Chapter 74: The Divine Warriors' Quest

"Snow Sky-Dog, are you serious? Do you truly believe that only I can defeat a fearsome and ruthless deity like 'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku?"

"Indeed, Mizuchi Haruka. My elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki, and I were powerless against the strange magic he wielded. His magic transformed his entire body into a natural phenomenon, an entity of nature; his body ceased to be that of a living creature and became a form that could not be harmed by conventional attacks. Only you, Mizuchi Haruka, have the potential to learn the specific magic capable of countering his. War Deity Bishamonten will instruct you with utmost enthusiasm. Therefore, Mizuchi Haruka, my beloved, strive onward!"

"But Snow Sky-Dog, I've heard other students in the academy saying that War Deity Bishamonten is the strictest instructor here. I'm genuinely worried, Snow Sky-Dog!"

"Everything will be fine, Mizuchi Haruka! Wherever you sit, that place becomes a throne."

"Could you stop jesting, Snow Sky-Dog! Are you still joking at this moment? Why don't you become a poet instead of a warrior of the divine world? You always manage to use such impressive metaphors to captivate others' minds. But, Snow Sky-Dog, reality is different from novels and poems! Those who confuse ideals with reality will never find peace in their lives! I'm sure you've heard this saying many times, so why do I have to remind you of this truth, Snow Sky-Dog? Your artistic spirit may be alluring to women at times, but for a woman, only the romance of literature is not enough to win her heart. On the other hand, a great and fierce battle between us gods and the rebellious youkai is imminent. Therefore, we, the divine warriors, must elevate our fighting spirit like the sun itself. Instead of relying on such unrealistic metaphors!"

As Mizuchi Haruka seemed a bit agitated, she heard the calm voices of Kurogami Masayuki, her elder brother, and Snow Sky Dog.

"Mizuchi Haruka, Snow Sky-Dog may favor using special metaphors, but the truth is he also possesses a very realistic outlook on life! The fact is, you're concerned about the transmission of knowledge and the high discipline spirit of War Deity Bishamonten; but as Snow Sky-Dog said, you, Mizuchi Haruka, are truly a very special goddess in all three worlds!"

While Snow Sky-Dog, Mizuchi Haruka, and Kurogami Masayuki discussed how to prepare to face War Deity Bishamonten, a sudden event occurred. It was the attack of a youkai force on a small village near the gods' academy.

Snow Sky-Dog's comrades couldn't sit idly. They decided to intervene immediately to protect the villagers from the youkai's cruelty.

"I think we can't wait any longer," Kurogami Masayuki stated decisively. "We must act now before the situation worsens."

Mizuchi Haruka, though concerned about this sudden attack, couldn't shirk her responsibility. "You're right," she said, her eyes gleaming with determination. "We must stand up and protect the weak. Let's go, we can't let anyone suffer this brutality."

Facing the unfolding event, both Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka reacted vehemently, while only Snow Sky-Dog remained calm and composed. Indeed, as Kurogami Masayuki mentioned, Snow Sky-Dog wasn't just a god inhaling the aesthetic essence of literature and exhaling great ideas with his metaphors; he was also very pragmatic.

"This might be a trick of that wretch 'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku. If we don't keep a clear head like ice, we'll fall into his scheme. I'm sure the youkai attacking the village aren't too formidable. I'm not saying this as a cowardly god, one who avoids the responsibility of protecting the human world's people. But I want to say that this event is just a bluff from the dragon clan's power. That scoundrel 'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku is a deity with many schemes. He wants to lure all three of us gods away from this academy, and then he'll destroy all three of us. Think about it, now that none of us can harm his sand body. So what's the point of leaving this academy and fighting? People find hope in tales of heroes. But no hero is interested in their funeral unless the hero being sent off isn't themselves. That's right! No true hero is willing to foolishly throw away their life! Because a foolish death is worthless! Now, what's necessary is for you, Mizuchi Haruka, a very special goddess, to quickly learn the magic capable of harming 'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku's special body. This magic is called 'Color of Arms'. Mizuchi Haruka, you must bravely face the strictness of War Deity Bishamonten, for that is a challenge you cannot evade. Instead of fleeing, why not courageously confront it?"

While Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka faced worries and challenges, Kurogami Masayuki's voice remained calm and powerful.

"That's right," he said, his eyes shining with determination. "We can't evade these difficulties and mustn't let our guard down against the challenges of 'Desert Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku. But what's important is to maintain our spirits and find ways to deal with them."

Snow Sky-Dog nodded in agreement.

"You're right. We can't accept failure against an enemy, no matter how powerful. We must find weaknesses and exploit them."

Mizuchi Haruka, though still feeling anxious, felt her heart filled with strength and determination.

"I won't run away," she said, her tone strong. "I'll face this challenge and learn everything War Deity Bishamonten can teach me."

All three gods understood that they were facing a great challenge, but they didn't falter. With determined spirits and belief in each other, they were ready to confront the impending dangers, not only to protect the world from the youkai's evil but also to prove themselves as true heroes, willing to sacrifice for everyone's peace.

"Mizuchi Haruka, War Deity Bishamonten said he wants to meet you tomorrow. He wants to meet the goddess who has achieved many feats in recovering the 8 lost magical artifacts across all three worlds. But that's tomorrow's business; for now, let's go have lunch! My stomach's been 'protesting'!"

"Oh, Snow Sky-Dog! You truly know how to flatter women! We've recovered 4 of the 8 lost magical artifacts, thanks to you and Kurogami Masayuki, while I just stood watching you two fight the enemy. But well, thank you for flattering me. Now let's go have lunch; I'm starving!"

A warm sensation permeated the air as all three deities stepped out of the room. Their hearts brim with hope and determination, ready to confront the challenges ahead. Despite the daunting journey, they knew that with unity and unwavering trust in one another, they could overcome any adversity.

In the shade of trees and grass, sunlight filtered through, painting exquisite natural landscapes. It was a depiction of life, hope, and boundless strength that they were dedicating themselves to protect.

With a lunch filled with joy and laughter, they momentarily set aside their worries and tensions. Yet, in the depth of each one's heart, they knew that the battle was far from over, and they must be prepared to face the impending trials.

Under the deep blue sky, the adventure of the three deities would continue, and their story was far from concluded. The pages of destiny still hold many mysteries waiting to be unfolded, and they will ceaselessly seek answers, not only for themselves but also for all three worlds.