Chapter 53: Whispers of Snow and Sun

"Kurogami Masayuki, Mizuchi Haruka, please come closer, I have something very important to tell you both," said Snow Sky-Dog. Although Snow Sky-Dog didn't intentionally appear mysterious, his facial expression seemed to suggest otherwise.

"What's up, Snow Sky-Dog? Don't tell me what you're about to say involves Seraphina Frostwind, your beautiful but arrogant human friend!" Mizuchi Haruka teased Snow Sky-Dog with a voice as sweet as honey and a smile as radiant as the morning sun rising at dawn.

"You got that right, Mizuchi Haruka. What I want to tell you is indeed about Seraphina Frostwind!"

"What? You're bringing that up as a response to what I just said, Snow Sky-Dog? Is Seraphina Frostwind the only thing on your mind, or is there something even more important than her?" Mizuchi Haruka retorted, though perhaps she had misunderstood something.

"You've got it all wrong, Mizuchi Haruka! Seraphina Frostwind wants to meet all three of us because we saved her friend, Yama Oni, in the battle against Ryujin Tetsu, the 'Steel Dragon,' a month ago."

"Oh, I see! Snow Sky-Dog, I apologize sincerely!" Mizuchi Haruka felt a twinge of embarrassment within her. Perhaps her feminine and alluring way of apologizing when embarrassed played a role.

"Snow Sky-Dog, why don't you head to the dining hall for lunch? Mizuchi Haruka needs time for makeup and outfit preparation. Women take a long time to get ready before going out! So, please be patient with her! You go and enjoy the delicious food this academy offers! I'll stay here to assist Mizuchi Haruka as an advisor," said Kurogami Masayuki in a slow-paced tone. It was time for him to help Mizuchi Haruka in the battle for Snow Sky-Dog's affection, a battle between her and Seraphina Frostwind. Although Kurogami Masayuki knew this meeting among the four of them had a mission-oriented aspect, he also saw it as an opportunity to help Mizuchi Haruka seduce Snow Sky-Dog and send a message to Seraphina Frostwind about who Snow Sky-Dog's girlfriend truly was.

"Very well! In that case, I'll go for lunch now. I'm starving! See you both at the familiar restaurant in the Human World! Mizuchi Haruka, remember not to pick a fight with Seraphina Frostwind! She might inform us about the whereabouts of the fourth magical item, so don't complicate things out of jealousy!" Snow Sky-Dog exited the small room, leaving Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki behind.

"Hmph, that Snow Sky-Dog thinks I'll start trouble with Seraphina Frostwind! Seraphina Frostwind, Seraphina Frostwind, it's always about Seraphina Frostwind! I don't understand if she's much prettier than me or if she used some kind of charm on Snow Sky-Dog to make him so infatuated with her. But I do sincerely thank you, big brother, Kurogami Masayuki! You did well earlier. If I have to go to that restaurant in the Human World, then I must look truly beautiful," Mizuchi Haruka muttered.

"You don't need to thank me, Mizuchi Haruka! Instead, you should focus on doing your makeup and getting dressed! Today, you must look the most dazzling. I'll wait out here," Kurogami Masayuki replied.

"Alright, big brother, you wait for me a bit!" Mizuchi Haruka entered the dressing room, preparing everything like a strategist planning a major campaign – a campaign to win Snow Sky-Dog's affection and the most important place in his heart.

I know how long your "little while" can be, Mizuchi Haruka, but rest assured, I'll wait out here! Today, make yourself truly stand out. I'll be waiting," Kurogami Masayuki murmured to himself. He wished that Mizuchi Haruka would fall in love with him with all the sincere affection in her heart, rather than the Snow Sky-Dog, the wolf who specialized in seducing women. However, this wish of Kurogami Masayuki would forever remain unrealized, kept deep within the recesses of his mind. Because Mizuchi Haruka would never love him, he had to try his best to make her happy with Snow Sky Dog. Though Kurogami Masayuki's wish would never come true, he still enjoyed the surprise of Mizuchi Haruka's beauty every time she did her makeup and prepared her outfit to go to the restaurant she was so familiar with in the Human World. At this moment, Mizuchi Haruka looked stunning beyond imagination!

Mizuchi Haruka delicately closed the dressing room door and stood before the mirror, the bright light from outside shimmering on her fair face. With each stroke of makeup, she crafted an elegant, enticing beauty that remained natural. Mizuchi Haruka couldn't help but marvel at her beauty, knowing that behind that refined makeup lay her confidence and inner strength.

Carefully selecting her outfit, Mizuchi Haruka chose a sparkling blue dress reminiscent of a river under the night sky, complemented by exquisite accessories that weren't overly extravagant. The form-fitting dress gently accentuated her slender and graceful figure, while the subtle gold and gemstone details added sophistication and elegance to her beauty.

Before leaving the room, Mizuchi Haruka looked deeply into her own eyes, sensing her confidence and determination. She knew today wasn't just an ordinary meeting; it was an opportunity to showcase her allure and talent.

As she stepped out of the room, Mizuchi Haruka caught a glimpse of admiration from Kurogami Masayuki, which made her feel proud and encouraged.

"Thank you," she smiled, continuing with confidence and determination, ready to face any challenge ahead.

Kurogami Masayuki noticed the special radiance emanating from Mizuchi Haruka's beauty as she stepped out of the dressing room. He couldn't help but be astonished by her dazzling beauty, like a bright star in the night sky.

"You look stunning," he said, his gaze genuinely warm.

Mizuchi Haruka nodded gratefully and walked away confidently. She felt ready to confront any challenge, and today, she would maximize her beauty and talent.

Before stepping out of the room, Mizuchi Haruka took a deep breath, savoring every moment. She knew this wasn't just about makeup and outfit preparation; it was about asserting herself, honoring all the efforts and bravery she had put into every battle, from magical duels to inner struggles.

Mizuchi Haruka's footsteps echoed on the floor, like powerful sounds from the steps of a queen leaving her castle to face the outside world. She wasn't just a beautiful girl; she was a symbol of strength and power.

As she stepped out of the door, Mizuchi Haruka looked ahead with confidence and determination. Her heart was pounding, but the sense of control and readiness to face any challenge was what she felt most clearly.

With a confident smile, Mizuchi Haruka walked towards the new challenges awaiting her outside, hoping that each step she took would lead to promising new paths and every encounter would be an opportunity to showcase her beauty and strength.