Chapter 96: The Enigmatic Moonlit Journey

"Mizuchi Haruka, just a few days ago I saw joy radiating from the handsome face of Snow Sky-Dog, but today he seems as melancholic as someone who has just lost a vast fortune he had saved and hoarded for a long time. Are you orchestrating some intricate plan to sabotage the love between Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind, with the sole purpose of monopolizing Snow Sky-Dog's affection for yourself, Mizuchi Haruka?"

"My elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki, how do you expect me to respond to your question? Do you think I would foolishly remain passive while that snow wolf is dating, and speak sweet words of affection like honey to Seraphina Frostwind day after day?"

"Haizza, I have no more to say about your love triangle, it's becoming increasingly complex! Now all I want is for us to collect the 8 lost magical artifacts as quickly as possible!"

"This cannot be concluded so swiftly, elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki! Seraphina Frostwind is a girl with an extremely high intelligence quotient, and she also has an 'inner kingdom' with an extremely vast 'territory' - so she is by no means a simple girl! She knows that until the 8 magical artifacts we want to collect are fully gathered, she can comfortably challenge Snow Sky-Dog's love as a girl 'torturing' her lover because her lover foolishly caused her dissatisfaction. Therefore, gathering the complete 8 lost magical artifacts across all three worlds is still a novel with many chapters. Perhaps that novel must have over twelve hundred pages, written on large paper, with many characters! Seraphina Frostwind is the only one holding secrets about the hiding place of those 8 magical artifacts, so all three of us, even though we don't want to, are helpless before she manipulates Snow Sky-Dog. And it serves that snow wolf right, only then will he know he shouldn't love so many beautiful girls at the same time! If I were Seraphina Frostwind, I would act the same."

"Woa, when did you learn to speak 'assuredly' with artistic flair in literature yet still convey the essence of the message of that snow wolf? Your metaphor truly impressed me deeply, Mizuchi Haruka! You expressed it just like a seasoned novelist who has been writing for years!"

Mizuchi Haruka smiled like a rainbow appearing in the sky after a terrible storm passed.

"Hehe, elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki, you exaggerated my linguistic abilities in your praise just now! But I liked it, my elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki! The truth is, my writing style is far inferior to yours and that of that snow wolf." After Mizuchi Haruka laughed for a while, she felt someone missing in the room. "Where did Snow Sky-Dog go? It's strange! It's almost lunchtime, but why don't I see him? Normally at this time, that snow wolf's stomach would be protesting loudly, wouldn't it? Normally at this time, he would actively invite us to lunch with him because of hunger!"

"Haizza, Mizuchi Haruka, it's because of your cunning and audacious plan that Snow Sky-Dog has no appetite anymore! He feels directionless, so he went to seek advice from our master!"

"Is that so! But why didn't he ask you for psychological counseling? Isn't he still very close and trusting of you, Kurogami Masayuki? Could it be that there's animosity between you two?"

"Haizza, Mizuchi Haruka, do you think in our trio of gods, only you have the qualities and superior abilities beyond the average level in the scale of talent for gods in the World of Gods? Snow Sky-Dog is not foolish and careless! He has guarded against the possibility of me revealing important information he never wants me to disclose to you, so after a long time of confiding and sharing his concerns with me, he stopped doing that and sought the wisdom of our master. Are you satisfied to hear that, Mizuchi Haruka?"

"Haizza, that snow wolf is indeed cunning! Elder brother, have you ever revealed confidences, shared what causes conflicts for him, his deliberations to me? He truly is a lord of suspicion!"

"Snow Sky-Dog's caution is not without reason! You're my younger sister, if you deliberately exploit that information using your tricks like acting in a 'tearful face' film; or delivering a speech on the responsibility of an elder brother to a younger sister; then I would have to disappoint Snow Sky-Dog."

Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki decided not to wait for Snow Sky-Dog anymore, and they would have lunch together. Time passed, and night fell - another day was ending at the Academy of the Gods. In the fading light of the evening, darkness enveloped, creating a gloomy picture of love full of difficulties, complexity, and unpredictable endings. The sorrows, losses, and deep-seated secrets of each god gradually surfaced under the cover of night.

Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki seemed perplexed by the emotional issues of Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind. They couldn't even comprehend Snow Sky-Dog's actions and thoughts, as he had become strangely silent and sought guidance from their master.

Meanwhile, Seraphina Frostwind, a mysterious and powerful soul, still held the secret of the whereabouts of the 8 magical artifacts, making all three gods utterly powerless and helpless. Snow Sky-Dog's love seemed to face a great challenge, and whether he could overcome it or not, only time could tell.

Mizuchi Haruka and Kurogami Masayuki, despite their efforts to understand and assist, were also facing difficulties in this journey. Everything remained unfinished, and the story would continue with new steps, surprising events, and unexpected discoveries in the future. Because in the world of gods, nothing is absolute, and events can unfold unexpectedly and mysteriously.

As the atmosphere of the Academy of the Gods gradually became peaceful after a long day, Seraphina Frostwind stood by the window, looking out at the vast scenery of the surrounding world. The moonlight gently illuminated, creating eerie shadows in the darkness.

Her eyes gazed into the distance, a cold light reflected in her deep blue eyes, revealing her determination and strength. Her heart beat strongly in her chest, but her smile remained steadfast on her lips like a shell hiding the tension and worry inside.

The secret of the whereabouts of the 8 magical artifacts remained tightly held within her, not shared with anyone, revealing no clues. She understood that the power of those artifacts was not just about power, but also a great responsibility placed on her shoulders.

Beneath her cold and mysterious exterior, Seraphina Frostwind's soul was undergoing complex fluctuations. She felt the stirrings of her heart, she felt the complexities of relationships and the heavy responsibilities.

The emotions and thoughts in her heart remained an unfathomable secret, unpredictable by anyone. Under the gloomy painting of the night, Seraphina Frostwind embarked on a journey of self-discovery and exploration of her strength, along with discoveries about love and loyalty.

With a gentle smile, Seraphina Frostwind turned away from the outside scene, stepping into her darkened room. In the darkness, mysteries and challenges awaited her, and she was ready to face them with her strength and intelligence.

Under the dim light of the night lamp, the yet-to-be-revealed secrets and unfinished stories would continue to be written, with a vast future and many discoveries awaiting. Seraphina Frostwind, with her power and intellect, would continue to guide the story, opening new chapters of adventure in all three worlds.