Chapter 73: The Celestial Quest

"Snow Sky-Dog, a few days ago, your elder brother and sister, Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka, sought my advice. Are you here today seeking guidance as well, Snow Sky-Dog?"

"Indeed, my master, Water Ancestor of the Gods, you have only guessed partially right! While I do seek your advice for myself, that is not the primary reason I've come to your office today. The most crucial reason for my visit is to inquire about a particularly formidable character, about whom you might possess information."

"The Right Arm of the Dragon King - 'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku, you wish to learn about this deity, correct, Snow Sky-Dog?"

"Indeed, so! Master, you truly are a seer and a sage of the world of gods!"

"Snow Sky-Dog, heed my every word! 'Desert Dragon Ryujin Sabaku was once a student of this academy. He delighted in sparring with fellow students. He was as proud and defiant as 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu, but more cunning. If 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu is a sharp blade that cuts steel as easily as slicing fruit, then 'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku is a blade just the same, but coated with an extremely potent poison! 'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku is not merely an evil deity; he is exceedingly cunning, and his danger surpasses that of a merely cunning god."

"Could you elaborate more clearly and precisely, dear master?"

"'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku successfully mastered the magic of transforming his body into a phenomenon within the natural world. With this magic, any physical attacks are ineffective against him. He possesses the power of sand. He can turn his body into a sandstorm, rendering your ice harmless. Furthermore, he can drain the fluid from any creature's body, be it human, deity, demon, monster, or youkai."

"Is there any way to counter this magic, my esteemed master?"

"Only one type of magic can counter 'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku's power! But in this academy, I am not the instructor for such a skill. Neither you nor Kurogami Masayuki can learn it from any teacher here!"

"Could you be more specific, master?"

"There is a magic that inflicts extremely high damage on those who can turn their bodies into entirely natural phenomena like your fire or Kurogami Masayuki's lightning. This magic operates on a principle: covering the user's entire body with a material layer not too thick but extremely tough. And the most peculiar aspect of this material layer is that it inflicts incredibly high damage on the bodies of any creature in all three worlds."

"But, master, you mentioned that my fire and Kurogami Masayuki's lightning are also entirely natural phenomena, so why can't we be immune to physical damage?"

"That is because the two gods can only use that power from nature, but your bodies are not entirely fire and lightning. The proficiency in using the natural magic power of the two gods is far inferior to that of 'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku! 'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku can turn his entire body into a sandstorm, whereas both of you can only cover your bodies with flames of extreme heat or lightning bolts of extremely high electric current!"

"So why can't I and Kurogami Masayuki cover our bodies with the miraculous substance capable of inflicting damage made from 'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku's sandstorm?"

"That is because of the specific nature of the magic power system you both possess. Snow Sky-Dog, if you only possessed the power system associated with that name, you could cover your body with that miraculous substance. Because when you are Snow Sky-Dog, you wield the power of ice. Ice is a solid entity so you could cover your body with this special material. But you also have a second combat form, The Ice Fire Celestial Canine. The Ice Fire Celestial Canine also possesses the power of fire. Fire is a substance without a fixed shape, so it cannot be covered with this material. Kurogami Masayuki is similar to you; he possesses the power of lightning, which, like fire, lacks a fixed shape, so neither of you can learn this type of magic. Snow Sky-Dog, I regret this!"

"Then Mizuchi Haruka could learn this magic, as she possesses the power of diamonds. Diamonds have a fixed shape so that she can cover her body with this special material made from her diamonds. Is that correct, my esteemed master?"

"Snow Sky-Dog, you are indeed an intelligent student; I was right in choosing you as a direct trainee! "

"What is the name of this magic, my venerable master?"

"This magic is called 'Colors of Armament.'"

"Which deity can teach Mizuchi Haruka this magic?"

"There is only one deity, that is the War God Bishamonten!"

Snow Sky-Dog listened to every word of the Water Ancestor of the Gods with profound interest. He felt like a warrior facing a new and dangerous challenge. Before him, the image of Ryujin Sabaku, a cunning and dangerous god, appeared as a formidable challenge. However, in Snow Sky-Dog's heart, determination and courage remained undiminished.

"Master," Snow Sky-Dog spoke, his voice melodious like wind chimes in the breeze, "I understand now. To confront that danger, we need the guidance of the War God Bishamonten."

The Water Ancestor of the Gods nodded, his gaze deep as the endless sea. "Bishamonten, the god of war and justice, will instruct Mizuchi Haruka. But remember, Snow Sky-Dog, on this path, patience and loyalty are also the two most important weapons."

A glimmer of hope sparkled in Snow Sky-Dog's eyes. He couldn't help but admire the profound understanding and solid knowledge of the Water Ancestor of the Gods. In his heart, belief in their ability to overcome any challenge burned brightly like a fierce flame.

"Thank you, master," Snow Sky-Dog bowed, genuine gratitude emanating from the depths of his heart, "we will never forget what you have taught us."

With fierce determination, Snow Sky-Dog and his comrades would continue their journey, ready to face any difficulty and challenge ahead, hoping that the guidance of the War God Bishamonten would lead them through every hardship and to victory in the battle against Ryujin Sabaku, the wicked and cunning god.

Snow Sky-Dog's heart resonated with the music of hope. He knew that ahead lay daunting challenges, but patience and loyalty would be the bright torches guiding them through every hardship. The Water Ancestor of the Gods' final advice had left a deep imprint on his soul, a steadfast motivation to move forward.

Looking up at the sky, Snow Sky-Dog sensed the boundless power from the universe, an endless source of inspiration for the journey ahead. His heart beat strongly, affirming his determination and unwavering courage.

"We will never surrender," declared Snow Sky-Dog, his tone resolute, "with the guidance of the War God Bishamonten, we will triumph and defeat Ryujin Sabaku!"

His eyes gleamed brightly on the canvas of the future, where they would prove their valor and determination. A new adventure was about to begin, and Snow Sky-Dog along with his comrades stood ready to face every challenge and obstacle, to protect the world from the malevolence of Ryujin Sabaku.