The Enigmatic Threads of Destiny

Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki hurriedly arrived at Seraphina Frostwind's house to inform her about Ryujin Tetsu's dark conspiracy. But it was too late! When they arrived, Ryujin Tetsu had already taken Seraphina Frostwind out for breakfast at an upscale restaurant, enjoying a romantic scene at the town center.

"Seraphina Frostwind, are you home?" Mizuchi Haruka loudly called out, but there was no response. The only reply to her call was the silence of the oak wood house on the hill. Mizuchi Haruka rushed into Seraphina Frostwind's home to search for her presence, finding nothing but the harmonious beauty of the interior design. Kurogami Masayuki remained outside, looking at the corpses of the robbers with disdain for their shallow and cheap personalities, akin to discarded waste in Ryujin Tetsu's eyes.

"Hmm, hiring a gang of thieves and killing them all, showing no mercy just to deceive the feelings of an innocent human girl, a girl easily trusting in others. 'Steel Dragon' - Ryujin Tetsu is nothing more than an inferior being. That's why the master didn't choose him as a disciple to receive special training at the academy. In Ryujin Tetsu's mindset, Snow Sky-Dog is an inferior deity, as he carries in his veins a half-blood of youkai, yet Ryujin Tetsu doesn't know that he is the one truly inferior. He proudly bears the bloodline of the noble dragon race but behaves no differently from inferior youkai. For this, he has humiliated the entire dragon race and has always taken pride in inheriting the bloodline. Indeed, some consider themselves noble and readily insult others as 'inferior,' but those who think highly of themselves often carry an entire landfill on their heads."

"Big brother, you speak the truth. This wretched Ryujin Tetsu is truly beyond redemption!" Mizuchi Haruka added. "But what do we do now? Perhaps that madman Ryujin Tetsu has taken Seraphina Frostwind to some romantic place to woo her! Big brother, what should we do now?"

"Given the situation, we must quickly return to the Academy of Divine Beings and reveal the entire truth to Snow Sky-Dog. That snow wolf has excellent skills in charming women. If he knows everything, Ryujin Tetsu won't be a worthy rival for Snow Sky-Dog." Kurogami Masayuki hit the core of the issue. "But that also means we'll increase the advantage for Seraphina Frostwind and put you, Mizuchi Haruka, in a disadvantageous position in the battle for the affections of Snow Sky-Dog."

"If that's the case, I'll have to accept it, big brother!" Mizuchi Haruka said sadly. "Ryujin Tetsu's hatred is because of the three of us. Seraphina Frostwind has nothing to do with this. I don't want her to be hurt because of that madman Ryujin Tetsu!"

"You're right. I agree with your perspective! So, let's quickly return to the Academy of Divine Beings and tell Snow Sky-Dog the entire truth we know!" Kurogami Masayuki urged Mizuchi Haruka.

And so, Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki hastily flew back to the Academy of Divine Beings to inform Snow Sky-Dog about Ryujin Tetsu's sinister plot.

At a romantic restaurant in the Human World,

Ryujin Tetsu sat in the restaurant, his eyes filled with cunning and the base desires of his gaze roving over Seraphina Frostwind's body.

"Seraphina Frostwind, you look truly beautiful!"

Seraphina Frostwind sat across from Ryujin Tetsu, her gaze cold and unaffected by his flattery. Her hand gripped the chopsticks tightly, displaying the determination she held for her feelings towards Snow Sky-Dog.

Ryujin Tetsu smiled, appearing generous and sophisticated, but underneath, he concealed a dark plot.

"Seraphina Frostwind, I've heard about your deity named Snow Sky-Dog. But perhaps you don't truly understand him. He's just a snow wolf, while I, Ryujin Tetsu, bear the noble blood of a dragon. He cannot provide you with the wonderful things I can offer."

Seraphina Frostwind raised her head, her gaze icy.

"I don't care about bloodlines or noble names. To me, Snow Sky-Dog is the one I love and trust in his sincerity."

Ryujin Tetsu used his hand to raise a glass of wine, taking a sip, his eyes lingering on Seraphina.

"You can reject everything, but don't reject true love, Seraphina Frostwind. He may make you happy for a few minutes, but he cannot give you the power and glory I can."

Seraphina Frostwind held onto her beliefs, but Ryujin Tetsu's words were like a sharp knife with a poisonous edge, stabbing straight into her heart.

"You may convince many, but you cannot convince me. Love is not measured by strength or glory but by sincerity and understanding. I believe Snow Sky-Dog can provide me with that."

Ryujin Tetsu chuckled gently, his eyes becoming "sophisticated," a disguise for his deceit.

"Well, believe what you want. But sometimes, love needs to be tested, right?"

Seraphina Frostwind didn't answer, but deep within her mind, she experienced unpredictable turmoil, caught between genuine emotions and the effects of Ryujin Tetsu's "sophisticated" lies. In the silence, a psychological battle began within her mind.

Meanwhile, Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki had quickly left Seraphina Frostwind's house, flying back to the Academy of Divine Beings to inform Snow Sky-Dog of Ryujin Tetsu's dark plans. The sky over the Academy turned to shades of purple, a sign of a night full of events.

In Snow Sky-Dog's room, Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki detailed every aspect of Ryujin Tetsu's conspiracy and dark words. Snow Sky-Dog, with tear-blurred eyes, listened to each word, his mood a chaotic mix of anger and pain. His trust in Seraphina Frostwind was being shaken.

"What do we do now?" Snow Sky-Dog asked, his voice low and urgent.

Mizuchi Haruka tightly held Kurogami Masayuki's hand.

"We have to protect Seraphina Frostwind and expose the truth about Ryujin Tetsu. He is not worthy of her feelings."

Snow Sky-Dog felt his heart falling into a sea of emotions, but he knew he had to face the truth.

"Let's go now," Snow Sky-Dog decided, his gaze determined.

Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Seraphina Frostwind was hesitating before Ryujin Tetsu's proposal. Inside her mind, conflicting and contradictory thoughts were battling. She sensed danger from Ryujin Tetsu but also struggled to accept that Snow Sky-Dog, the one she loved, might not be perfect.

Seraphina Frostwind's internal struggle was far from over, and a new chapter in their adventure was beginning. In the darkness of the night, undisclosed secrets and crucial decisions awaited, making their journey increasingly complex.