Chapter 93: The Dance of Destiny

"Mizuchi Haruka, why do you look so melancholic today?"

"Dear brother, Kurogami Masayuki, consider this: a few days ago, the snow wolf Snow Sky-Dog rescued the human girl, Seraphina Frostwind, from the threat of kidnappers. So, it seems that the two of them are about to fall in love again!"

"Mizuchi Haruka! In this life, we cannot wait for the storm to pass every time it comes to us; instead, we must learn to leap through each storm, even when its fury reaches immensely terrifying levels, and it endeavors to blow us far away and annihilate us until we cease to exist in this world."

Upon hearing these words from Kurogami Masayuki, a glistening tear streamed from Mizuchi Haruka's beautifully sea-blue eyes. She rushed to Kurogami Masayuki, opening her petite arms to embrace the large body of her profoundly appreciated and admired elder brother, who never abandoned her in any fiery tempest – always providing her with encouraging words and unraveling the most stubborn knots in her mind whenever she faced worries, anxieties, or uncertainties, offering reasonable answers.

"Kurogami Masayuki, my kind and responsible elder brother, you are right! I may not be the strongest, but I will never give up! We may not choose how we are born, but we can choose how we live our lives amid both joys and sorrows. Life is not a fair game. When two people compete, the true winner is the one who wakes up earliest every morning and persists, continues to live, and continues to fight. For your life, the most important thing is not how you exist, but how you live during the time you exist. In your precious life, the most important thing is not how long you live, but how you live during that time. The world cannot stop spinning, but I can always choose how I walk, and I can forever choose my destination, no matter how distant or obstructed the path may be! Thank you, my elder brother, I truly understand the implication in your words now!"

However, Kurogami Masayuki's gaze suddenly seemed to conceal an ocean of black, an expression that conveyed a profound sorrow almost indescribable by words or prose.

"Mizuchi Haruka! Sometimes, true strength is not a sharp weapon but the courage to face reality. This life encompasses defeating enemies and, more importantly, knowing how to cope with what opposes us from within our minds. The world is unfair, and sometimes the kindest suffer the most. Sometimes you have to lose something you truly don't want to lose before you realize its value, to understand whether the long, arduous journey was worth losing it. Sometimes, you need to lose something to realize what you truly need. There are things you cannot control, but you always have the choice of how you react to them. And from that, the portrait of either the victor or the defeated that life paints for you will be completed at a time you never expected. Mizuchi Haruka, Snow Sky-Dog is a handsome, powerful, and talented deity, but between you and Seraphina Frostwind, only one girl will become his bride! The other girl must shed tears and try to avoid the curious gazes at that wedding – the wedding that almost everyone attending will be joyous about. Mizuchi Haruka, sometimes you have to put something down, not because it's an inferior object, not because you can't hold onto it, but simply because the effort to hold onto it has become exceedingly difficult for you. And that effort will become increasingly arduous. Its difficulty will peak. At the very end, if you truly are the victor, then you can celebrate with a feast to commend the effort, strength, and wisdom you've displayed throughout the long period. But if you're unfortunate enough to be the loser, you can only cry while everyone around you laughs, or remains silent. Mizuchi Haruka, do you understand what I'm saying?"

Mizuchi Haruka looked up at Kurogami Masayuki, her eyes shimmering with tears. His question emphasized the pain and the inner conflict she felt at every moment.

"I understand, Kurogami Masayuki! But life is truly not a harmonious composition of chosen experiences; it is a symphony of diverse and unpredictable emotions. Sometimes, choice is not the only thing we have; the only thing we have is the ability to accept what we cannot control. And it seems that's an inseparable part of this life."

Mizuchi Haruka's words reflected the depth of her inner self, understanding of human nature, the character of deities, and the complexity of life. She gently stroked Kurogami Masayuki's arm, feeling the empathy from her elder brother.

Kurogami Masayuki nodded, his expression indicating a profound acknowledgment of what she said.

"Indeed, Mizuchi Haruka! Life is a journey filled with challenges and trials. We need to learn how to harmonize with its fluctuations, with the ups and downs of life. Perhaps, that's the greatest lesson we can learn from these turbulent days."

Standing together, in a moment of silence, they felt closeness and understanding from each other. In a world full of storms, they found stability, trust in each other, and, most importantly, they found hope for the future.

A gentle breeze whispered through the shadowy branches, a gentle reminder of change and the continuity of life. Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki looked at each other, their eyes filled with determination and hope.

"We will overcome all difficulties together and share every joy, won't we, Kurogami Masayuki?" Mizuchi Haruka said, her tone filled with optimism.

Kurogami Masayuki nodded, a slight smile appearing on his lips.

"We always have each other, Mizuchi Haruka. And nothing can stop us when we face every challenge together."

They walked side by side, the warm golden sunlight spreading across the coastline. They knew ahead lay a long journey full of difficulties and dangers, but they believed that their unity and friendship would help them overcome every obstacle.

Life is an endless symphony playing different notes, and Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki were ready to step into the next part of this music, with faith and hope that, whatever happens, they will always walk together on a path marked by friendship and solidarity.