Chapter 94: Twilight of Love: Bonds and Choices

"Snow Sky-Dog, why do you seem happier than usual today?"

"Kurogami Masayuki, my elder brother, I feel joyful because a few days ago I rescued Seraphina Frostwind from captivity and the threat of kidnappers!"

"Snow Sky-Dog, I am delighted that you have rediscovered the joy and enthusiasm that you had lost during the time apart from Seraphina Frostwind! And I am also glad that Seraphina Frostwind has given you a promising sign that she may return to you, to continue the interrupted love between you. But Snow Sky-Dog, I want you to understand that sometimes, you have to endure pain in love to understand its value, and sometimes, you have to lose everything to realize that only love remains. However, you don't have just one love for a beautiful girl named Seraphina Frostwind! These past few days, while you were immersed in joy and optimism, there is a beautiful goddess whom both you and I are familiar with and close to; she is the emotional opposite of the emotional state you are reveling in, Snow Sky-Dog!"

"My elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki! The goddess you mention is Mizuchi Haruka, isn't it?"

"So, besides Mizuchi Haruka, who else do you think I'm referring to, the girl you unintentionally hurt in recent days?"

"My apologies, Kurogami Masayuki, for the pain I caused Mizuchi Haruka. During that time, I truly didn't understand her emotions, and I hurt the heart she once entrusted to me."

Kurogami Masayuki looked at Snow Sky-Dog with regretful eyes.

"We all make mistakes, Snow Sky-Dog. But what matters is that we learn from them and try to mend them."

"But I'm worried, elder brother, will Mizuchi Haruka ever forgive me?"

"That can only be determined as you work to mend the relationship. Sometimes, time and sincerity in action are the keys to unlocking someone's heart."

Snow Sky-Dog nodded, determination shining in his expression.

"I won't give up, elder brother! I'll do everything to repair what's broken."

"What about Seraphina Frostwind, Snow Sky-Dog? If you become too close to Mizuchi Haruka, Seraphina Frostwind might get jealous! Haizza, Snow Sky-Dog, you can't sustain loving both beautiful girls, Seraphina Frostwind and Mizuchi Haruka for long! Believe me, Snow Sky-Dog, it will only bring trouble! And ultimately, it will lead to a deadlock!"

"Elder brother, if that's truly the case, what should I do now? What should I do? Tell me, Kurogami Masayuki, my elder brother! Aren't you supposed to be the wisest god among the students of this academy, Kurogami Masayuki?"

The two stood in silence, but a ray of hope appeared in their hearts. In their world, where dark clouds and light intersect, they knew that only through effort and sincere love could they create a bright future.

"Snow Sky-Dog, you once said that love is not about choosing between two beautiful girls. Isn't that right?" Kurogami Masayuki looked straight into Snow Sky-Dog's eyes, his gaze exuding certainty and depth of understanding of love.

"Yes, elder brother, I did say that, but..." Snow Sky-Dog choked up, his eyes glittering with the question and doubt. "But between love and intimacy, we can't always decide easily."

"That's right, Snow Sky-Dog. Love is not about choosing between two beautiful girls; it's about accepting differences and sometimes, sacrificing. You can't try to please both without causing harm. But most importantly, you have to be true to yourself and express your love sincerely."

Snow Sky-Dog pondered over Kurogami Masayuki's words. Both knew that life wasn't always peaceful, but through every difficulty and challenge, they matured and understood themselves and those around them more deeply.

"Elder brother, I won't give up. I'll find a way to solve every problem, I'll continue to protect my love, and I'll build a bright future for both those girls," Snow Sky-Dog said with determination and belief in his tone.

Kurogami Masayuki nodded gently, his expression reflecting respect and support.

"Trust in yourself and your love, Snow Sky-Dog. And remember, we can always find solutions when our souls are guided by kindness and sincere love."

"Perhaps that's true! Perhaps you're right, Kurogami Masayuki, my elder brother! I wasn't wrong to confide in you, for you are the wisest Light God among the students of this academy."

Kurogami Masayuki just chuckled softly, but his eyes radiated happiness.

"Thank you, Snow Sky-Dog! But what matters is that you trust yourself and find the path you want to pursue. And if you truly need me, I'll always be here to help you."

"Elder brother, I'll never forget that. Now, I feel much more confident," Snow Sky-Dog said with a radiant smile on his face.

The two stood together, in hope and anticipation of the future. Despite any difficulties and challenges, they were ready to face them because they knew that with love and sincere intentions, nothing was impossible.

Suddenly, Mizuchi Haruka approached the two gods with eyes sparkling with a light that both of them found difficult to comprehend, feeling puzzled by its existence and overwhelmed by the light in Mizuchi Haruka's beautiful sea-blue eyes.

"Mizuchi Haruka, did you hear our entire conversation?" Snow Sky-Dog asked her with a tone that showed high tension.

"Don't worry, and don't care about that, Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki! I'm hungry, and it just so happens that it's almost lunchtime. Let's have lunch together!"

Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki looked at each other, displaying different emotions on their faces. However, they both felt a sense of relief, as if a great burden had been lifted from their shoulders. Mizuchi Haruka maintained her radiant expression, but in her eyes, there was something inexplicable, a mystery that couldn't be foreseen.

"Let's go, we'll have lunch together," Snow Sky-Dog said with a gentle smile, his eyes filled with gratitude and gentleness.

Kurogami Masayuki nodded in agreement, his expression containing acceptance and forgiveness.

"We need time to talk and understand each other better," he added, his words carrying depth and philosophy.

The two gods walked away with Mizuchi Haruka, leaving behind unspoken conversations and secrets. In laughter and memories, they would create new marks for the future, an unpredictable future.

And in the distance, the doors of adventure remained open, waiting for them to explore. Every step, every action would be a new step forward, a new experience, and a discovery about themselves and love.

With hearts full of hope and spirits filled with longing, they would continue their journey, together, in a world full of colors and wonders, where everything was possible, and every dream could come true.