Chapter 95: The Enigmatic Love Triangle

A Normal Day in the World of Humankind

In the small town near Seraphina Frostwind's home, people strolled along the streets with varying moods, but overall, they didn't carry too much sorrow or pressure. Seraphina Frostwind was sitting in a café near her home, where she often spent her free time. She sat at a table with a good view of the café's romantic and tranquil scenery; however, she didn't order coffee—she asked the server to bring her a cup of fruit tea; specifically, it was a cup of passion fruit tea. The melodious music of the café elevated her emotions—as if she were flying over a field of golden sunflowers—when suddenly a handsome and tall man pushed open the sea-green glass door of the café, gracefully and courteously stepping inside. Seraphina Frostwind's oceanic eyes, filled with intense emotions, were fixed on the indescribably handsome face, unable to resist the allure of love that emanated from it. In a fleeting moment, Seraphina Frostwind couldn't restrain the spontaneous action of her heart, and she exclaimed:

"Snow Sky-Dog... Why are you here? We've already parted ways!"

"I've come to ask for your forgiveness! I will never give up my love for you! I know you still love me, so I hope we can continue to love each other as we did in the past."

"Go tell that to Mizuchi Haruka, those sweet but deceitful and insincere words of yours! I don't want to hear you seduce me with flowery words like in a romance novel anymore! Snow Sky-Dog, do you intend to marry both of us? Do you want both me and Mizuchi Haruka to share a bed with you every night?"

"Seraphina Frostwind, I..."

"Don't say anything more, Snow Sky-Dog, if you want to have something to drink in this café, then find an empty table to sit at. This table is already occupied by me, and I don't welcome you! And now, please leave my sight, I don't want to waste any more of my precious time on you!"

"Seraphina Frostwind..."

"I've heard enough, Snow Sky-Dog!"

"Why do you treat me like this, Seraphina Frostwind? I'm the one who rescued you from the threat and captivity of the kidnappers!"

"That's still not enough for me to forgive you! Do I not have the right to pose more challenges to you, after you've wounded my heart, Snow Sky-Dog?"

"Are you testing me like that, Seraphina Frostwind?"

"It's up to you to think! But if you want to think so, there's no problem at all, Snow Sky-Dog! And now, please leave my sight! But if you have a little conscience and love that you claimed to have for me, as you just said, then kindly observe me drinking passion fruit tea and refrain from flattering me! And if you're a bit more polite, then please pay for my drink. But I'll tell you beforehand that I'll be here for quite a while, and I'll buy many more drinks to consume at home. Do you understand, Snow Sky-Dog?"

"I understand, Seraphina Frostwind! It's just a small matter to me, Seraphina Frostwind!"

"We'll see, Snow Sky-Dog! Let me see if you're as good as what you claim!"

At that moment, in the quiet café, the atmosphere became even tenser than ever. Seraphina Frostwind looked at Snow Sky-Dog with unwavering determination, showing no signs of willingness to forgive. Meanwhile, Snow Sky-Dog felt like he was being pushed into a corner, unsure of how to resolve the situation.

But then, a bell rang as someone entered through the door, breaking the tense silence. A young woman in a pink dress walked in, her eyes sparkling and cheerful.

"Seraphina Frostwind, here you go, I bought coffee for both of us!" Mizuchi Haruka said with a bright smile, but her eyes fell on Snow Sky-Dog with undisguised suspicion.

"Of course, Mizuchi Haruka! Thank you so much!" Seraphina Frostwind replied with a gentle smile, but in her heart, a deep worry still lingered.

Snow Sky-Dog felt uneasy seeing Mizuchi Haruka, who was causing trouble in his relationship with Seraphina. But he tried to maintain composure, not showing the concern and regret on his face.

"Thank you, Mizuchi Haruka. However, I've caused a bit more trouble than Seraphina Frostwind expected. I'll pay for her passion fruit tea, and this is on me." Snow Sky-Dog said with a measured and refined tone, but his gaze didn't leave Mizuchi Haruka, with a hint of hesitation not entirely concealed.

Mizuchi Haruka felt that something was not right, but she could do nothing but smile and accept the tea from Snow Sky-Dog. Yet in her heart, something didn't feel quite right.

A moment later, Snow Sky-Dog spoke:

"Oh! Mizuchi Haruka, when did you become so close to Seraphina Frostwind? I thought you two were rivals in love."

Before Mizuchi Haruka could respond to Snow Sky-Dog's question, Seraphina Frostwind interjected:

"Mizuchi Haruka has been by my side, she has comforted and supported me when I was in pain and inner conflict after I decided to break up with you. So, as you can see, she and I have become close like two best friends. I have decided to provide information about the 8 most powerful magical items, which are lost in all three worlds that your master entrusted to the three gods you're trying to recover for the World of the Gods. Yes, Snow Sky-Dog, I will still let you complete the task of retrieving those lost magical items. But the only difference is that I will tell those secrets to Mizuchi Haruka, not to you as before. Because you loved both of us at the same time. Snow Sky-Dog, honestly, in my mind, I both feel love for you and extremely despise you! To me, you are both a hero and a villain, Snow Sky-Dog!"

Snow Sky-Dog listened to Seraphina Frostwind's words with a complex expression on his face. He sensed the cunningness in every word she said, and his eyes became deep as if pondering over what she had just said.

"Mizuchi Haruka, I didn't expect you two to become so close," Snow Sky-Dog said with a meaningful tone, but also with a hint of complexity.

Mizuchi Haruka, with a gentle smile, replied:

"I didn't expect it either, but recently, we've had many opportunities to talk and understand each other better. And I feel lucky to have a friend like Seraphina!"

After that, no one spoke another word. A cold atmosphere enveloped the café, as each person was lost in their thoughts.

Finally, Snow Sky-Dog spoke decisively: "For now, I will leave. I will give you both this space and time. Seraphina, Mizuchi Haruka, I apologize for everything, but neither of you is the type of woman I frivolously play with, treating love insincerely, like a villain toying with the affections of beautiful women! I'll cover both of your bills! But I'll try to continue writing the best possible love triangle story. And I'll do my best to ensure the happiest ending for all three of us, although I still can't imagine that ending! So, farewell, Seraphina, Mizuchi Haruka, until we meet again at another time and place! But remember that I, Snow Sky-Dog, will never give up in this battle!"

With those final words, he turned and walked out of the café, leaving the two women standing there, watching him gradually disappear from their sight. In the fading light of the evening, the light dimmed, creating a gloomy picture of a love filled with difficulties, and complexities.

Seraphina Frostwind and Mizuchi Haruka sat in silence for a moment, and then they looked at each other with eyes full of questions and understanding of what had just happened. A new chapter of their lives was about to begin, but where it would lead, only time could tell!