Blossoms of Intrigue: Snow Sky-Dog's Thorny Path

"For the past few days, what has been occupying your mind, Snow Sky-Dog?" Kurogami Masayuki inquired about Snow Sky-Dog. Kurogami Masayuki showed genuine concern and worry for Snow Sky-Dog. Over the past few days, Snow Sky-Dog seemed noticeably different, not quite the same as the usual Snow Sky-Dog. Perhaps he was nurturing a plan or a scheme of some sort. The wretched Ryujin Tetsu was scheming to manipulate the feelings of Seraphina Frostwind, which made Snow Sky-Dog feel uneasy and angry.

"Nothing much, elder brother. I'm fine. Thank you for your concern!" Snow Sky-Dog replied to Kurogami Masayuki. Despite his words, his eyes and facial expressions betrayed him, revealing the unrest in his emotions.

"Really? Are you planning to deceive me, Snow Sky-Dog? I've known you for quite some time. Based on my understanding of you, I know that you are devising a creative plan to impress and win the affection of Seraphina Frostwind. Is that correct, Snow Sky-Dog?" Kurogami Masayuki asked Snow Sky-Dog, fully aware of the truth, even if Snow Sky-Dog might not admit it.

"It's true that nothing can hide the truth from your eyes, elder brother Kurogami Masayuki. You are indeed worthy of being our master's outstanding disciple. You're right; I am thinking of a unique and creative idea to outshine that wretched Ryujin Tetsu and remove him from this game," Snow Sky-Dog replied with a determined and angry tone.

"Sigh! Assume you succeed, but what about Mizuchi Haruka? Your approach to Seraphina Frostwind is due to the task our master assigned to you. But is the affection you have for Mizuchi Haruka fake?" Kurogami Masayuki spoke with a slightly disappointed and concerned tone. He felt that Snow Sky-Dog was both pitiable and blameworthy. In Kurogami Masayuki's eyes, Mizuchi Haruka was not just a sister; Snow Sky-Dog was like a younger brother. Thus, in this situation, Kurogami Masayuki felt the pressure from the significant responsibility that Snow Sky-Dog was carrying, and at the same time, he found Snow Sky-Dog detestable for causing sadness to Mizuchi Haruka. However, in reality, from Kurogami Masayuki's perspective, he also felt a bit indifferent. Since the moment he met Snow Sky-Dog at the academy gate, he sensed that Snow Sky-Dog was a god who was not only handsome but also prone to romantic entanglements with women. Indeed, the handsome appearance of Snow Sky-Dog hinted at his "charming every woman he meets" personality.

"Sigh! I don't even know how to answer your question! But I will try my best to resolve everything," Snow Sky-Dog replied, expressing discomfort and sadness in his voice and eyes. In the past few days, he had endured a lot of mental pressure. Indeed, Snow Sky-Dog was the kind of man who "charms any beautiful woman he meets," but once entangled in love affairs, he easily sank deep into emotional turmoil and could be easily manipulated psychologically. The love triangle between him, Mizuchi Haruka, and Seraphina Frostwind was genuinely stressful and challenging for him. Perhaps, his master, the Water Deity, assigned him this task not only because he was a handsome and charming god but also because he could not easily balance the complex emotions when facing romantic troubles.

After finishing his words, Snow Sky-Dog presented Kurogami Masayuki with an extremely large bouquet of red roses.

"Do you find this bouquet beautiful, elder brother?"

"999 red roses, a symbol of eternal love. This can deeply move a woman's heart! Whom do you intend to give it to? I believe it's not for Mizuchi Haruka, right, Snow Wolf?" Kurogami Masayuki asked Snow Sky-Dog with a probing look. He didn't need to ask; Kurogami Masayuki already knew the answer.

"I will give this bouquet to Seraphina Frostwind during our evening date! I need to surpass that wretched Ryujin Tetsu in both the opportunity for access and the intensity of the impression I create," Snow Sky-Dog said with a voice full of determination and anger.

"999 red roses for Seraphina Frostwind, eternal love for Seraphina Frostwind; what about your feelings for Mizuchi Haruka? Is it just a one-night stand?" Kurogami Masayuki asked Snow Sky-Dog, though he was quite indifferent to a situation he knew was "quite normal."

"Elder brother, rest assured. I will also give 999 red roses to Mizuchi Haruka right after the date tonight with Seraphina Frostwind!"

"Eternal love for two women at the same time. Do you plan to marry both girls at once, put both girls on a bed, one lying on the left, one lying on the right, and 'handle' whoever comes first depending on your mood, Snow Sky-Dog?" Kurogami Masayuki mocked Snow Sky-Dog with a tone more bitter than sarcastic.

"Don't mock me like that, elder brother! You also know that our master assigned me this task." 

"Don't involve our master in this! You, yourself, know that you are increasingly deviating from the obligation and self-awareness in the task our master assigned to you." Kurogami Masayuki said, his eyes expressing the questioning of his words.

"I don't have time to argue with you here, elder brother. I must go now!" Snow Sky-Dog, a bit dissatisfied, spread his wings, as white as snow feathers, and flew out of the Academy of the Gods.

At a familiar restaurant in the Human World,

Seraphina Frostwind sat alone in the restaurant, looking exceptionally beautiful and radiant today. She was waiting for Snow Sky-Dog. Her emotions were a mix of excitement and worry. While she eagerly anticipated Snow Sky-Dog, she also worried that he, the one she loved, would be angry with her because she had shown a determined attitude in protecting Ryujin Tetsu the last time. Suddenly, Snow Sky-Dog entered the restaurant, holding an extremely large bouquet of red roses. Upon seeing Snow Sky-Dog, Seraphina Frostwind's heart seemed to want to leap out.

Seraphina couldn't hold back her emotions when she saw Snow Sky-Dog entering with a bright red bouquet in hand. Her eyes sparkled like stars in the night, and the excitement and anxiety began to dissolve. Snow Sky-Dog approached and placed the bouquet in front of her.

"This is for you," Snow Sky-Dog said with a warm smile. "999 red roses, a symbol of eternal love. These are for you, Seraphina Frostwind."

Seraphina couldn't contain her tears. She appeared confident yet somewhat embarrassed. But for her, this bouquet wasn't just a symbol of love; it was also a certification of a significant decision.

"You truly... surprised me," Seraphina said, her voice blending into the romantic atmosphere. "But have you thought about everything?"

Snow Sky-Dog sat across from her, his eyes shining with determination. "Everything, Seraphina. I've planned and will do everything to protect you and us from the cruelty and cunning of Ryujin Tetsu."

Seraphina Frostwind looked into Snow Sky-Dog's eyes; it wasn't just love, but also trust. She knew he had considered every aspect and was ready to face any challenges.

While they were enjoying the sweet atmosphere of their dinner date, not far away, Ryujin Tetsu sat alone, his eyes keenly following every move of the Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind couple. A cruel smile appeared on his face.

"Playing fair isn't interesting at all," Ryujin Tetsu whispered to himself. "But this game is far from over. Snow Sky-Dog, the Snow Deity, have you seen even a glimpse of my true power?"

Meanwhile, Mizuchi Haruka was in another corner of the restaurant, her eyes filled with sadness as she watched Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind. A dark veil covered her heart.

Complex developments and significant decisions were unfolding in their universe, promising that the adventure would continue with many surprises and challenges waiting ahead.