Chapter 91: Shadows of Fate

"Mizuchi Haruka, the most beautiful goddess of this academy, what were you doing at Seraphina Frostwind's oak wood house yesterday?"

"Oh, it's nothing, my elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki! I just went there to chat and confide in her like two close girls would!"

"What? Mizuchi Haruka, am I mistaken? What am I hearing here, Mizuchi Haruka? I'm hearing something quite unexpected, Mizuchi Haruka! You're the director of the film 'Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind's Breakup,' aren't you, Mizuchi Haruka! What intimate connection do you and Seraphina Frostwind have to confide in each other, Mizuchi Haruka? Both of you love the most handsome and charming man in the World of the Gods, Snow Sky-Dog. You and Seraphina Frostwind both love the same man, and the most charming in the entire World of the Gods is Snow Sky-Dog. Unless you've 'exchanged techniques' with each other, it's a great stroke of luck for me and Snow Sky-Dog already, there's no way you're as close as members of a 'close friends' club or a 'sisters' club!"

"Haizza, my elder brother, do you need to be so blunt to a beautiful and charming goddess like me, Kurogami Masayuki! Your way of speaking is like throwing a bucket of cold water in my face! Kurogami Masayuki, everyone in this academy must acknowledge that you are a very wise god. Your intelligence is remarkable, but you are not as subtle as Snow Sky-Dog, so I would rather be in that complicated love triangle than love you! You are more suitable to be my elder brother than my boyfriend!"

"Haizza, Mizuchi Haruka, I don't love you, I just see you as a little sister! I answered like that to please you, Mizuchi Haruka. I'm not like Snow Sky-Dog! That snow wolf is proud of his ability to charm women, but he always gets into trouble with beautiful women. I don't understand who is the 'hunter' and who is the 'prey' in those love stories full of conflicts and contradictions like his romance novels. If he were like me, diligent in studying and trying to fulfill his duties, to later have an important position in heaven, wouldn't that be better than being the leading man in the movie 'Love's Storm'?"

"Haizza, Kurogami Masayuki, my elder brother, people say you're dull and they're not wrong! When I visited Seraphina Frostwind yesterday, I had another purpose."

"I know everything, Mizuchi Haruka! You can't hide from eyes capable of perceiving everything as keenly and penetratingly as my eyes can! Tell me the truth, are you planning to replace Snow Sky-Dog in exploiting Seraphina Frostwind's information about the distribution of the remaining magical artifacts among the 8 most powerful ones in all three vast worlds that we gods haven't found yet, is that right, Mizuchi Haruka, my mischievous little fox-like younger sister?"

"If I say yes, what then, do you believe that, Kurogami Masayuki, my wise big brother like a male fox?"

"I'm asking you just to make sure after double-checking it, I can guess it, Mizuchi Haruka! Both you and Snow Sky-Dog, even our master of all three gods, fail to hide anything from the eyes that can perceive and see everything most clearly like mine. Haizza, I know why you're doing this! The 8 magical artifacts have not been fully collected yet; you're also disrupting the feelings between Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind, to lose valuable information about the distribution of those most important magical artifacts; and finally, you don't want our master to punish you or Snow Sky-Dog; you know very well that if our master punishes you, Snow Sky-Dog will never stand idly by - he will bear the punishment for you - that's what you fear most. Because of all these things, you pretend to be a companion in the journey to heal the wound in Seraphina Frostwind's heart, so that our three gods can continue to receive information about those magical artifacts. Haizza, it's pitiful for Seraphina Frostwind, that beautiful human girl! From beginning to end, she just plays the role of a pawn for the 'great cause' of our master of all three gods."

"Haizza, Kurogami Masayuki, my elder brother! You know how to talk so that others have nothing more to say. I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to have breakfast! If you want to join me, then come with me right now!"

"Alright, Mizuchi Haruka, I'm also hungry! But I'm wondering where Snow Sky-Dog is. I haven't seen him all morning! If there isn't something truly important, his stomach won't allow him to pass up the delicious food in the academy's dining hall!"

"Haizza, my elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki, I have nothing more to say about that snow wolf! He's in a secluded place to think about reclaiming his lost love with Seraphina Frostwind. Forget about him, let's go have breakfast!"

"Is that so, that snow wolf is responsible! Mizuchi Haruka, perhaps Snow Sky-Dog's future bride won't be you, but rather Seraphina Frostwind!"

"Kurogami Masayuki, just be quiet, stop teasing me, and if you don't want me to be mad at you, then obediently come have breakfast with me!"

"At your command, my little sister, Mizuchi Haruka, the beautiful, charming, oh, forgot to add words like 'spirited' and 'resourceful' to describe you!"

"Be quiet, you're so rude! Just obediently come have breakfast with me, otherwise, I won't consider you as my big brother!"

As Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka continued to argue about Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind, a sudden incident occurred.

Under the bright sun, a sound echoed from the nearby forest, causing both of them to stop, they looked towards the source of the noise. A plume of black smoke rose from within the forest, gradually extending into the deep blue sky.

"What is that?" Mizuchi Haruka looked towards the distant forest, her eyes shining brighter than ever as if trying to penetrate the forest to find the cause of the incident.

"We need to check it out immediately!" Kurogami Masayuki brushed aside all arguments and strode purposefully toward the direction of the noise.

They walked, their eyes full of determination, they were ready to face any challenge that might arise. In the course of this journey, they sensed tension spreading in the air, like an omen for a major event about to occur.

"We need to be vigilant," Mizuchi Haruka said, her voice full of warning. "It seems that there is a dark force at work here."

As they ventured deeper into the forest, they began to notice clear signs of an attack. Trees were shattered, the earth was eroded, and the air was filled with the smell of fire and panic. This was no ordinary event - someone or something was threatening the peace of this forest.

"We need to find the cause of this," Kurogami Masayuki said, his eyes shining with determination. "We can't let anyone or anything threaten the safety of the academy."

Mizuchi Haruka nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with resolve and determination. They began their journey into this dangerous forest, ready to face any challenge and ready to uncover the mystery behind this sudden attack.

Under the sunlit patches, they felt that everything was changing, from peace to turmoil, these changes were evident on the faces of Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki. They were no longer ordinary characters in this story, they had become heroes, willing to sacrifice themselves to protect the peace for everyone.

Their footsteps were determined as they advanced towards the source of the incident. Mizuchi Haruka's eyes sparkled like flames, reflecting a desire to explore the mystery, while Kurogami Masayuki exuded the determination and leadership of a leader. They were not afraid of the difficulties, they were willing to face and overcome all challenges.

Gradually, they ventured deeper into the forest, where terrifying events began to unfold. Trees and grass by the roadside were torn apart, the earth was sinking, and the smell of pungent smoke filled the air. Their hearts pounded in their chests, but they continued to move forward, they would not stop for any difficulty.

"There is a power at work here," Mizuchi Haruka whispered, her voice spreading a warning that could not be ignored. "We need to find the cause and stop it before it's too late."

Kurogami Masayuki adjusted the sword on his back, he was ready to face any challenge. "We can't let anyone or anything threaten the safety of the academy," he said, his voice melodious, but containing an unshakable determination.

They continued their journey, despite the dangers and difficulties. Each step was a new step in the battle against darkness. And in the silence, their eyes still sparkled, they would force the surrounding space to accept that Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki would be the heroes of this story, and they would also be ready to face any challenge to protect the peace of all three worlds.