The Deceptive Dance of Shadows: Seraphina's Dilemma

The dawn cast its pale golden and vibrant red hues on the small hill on the outskirts, where a quaint oakwood house stood. Inside the oakwood house, Seraphina Frostwind, a stunningly beautiful human girl, was gently and meticulously brushing her shimmering golden hair. The image of Seraphina Frostwind combing her hair by the window, with the first rays of the new day illuminating her long, golden locks, easily misled many into thinking that a goddess of light was grooming her sunlit golden hair, welcoming the new day with radiant beauty and splendor.

As Seraphina Frostwind was engrossed in combing her hair, distant loud noises shattered the peaceful silence on the hill where she lived. Seraphina Frostwind ceased her hair brushing and stepped outside the room. She wanted to know what was happening! The first sight that met her eyes was a group of armed individuals advancing towards her.

"Here you are, wretched woman! This time we've captured a rare treasure! With the majestic beauty of this goddess, the lady of the town will pay us a hefty sum! We are about to become rich. If we sell this woman to the largest estate in town, we'll have enough money to gamble and drink for months," the robbers exclaimed, enclosing Seraphina Frostwind. Seraphina Frostwind managed to cry out, "Snow Sky Dog, save me!"

"You don't need Snow Sky-Dog to save you, for I shall rescue you!" A voice with a tone of arrogance and insincerity echoed. It was Ryujin Tetsu who spoke. Ryujin Tetsu, the owner of those words, had a deceptive sweetness to his voice, lacking any genuine trustworthiness. Unlike the despicable Ryujin Tetsu, Snow Sky-Dog, the one Seraphina Frostwind loved, could also speak sweet words, but the significant difference with Snow Sky-Dog is that he is a reliable and sincere man, whereas Ryujin Tetsu is just a deceitful scoundrel pretending to be sincere. Upon seeing Ryujin Tetsu, the robbers formed wicked and cunning smiles. The robbers had conspired with Ryujin Tetsu to stage the "hero saving the maiden" act in front of Seraphina Frostwind, intending for the notorious rogue, Ryujin Tetsu, to woo her.

The robbers rushed in, knowing Ryujin Tetsu was a renowned rogue with the infamous nickname "Steel Dragon," they showed no mercy. Ryujin Tetsu wore the sinister smile of a seasoned rogue, focusing his magic on his ten fingertips and launching an attack on the robbers.

The fingertips emitted lights that turned into a mysterious black, creating an enigmatic image blending into the bright morning. The light from his fingertips formed rays resembling black whips, accentuating the dark power in his magic. Each of his strikes symbolized power and cruelty. The wind began to blow fiercely, shaking the air like a threat to all three worlds.

Despite being armed, the robbers became weak and unable to resist Ryujin Tetsu's boundless power. Each of his attacks was a devastating blow, enough to kill anyone he wished, and each of his moves was a dark secret. Ryujin Tetsu effortlessly ended the lives of those who faced him in this battle.

The robbers, though brutal, became feeble and frightened before the boundless power and technique of "Steel Dragon." Their attempts were feeble, as their strength couldn't compare to the might of Ryujin Tetsu. His eyes, during the fight, turned cold, devoid of any signs of compassion.

In a few minutes, the beauty of dawn transformed into a horrifying battlefield covered with lifeless bodies, where the brutality was expressed through every move of "Steel Dragon." The robbers, before meeting their demise, endured torment not only physically but also mentally. Their hopes and courage vanished under Ryujin Tetsu's ruthless strikes.

Seraphina Frostwind witnessed the brutality he unleashed. She couldn't believe this change, as the seemingly gentle and refined man had turned into a merciless killer in an instant. She realized that her life was becoming a dark labyrinth, and she was trapped between her feelings for Ryujin Tetsu, the protection and assistance from a stranger with horrifying brutality.

After defeating the last of the robbers, a sinister smile formed on Ryujin Tetsu's lips. This smile held the dark hues of his malicious plot. His scheme was not only aimed at the feelings of Seraphina Frostwind, the beautiful and naive girl, the victim of this dark plot; but it also sought revenge on Snow Sky-Dog, Mizuchi Haruka, and Kurogami Masayuki.

"Are you injured, beautiful human girl?" Ryujin Tetsu asked, his eyes filled with despicable desire fixed on Seraphina Frostwind's alluring chest.

"I'm fine, thank you!" Seraphina Frostwind replied, feeling a mixture of fear and admiration for this stranger. She feared Ryujin Tetsu because of his excessively brutal fighting style, a style that painted a scenario where death and carnage couldn't be restrained—something she dreaded the most. Yet, she also felt affection for this man because he had killed the robbers to protect her, similar to how Snow Sky-Dog had done in their initial acquaintance. Unaware that the recent battle was merely a cheap deception by Ryujin Tetsu, her victims were not only the robbers but also herself. The robbers were hired to stage a "hero saving the maiden" play, but they didn't expect to meet their demise in this play.

The sunrise's gentle light still spread across the lush hill, but the space became serene after the battle. Ryujin Tetsu, amidst the beautiful nature, kept the secret of his dark nature. He chuckled lightly, but his eyes held an unpredictable secret. Seraphina Frostwind stood beside him, still feeling the warmth and protection of this stranger, yet her smile hid uncertainty and suspicion about Ryujin Tetsu's true nature.

"Thank you for saving me," Seraphina said, but her eyes still held doubt and uncertainty. Ryujin Tetsu, with his refined appearance and considerable handsomeness (just slightly inferior to Snow Sky-Dog in charm and refinement), now became more unpredictable and mysterious.

"We should head to the town's restaurant for breakfast! Don't worry, this time I'll foot the bill," Ryujin Tetsu suggested, and they embarked on a new journey, footsteps traversing through the beauty of nature and the unpredictable shadows.

Meanwhile, from a distance, Snow Sky-Dog was observing every move of the two. He sensed that something was amiss but couldn't determine what. The future seemed to hold many secrets and uncertainties, but Snow Sky-Dog was determined to pursue the truth, whatever it might be. His adventure had just begun, and the darkness of the past was preparing to engulf him, as he awaited the revelation of new mysteries.