Whose Garment Shall Fall First?

A Morning at the Academy of the Gods

Kurogami Masayuki always rose as the first deity in the academy, greeting the splendid sunrise that illuminated the campus. But as Kurogami Masayuki woke up, he saw Snow Sky-Dog sitting still like a statue. Perhaps Snow Sky-Dog was contemplating something of great importance.

"You didn't sleep at all last night, Snow Sky-Dog?"

"Yes, elder brother! I didn't sleep at all last night!" Snow Sky-Dog replied, his voice betraying exhaustion.

"Did you have such a delightful rendezvous with Seraphina Frostwind last night that you couldn't sleep from happiness?" Kurogami Masayuki mocked Snow Sky-Dog again. Although Kurogami Masayuki teased Snow Sky-Dog, he understood why Snow Sky-Dog stayed awake all night.

"Why do you always mock me like this, Kurogami Masayuki? Is there ever a day when you're not mocking me, a day when you're not happy?" Snow Sky-Dog responded wearily. He felt too familiar with Kurogami Masayuki's habit of psychologically frustrating others. If one day Snow Sky-Dog didn't charm women, perhaps he would find his meals less appetizing. Similarly, if one day Kurogami Masayuki didn't mock Snow Sky-Dog's romantic affairs, he would also find his meals less enjoyable.

"Sigh! I don't even know what to say about your love affair anymore! That love affair is truly complicated. I just want to remind you that today you have a date with Mizuchi Haruka. Don't be late!" Kurogami Masayuki said, his voice and expression showing weariness and concern.

"I know, elder brother! I'm thinking about it!" Snow Sky-Dog replied with a tired voice.

"Just seducing a girl! Why do you have to think so much about it?" Kurogami Masayuki continued to taunt Snow Sky-Dog, perhaps not wanting Snow Sky-Dog to find a way out.

"Last night, Mizuchi Haruka appeared at the restaurant where Seraphina Frostwind and I had our date." Snow Sky-Dog looked at Kurogami Masayuki as if pleading.

"What? Really? You're not joking, are you?" Kurogami Masayuki exclaimed in surprise, truly not believing his very sharp ears.

"I'm not joking! At that time, while talking to Seraphina Frostwind, I saw her crying at a table in a dark corner of the restaurant where Seraphina Frostwind and I had our date." Snow Sky-Dog said with a face that seemed to be trying to hide embarrassment.

"You're truly a terrible man! Lucky for you, I wasn't at that restaurant last night, or I would have given you a good beating right there!" Kurogami Masayuki exclaimed with a tone of both weariness and surprise. Snow Sky-Dog said nothing. He placed in front of Kurogami Masayuki a bouquet of roses, extremely large, but different from the bouquet he gave Seraphina Frostwind yesterday; different in that this bouquet of roses was sea green.

"Do you find my green rose bouquet beautiful? I'm dedicating this bouquet to Mizuchi Haruka for our date today!" Snow Sky-Dog gazed fixedly at the green rose bouquet.

"The Green Rose symbolizes pure love. 999 roses symbolize eternal love. You're quite the trickster, Snow Sky-Dog! I think you want to bring two women onto the same bed! Tell me, Snow Sky-Dog, whose clothes will you take off first? Who will you 'handle' first?" Kurogami Masayuki maintained his mocking attitude without changing.

"Elder brother, I used to think you cared about me, but perhaps you entirely belong to Mizuchi Haruka's side. So in this academy, no one cares about me, no one stands by me!" Snow Sky-Dog sighed with frustration. "If that's the case, then I won't talk to you anymore, I'm leaving!" Snow Sky-Dog spread his wings, white as snow feathers, and flew out of the academy. He flew to the Human World and landed at the familiar restaurant where he often had dates with two beautiful girls.

At the Restaurant in the Human World

Mizuchi Haruka was sitting in the restaurant waiting for Snow Sky-Dog. Perhaps she was getting impatient. But truly, today she was extremely beautiful because she had risen early to carefully put on makeup and prepare the outfit that would impress Snow Sky-Dog the most. Snow Sky-Dog stood in front of the restaurant, hesitating, then he summoned all his courage and charm to put on the happiest face, although he felt a sense of sorrow as if wanting his heart to stop beating. But as he stepped into the restaurant, he felt very surprised, and his joy returned to him. Mizuchi Haruka today was truly beautiful. A beauty that was hard to refuse.

"Mizuchi Haruka, you look beautiful today," Snow Sky-Dog said gently, his eyes full of admiration. "You truly look radiant."

Mizuchi Haruka smiled like a flower, her hair so sensual and charming, the lipstick enhancing her gentle beauty. "Thank you, Snow Sky-Dog," she replied, her voice like a soothing melody expressing optimism. "You're handsome too."

The two sat down at the table, the atmosphere becoming warmer and more intimate. The conversation flowed easily, from profound topics to simpler ones. Time seemed to pass quickly, they were engrossed in each other's presence, and the outside world seemed less important.

As the evening drew to a close, Snow Sky-Dog realized that he had found something special in Mizuchi Haruka. She wasn't just a woman to him, but also a companion, someone who understood him more than anyone else.

As they parted ways, Snow Sky-Dog felt a sense of regret, longing to spend more time with Mizuchi Haruka. And as he watched her disappear into the night, he knew this was just the beginning of their journey.

Every step Snow Sky-Dog took seemed to bring him closer to Mizuchi Haruka. In the days that followed, they grew closer, sharing the joys and sorrows of life. Mizuchi Haruka became a great source of encouragement for Snow Sky Dog, and he became her reliable companion.

In their world, love wasn't just about romance but also understanding and respect. Snow Sky-Dog learned a lot from Mizuchi Haruka, and each day he grew, becoming a stronger and more admirable man.

But alongside the joys, challenges were awaiting them. Life was never all roses, and they would have to face the difficulties and trials that life brought.

And then, as the light began to fade, darkness crept into their lives bit by bit, Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka would have to face together the mysteries and dangers ahead.

No matter how difficult the journey, with love and patience, they believed they would overcome every obstacle to find the most precious thing - true happiness and meaning in life.

Meanwhile, Snow Sky-Dog was still entangled in a relationship with Seraphina Frostwind, the beautiful human girl. His mentor had tasked him with approaching Seraphina Frostwind to exploit the huge secret she held. As the mission was not yet completed, Snow Sky-Dog would still have to interact with Seraphina Frostwind. Seraphina Frostwind innocently loved Snow Sky-Dog with all her sincere feelings in her heart. She did not know Snow Sky-Dog's mission. Seraphina Frostwind was also very beautiful and gentle, not inferior to Mizuchi Haruka. Faced with two equally beautiful women who loved him with the purest love in their hearts, Snow Sky-Dog didn't know what to do. And this love triangle continued.