Chapter 92: The Dragon's Destiny

Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki ventured deeper into the forest, where they heard loud and intriguing noises.

"Hey, what should we do with her? Her mouth is sealed shut. We've been threatening her for so long, yet she refuses to divulge any information about the eight immensely powerful magical artifacts we seek to obtain! We've wasted so much time with this stubborn girl. Should we just kidnap her without gaining anything in return? Damn it, we're three mighty dragon gods, not useless fools!"

"If she still won't talk, let's just get rid of her to spare me the discomfort! I've been fed up with this ignorant human girl for far too long! Do you agree with me, 'Demon Dragon' Kamui, 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu?"

Upon hearing this, 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu hastily spoke up:

"No, 'Sand Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku! If we take Seraphina Frostwind's life out of anger, we'll lose the chance to obtain the valuable information we need! Besides, I love Seraphina Frostwind. She's meant to be my future wife, not Snow Sky-Dog's, whom I despise the most in all three worlds!"

Upon hearing this from 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu, Seraphina Frostwind gritted her teeth, creating discomforting sounds for the three wicked deities restraining her.

"'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu, you're despicable, lacking in self-respect! How can you utter such vile words? You claim to love me? Is this how you treat the girl you love? If you can't win my heart, will you resort to violence to subdue me? Your love is cheap! 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu, you're despicable, unworthy of being compared to Snow Sky-Dog, my only true love!"

"Seraphina Frostwind, I forbid you to mention Snow Sky-Dog in front of me! Besides his good looks, what does he have that I don't? I am a dragon god of high standing in the World of Gods, what inferiority do I have compared to him? Why is the one you love him and not me?"

"'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu, the love I reserve in my heart is for Snow Sky-Dog, not you, because he, Snow Sky-Dog, is not as despicable as you! Do you still have any questions about this matter? Although both you and Snow Sky-Dog approached me for the eight magical artifacts with terrifying magical powers, Snow Sky-Dog loves me sincerely, whereas you only love me because my physical beauty satisfies your base desires. That's the only reason you love me; there's no other reason! 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu, you are unworthy to be a member of the dragon clan, and you are not even worthy to be a beggar on the streets!"

At that moment, a strong fragrance wafted into the keen noses, likely detected by Seraphina Frostwind. She might have realized that this scent belonged to Snow Sky-Dog, the handsome deity who would come to rescue her, so she used all her vocal power to cry out:

"Snow Sky-Dog, save me!"

'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu smirked maliciously.

"That Snow Wolf can't possibly be here to rescue you! Perhaps he's hiding somewhere quiet, contemplating how to continue loving you!"

"'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu, you're wrong! I don't need to think about that anymore, because after I use all my strength to defeat you, Seraphina Frostwind will return to my embrace, wide open to welcome her with all the love and care I possess!"

The kidnappers were extremely surprised by the appearance of Snow Sky Dog. He had used instantaneous teleportation magic, a very difficult and rarely mastered magic, to stand right in front of them. A golden light flashed, and then Snow Sky-Dog immediately appeared where he needed to be. Seraphina Frostwind's eyes blurred with tears of boundless joy, an incomprehensible happiness.

"Snow Sky-Dog, you've come! I knew you would, for me!"

Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki remained hidden, silently observing the unfolding events, knowing that Snow Sky-Dog would deliver the most devastating blow to the three wicked dragon gods.

"Don't worry, my body is made of desert sand, nothing can harm it!" 'Sand Dragon' Ryujin Sabaku spoke foolishly and arrogantly, unaware of his mistake.

"Nothing can harm your body, you say? What about this magic?" Snow Sky-Dog's eyes flashed with anger. A magic power converted from Snow Sky-Dog's spiritual power surged from his eyes—a power that could spell terrible disaster for his enemies. The three wicked dragon gods were flung away by this tremendous energy as if they were blown away by an explosion. While Mizuchi Haruka was amazed, Kurogami Masayuki nearby showed no surprise.

"That, the incredibly powerful magic, what is it, elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki?" Mizuchi Haruka expressed curiosity. This type of magic had left a profound impression on her—she had never witnessed such a spectacular scene before.

"It's the 'Dominance Color Magic,' Mizuchi Haruka, my younger sister! I'm not bragging; besides Snow Sky-Dog, I also possess a type of magic that very few people know how to use!"

"Oh, I see, Kurogami Masayuki! But who did you and he learn it from, and when?"

"We learned it from the God of War, Bishamonten! We secretly learned it from him a long time ago, Mizuchi Haruka! We had a hard time persuading him to teach it to us, Mizuchi Haruka!"

"You two are so mean, learning it without letting me join!"

"Are you sulking again, Mizuchi Haruka?"

"I'm not sulking!"

Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki continued to observe the battle from afar, while Snow Sky-Dog confronted the three wicked dragon gods. In a moment of utmost struggle, Seraphina Frostwind still couldn't forgive Snow Sky-Dog for approaching her for the eight magical artifacts. While she made provocative and demanding gestures towards Snow Sky-Dog, she also wanted to test his sincerity.

As Snow Sky-Dog and the three wicked dragon gods faced off, Mizuchi Haruka couldn't help but exclaim, "Truly miraculous, Snow Sky-Dog. He never ceases to amaze me," her voice filled with admiration.

Kurogami Masayuki stared intently at Mizuchi Haruka with a contemplative gaze.

"I think we should let them handle everything, Mizuchi Haruka. Snow Sky-Dog is not someone who can be easily bullied by others."

Mizuchi Haruka nodded in agreement, her eyes still focused on the battle in the sky.

Meanwhile, Snow Sky-Dog exerted all his strength in the fight, with images of Seraphina Frostwind always present in his mind.

"Whatever happens, I will protect you," he vowed silently.

In a powerful attack, Snow Sky-Dog defeated the three wicked dragon gods, leaving Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki no choice but to nod in awe at his strength.

"Thank you, Snow Sky-Dog!" Seraphina Frostwind exclaimed in indescribable happiness.

"You don't need to thank me. I promised to protect you," Snow Sky-Dog replied, his eyes filled with determination.

Snow Sky-Dog stood amidst the forest, his breath ragged, his gaze locked onto Seraphina Frostwind's eyes. His heart pounded fiercely, emotions surging within him like a mighty wave. He couldn't take his eyes off her; her beauty and bravery had deeply touched his heart. Every word and every action of hers made him feel that life was more meaningful.

However, even after freeing Seraphina Frostwind, Snow Sky-Dog still harbored concerns. This story was far from over; the adventure continued, and dangers still lurked ahead. He knew that new challenges and new battles awaited, and he had to be prepared to face them.

While Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki watched the battle between Snow Sky-Dog and the three wicked dragon gods, they sensed a shift in the air. Snow Sky-Dog's power had asserted itself once again, and they knew he was not to be underestimated. Their journey was far from over, and they had to continue investigating the magical artifacts and confront even darker forces.

In the darkness of the forest, mysteries awaited discovery, and Snow Sky-Dog and his comrades had to prepare for the challenges ahead. This adventure has only just begun, and they will continue to move forward, facing every challenge to protect all three worlds from destruction.