Chapter 54: The Enigmatic Odyssey of Seraphina Frostwind

"When will Seraphina Frostwind arrive? I've been waiting for so long!" sighed Kurogami Masayuki in frustration.

"Elder brother, please be patient! Seraphina Frostwind will probably arrive soon! She's usually punctual when she goes out with me!" Snow Sky-Dog defended his beautiful girlfriend.

"That's when she's out with you! This time, she's made all three of us gods wait in exhaustion!" Kurogami Masayuki retorted with a hint of annoyance.

"Elder brother, please be patient a little longer, she'll probably be here soon!" Mizuchi Haruka also spoke up in defense of Seraphina Frostwind. Perhaps Seraphina Frostwind also took a long time to do makeup and prepare her outfit like Mizuchi Haruka.

"I'm here! I apologize for keeping you waiting, but I bring you extremely important information about the eight most powerful magical artifacts lost for ages in all three worlds. I'm sure all three mighty gods like yourselves will appreciate my news!" Seraphina Frostwind opened the glass door decorated with exquisite patterns of the human world restaurant. As Seraphina Frostwind entered the restaurant, all three gods were surprised by her splendid, graceful beauty.

"Seraphina Frostwind, you look stunning today! Come, sit next to me!" Snow Sky-Dog eagerly stood up and led Seraphina Frostwind to sit next to him.

Seeing Snow Sky-Dog's action, Mizuchi Haruka thought to herself, "Hmm, the snow wolf is a womanizer! He doesn't even care that I'm sitting right next to him. Snow Sky-Dog, you're despicable! Snow Sky-Dog, you're indeed the kind of man who specializes in seducing beautiful, young women!"

But amidst everyone's astonishment at Seraphina Frostwind's appearance, only Kurogami Masayuki remained calm. He didn't bother to stand up; he simply lifted his glass of wine gently, gazing intently at Seraphina Frostwind with a meaningful look.

Her beauty was undeniable, but what was more captivating was Seraphina Frostwind's gracefulness and confidence in every gesture. Her steps were as agile as a skilled dancer, accentuating every exquisite curve of her body, making her look like a living painting of beauty and power.

"I apologize for my tardiness, but the message I bring is truly important," Seraphina said with a serene yet alluring tone. "The magical artifacts we've been searching for, they're no longer lost."

Her words reflected depth and knowledge, making everyone unable to help but listen attentively. Seraphina Frostwind was not just a beauty; she was also a person of profound knowledge, someone who understood the secrets of all three worlds.

But as everyone focused on her words, Mizuchi Haruka couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. She thought about Snow Sky-Dog's eagerness, but at the same time, she also felt proud of her beauty and talent. Amidst those thoughts, she had to maintain a calm and patient demeanor, ready to face new challenges and opportunities.

"Snow Sky-Dog, Mizuchi Haruka, and Kurogami Masayuki thank you for helping me rescue my childhood friend, Yama Oni. Yama Oni hasn't just been a close friend to me since childhood; he's also someone I owe gratitude to. When I was a child, he took care of me. If you hadn't intervened in time, he might have lost his life to that villain Ryujin Tetsu, who's over 1000 years old. You're right, Ryujin Tetsu approached me to seek revenge on all three of you; another more despicable reason he approached me was to seize the eight oldest and most powerful magical artifacts in all three worlds. Snow Sky-Dog, you're right, the robbery and the 'massacre' to rescue me were all orchestrated by that shameless villain. Snow Sky-Dog, my beloved, I'm deeply sorry! I apologize to you for doubting you, for rejecting your intervention, for not appreciating your help, and, even worse, for defending that scoundrel, Ryujin Tetsu, a villain filled with base desires and darkness in his eyes. The way he looked at me was nothing like your straightforward gaze when you look at me. His gaze seemed to want to strip my clothes off and force me into bed immediately. I apologize to you for the words I said to you when I defended and protected that scoundrel. But now, the first thing I want to say to you is that you should have a clear attitude and decision in our relationship, yours, mine, and Mizuchi Haruka's. I don't want my future husband, the man I trust and entrust my lifelong happiness to, to love many beautiful women at the same time. If you didn't love many beautiful women at the same time, perhaps that scoundrel Ryujin Tetsu wouldn't have had a reason to make me trust him and doubt you!"

Seraphina Frostwind's words made the atmosphere in the restaurant even more solemn. All eyes turned to her, and everyone listened carefully to her every word, but many also felt surprised by her strong and straightforward statements.

Snow Sky-Dog, though initially taken aback, later sobered up and stood up, his eyes full of sympathy as he looked at Seraphina.

"Seraphina, thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I apologize if I made you sad, and I'm willing to explain everything. I indeed made mistakes, and I promise to try not to repeat them."

Mizuchi Haruka still maintained a contemplative demeanor, but her eyes were now confident and determined.

"Seraphina, we've been through many difficulties, and our relationship has also been through many twists and turns. But I believe we can overcome any challenge if we understand and respect each other."

Kurogami Masayuki, though still aloof, couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart.

"Seraphina, I agree with what you said. We must face the truth and resolve all issues honestly and strongly."

With understanding and determination, everyone sat down together and began to discuss the next steps in the journey to find the important magical artifacts, while also taking the time to clarify all conflicts and understand each other better. Seraphina Frostwind, Snow Sky-Dog, Mizuchi Haruka, and Kurogami Masayuki - four friends, three gods, and a beautiful, intelligent human girl, stood close together, ready to face all difficulties and challenges in the upcoming journey.

In the solemn atmosphere, the responses of Snow Sky-Dog, Mizuchi Haruka, and Kurogami Masayuki eased the tension in the group. Seraphina Frostwind felt lighter knowing that they were all willing to open up and understand. The friends stood together, proving the strength of friendship and trust, and from there, they were ready to embark on the next challenges of the journey.

But outside, under the night sky, shadows were also quietly dancing. Enemies lurked ceaselessly, and conspiracies intertwined one after another. Each character's heart harbored secrets, anxieties, and desires. This journey didn't end there; it was just the beginning of deeper mysteries, unseen dangers, and relationships that would be tested over time.

And under the twinkling stars, Seraphina Frostwind and her companions would continue their journey, not only to search for the lost magical artifacts but also to explore more about themselves and the world around them. They were ready to face every challenge and discover every aspect of life, looking towards the future with hope and determination.

And with colorful and magical new stories, the adventure of Seraphina Frostwind and her comrades would continue, marking a new chapter in their journey toward greatness and immortality.