killing Sword.'"

"Great! In that case, I can also use that magical item to date Seraphina Frostwind." Snow Sky-Dog said happily, not realizing that Mizuchi Haruka was looking at him with eyes full of jealousy.

"It's up to you. I have nothing more to say to you. You're fickle! I don't understand why Mizuchi Haruka loves you!" Kurogami Masayuki expressed his frustration with Snow Sky-Dog's attitude of prioritizing women above all else.

At this moment, Mizuchi Haruka finally spoke.

"We also need to know information about our enemy!"

"My little sister is right. The rogue deity with the alias 'Steel Dragon,' what is his name? Does anyone here know the answer?" Snow Sky-Dog asked.

"His name is Ryujin Tetsu." Mizuchi Haruka answered with a voice just loud enough to be heard.

"Ryujin Tetsu, this name is indeed extraordinary, perhaps that's why he is so arrogant." Kurogami Masayuki spoke with a very low volume. "His father is the king of the dragon species, and his mother is one of the deities beloved by the Lord of the Gods. This time, we are facing significant trouble."

"Even so, I'm not afraid. Let's stop discussing this; let's go eat. I'm hungry!" Snow Sky-Dog spoke as if danger and trouble did not exist, but his optimistic demeanor had a great influence on Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka.

It seemed that Snow Sky-Dog had returned to his cheerful and optimistic self, making the atmosphere lighter. Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki couldn't help but let out gentle smiles in response to his innocence.

"Right, right, Snow Wolf is only thinking about food. Let's go; maybe a meal is the best way to relieve tension after that intense battle," Kurogami Masayuki said, trying to create a comfortable atmosphere.

Everyone left the room and headed to the dining hall. Mizuchi Haruka's heart still held worries and unease. She realized that their unity might have been just a fleeting moment, and the challenges ahead were much greater. Ryujin Tetsu was not an easy opponent to defeat, and danger could come from any direction.

As they stepped out into the sunlight, shining in the deep blue sky, Mizuchi Haruka couldn't shake off a small shadow within her. Her eyes looked into the distance, where challenges and dangers awaited.

"We will face it," she said with determination in her heart. "We will protect everyone and keep this world peaceful."

Mizuchi Haruka, Kurogami Masayuki, and Snow Sky-Dog entered a new world, where anything could happen. Their adventure was far from over, and they were confronted with challenges that only unity and trust could overcome.