Chapter 90: The Eternal Journey: Hope Amidst Turmoil

On a tranquil morning atop a small hill, where Seraphina Frostwind's modest oak wood house resided, the cheerful sounds emanating from the kitchen added a touch of warmth to the picturesque natural scene, bringing a sense of peace to Seraphina Frostwind's surroundings, the life of this beautiful human girl. Seraphina Frostwind was preparing breakfast for herself. Despite living alone in this small oak wood house, Seraphina Frostwind was fully capable of taking care of herself: she cooked as skillfully as a royal chef, a chef beloved by the king for his culinary talents. As Seraphina Frostwind finished preparing a sumptuous breakfast consisting of frog porridge, sautéed squid with onions, and fried chicken wings, a delightful aroma wafted into her keen nose. Just then, someone rang the doorbell. Seraphina Frostwind hurriedly went to open the door, not yet having arranged the food on plates. She saw Snow Sky-Dog holding a gigantic rose in his hand, dressed like a prince - he stood before her, with a smile that was irresistibly charming, captivating even the iciest of girls (Seraphina Frostwind was not icy, but she held herself in high esteem, yet she couldn't resist the enchantment of Snow Sky-Dog's extremely appealing smile). Seraphina Frostwind was about to rush to Snow Sky-Dog and embrace him when she suddenly reminded herself that she and Snow Sky-Dog had broken up. She knew very well that Snow Sky-Dog truly loved her, but she was angry at him for obeying his master's direct order to gather information about the eight extremely powerful magical items she possessed information about.

"Why are you here? We've already broken up! Aren't you, Snow Sky-Dog, a god who knows no shame?"

"I never give up on my love for you, Seraphina Frostwind! I will try my best to have you back in my arms, arms always open to embrace you with the utmost love!"

"You only care about the eight magical items you're trying to retrieve! You don't truly love me!"

"Those eight magical items are merely what led me to you - it's fate! They are not as important as your place in my heart, Seraphina Frostwind!"

"You should go back to your god academy and date Mizuchi Haruka! Then you two gods can marry each other! I don't want to see your handsome, charming face but showing hypocrisy in love anymore!"

"Seraphina Frostwind, please forgive me!"

"Snow Sky-Dog, I don't hear anything you're saying! You go, take all your deceitfulness you've given me elsewhere. This place does not welcome you, Snow Sky-Dog!"

Seraphina Frostwind closed the door firmly and went inside her house. Snow Sky-Dog tried to create a commotion outside the house, but all he got in return was the closed door and Seraphina Frostwind's adamant rejection.

Those rejections came as a shock to Snow Sky-Dog, but he knew that this girl was holding onto her principles and dignity.

With a heavy heart, Snow Sky-Dog walked away, leaving only his lonely silhouette in front of Seraphina Frostwind's door. In her heart, there was pain and doubt about the future.

Seraphina Frostwind stood still in her house, her eyes cold but deep. She couldn't deny that Snow Sky-Dog's words still stirred her soul, but her dignity and pride held her firm.

In a moment of silence, she looked out the window, observing the serene scenery of the hill. The gentle breeze carried regrets through her mind, but her heart remained turbulent, angry like a storm raging over the vast ocean. She knew she needed time to think, to determine right from wrong in her life.

Meanwhile, Snow Sky-Dog walked away from the hill, his heart like a shattered castle, feeling lost amidst the darkness and loneliness. He knew turning his back and leaving was the right decision, but his heart ached at the image of Seraphina Frostwind closing the door in front of him.

Each step further was an emotion of betrayal that he reluctantly caused Seraphina Frostwind, a part of life he couldn't predict. With each step, he felt the loneliness rising in his heart, but it was also freedom, a longing to rediscover himself in a heart that refused to give up when there was still hope to light his path.

On top of the hill, Seraphina Frostwind stood there, watching Snow Sky-Dog's fading steps. Her heart was torn between hope and pain, between the right decision and unspoken regrets. But she knew, no matter what, life would go on, and she had to move forward, not just for herself but for the future she wanted to build.

Far on the distant path, Snow Sky-Dog felt like he was embarking on a new journey, a journey to find the meaning of life and rediscover himself. Despite all the difficulties, he knew at the end of that path there would be a light, a condition necessary for him to start anew.

With deep thoughts, two individuals went their separate ways, but there would always be a part of them that couldn't be separated, a part of the past that would always be part of the future.

In the following days, Seraphina Frostwind lived in the silence and loneliness of her oak wood house. In her heart, there was still the heaviness of betrayal and hurt from Snow Sky-Dog's words. With each passing day, she felt more despondent and impatient with herself. She felt stranded amidst a sea of people, in a world she didn't know how to face.

Meanwhile, Snow Sky-Dog began his journey with determination and perseverance. He felt each step as a liberation, as an opportunity to rediscover himself. But fears and doubts lingered in his mind like ghosts of the past always lurking in his thoughts.

On a quiet afternoon, as scattered golden sunlight streamed through dense trees, Seraphina Frostwind sat alone by a small stream near her house. She looked down at the calm water, but in her heart, she still felt uneasy and worried about the future.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared from afar. It was Mizuchi Haruka, a deity with captivating charm and allure. Mizuchi Haruka approached, her eyes deep but warm.

"Seraphina Frostwind, I've heard about the parting between you and Snow Sky-Dog," Mizuchi Haruka said, her tone gentle yet persuasive. "I'm not here to intrude into your life, but I want you to know that, sometimes, life can bring us the most unexpected things."

Seraphina Frostwind stared into Mizuchi Haruka's eyes, feeling a small glimmer of hope, like a light in the darkness.

"Perhaps you're right," Seraphina Frostwind replied, her tone gentle but skeptical. "But I don't know if I can trust that."

Mizuchi Haruka smiled gently, placing her hand on Seraphina Frostwind's shoulder.

"Sometimes, to find the answer, we need to courageously face our pains and fears," Mizuchi Haruka shared. "The journey is not just about finding life's purpose, but also about understanding ourselves and liberating our freedom."

Seraphina Frostwind looked into Mizuchi Haruka's deep eyes, feeling warmth and comfort from her words. A new hope began to stir in her heart like a ray of light breaking through the storm in her mind.

"Sorry, I cannot help you return to Snow Sky-Dog," Mizuchi Haruka continued, "But I believe, you will find your path, and eventually, you will rediscover joy and happiness."

With a farewell, Mizuchi Haruka left, leaving Seraphina Frostwind alone with thoughts and feelings about life and the future.

In her heart, a new ray of hope had sprung, and she decided to courageously move forward on her path, to seek meaning and happiness in life.

Though Seraphina Frostwind's pride and dignity still held her firm, she couldn't deny the optimism arising from her conversation with Mizuchi Haruka. The light of hope had entered her soul, opening up a bright scene amidst the storm in her mind.

Watching Mizuchi Haruka's steps fade away, Seraphina Frostwind felt a new encouragement. Life is a journey, and despite many difficulties, she has decided to confront them strongly and courageously. She realized that even when everything seemed broken, there was still hope and opportunity to start anew.

With newfound courage, Seraphina Frostwind decided not to step back from challenges but to use them as stepping stones to move further in her journey. She knew there would be many difficulties ahead, but she would never give up hope and belief in herself and the future.