Chapter 97: Twilight Encounter

At this moment, in the World of Humankind, it was springtime. Seraphina Frostwind sat alone on a lush green meadow, atop a hill with picturesque scenery. She sat there, mesmerized by the fiery red sunset casting its crimson hue over the surrounding space. Fluffy clouds akin to whipped cream drifted slowly within her sight. A mischievous breeze gently tousled her golden, glistening hair. Seraphina Frostwind absorbed all this beauty into her deep, oceanic blue eyes. She found herself thinking of a young, handsome, masculine, and talented man - right here, she had met Snow Sky-Dog. Though it was spring, Snow Sky-Dog was a deity bearing the soul and breath of winter, yet strangely, and ironically, Seraphina Frostwind found the image of that man reigning in her mind amidst this springtime.

"Seraphina Frostwind, admiring the sunset, are you? May I join you?"

Seraphina Frostwind felt her heart pounding harder than ever. Yet, she remembered the reason she had to maintain a cold, indifferent demeanor towards this man: Snow Sky-Dog had inadvertently inflicted deep wounds upon her - he needed to undergo a series of challenges to prove that his professed eternal love for her was not mere jest, not a fabricated story with artistic deception and deceit.

"Like to sit beside me, do you? Suit yourself! It won't affect me at all! But remember, we've parted ways."

"But I also recall you said you were testing me!"

"Snow Sky-Dog, I have no respect for a man who loves many beautiful women simultaneously! And I have even less regard for someone who claims to love me for ulterior motives rather than genuine affection. Snow Sky-Dog, go back and kiss Mizuchi Haruka! That would surely make her immensely happy! I don't need you anymore; I sit here to admire the sunset, which is enough to make me feel content and grateful to the Lord of the Gods."

"Seraphina Frostwind, what must I do for you to forgive me and return to my embrace, an embrace longing to hold you!"

"Snow Sky-Dog, I don't know, don't ask me! Mizuchi Haruka is my close friend; I don't want us to confront each other over a man undeserving of it like you! Snow Sky-Dog, how selfish can you be? What if I were like you, what if I loved multiple handsome men simultaneously - like the way you treat me and Mizuchi Haruka?"

"I'm sorry!"

"Sorry? Is that apology enough to mend our broken relationship, Snow Sky-Dog? You only care about the eight magical artifacts your master tasked you to collect, not truly loving me! Not to mention your words of love, filled with insincerity towards both me and Mizuchi Haruka. You've made Mizuchi Haruka and I despise each other and contend with each other for a long time. But Snow Sky-Dog, that's over now; I no longer see Mizuchi Haruka as my rival. Because I don't love you anymore, I relinquish you to Mizuchi Haruka!"

"Seraphina Frostwind, I know your words aren't true! You still love me."

"Believe what you will! But even so, that's not enough for me to welcome you back into my life. Snow Sky-Dog, what about Mizuchi Haruka? Do you intend to marry us both? Do you want us both to be faithful to only you? How selfish of you, Snow Sky-Dog?"

"I don't know what to say anymore, but I'll never give up!"

"Mizuchi Haruka would declare the same as you, but I'm different; I've given up! I don't need a handsome, talented man, so charming in appearance, personality, and in speaking sweet words that make women's hearts flutter, but ultimately just skilled in deceiving women!"

"Seraphina Frostwind, you can curse me however you like! But regardless, I'll never give up."

"It's up to you! But don't you think you're bothering me while I'm admiring the sunset? Do whatever you want now, but don't try to persuade me to love you again; we're truly done!"

"The truth is, our love story isn't over yet, Seraphina Frostwind!"

"I've heard enough; I don't want to hear any more; you give me a headache! Snow Sky-Dog, you're truly bothersome! Today's sunset is indeed beautiful, but you've ruined my enjoyment of it! I don't want to hear you speak anymore. You're indeed a troublesome deity! I regret being captivated by your beautiful spring-like smile. Snow Sky-Dog, did you also use that smile to captivate Mizuchi Haruka? Now, let me admire the sunset without your interference, Snow Sky-Dog!"

Snow Sky-Dog looked up at the sky; the sunset was fading, but in his eyes, there was still a glimmer of hope. He said nothing, just silently sat beside Seraphina Frostwind, but in his heart, determination still burned like fire. She looked into the distance, seemingly oblivious to his presence, but turmoil still raged within her.

"Seraphina Frostwind... What do I do?" Snow Sky-Dog silently pondered to himself, but he dared not speak it aloud. In his mind, the image of the girl with golden shimmering hair, and eyes as deep as a stream, remained vivid. He knew his feelings for her could not fade, no matter the hardships.

"Seraphina Frostwind, I'll wait. No matter how long, no matter the challenges, I won't give up. Because I know, if one day your heart opens, I won't miss that chance." Snow Sky-Dog whispered to himself, but he didn't dare say it aloud, knowing that what she needed at this moment was empathy, not vows.

Seraphina Frostwind remained silent, but within her, emotions surged. She watched the sunset fade, but a faint hope flickered within her heart. The familiar feeling of loneliness began to encroach upon her mind, but she didn't want to drown in despair.

"Snow Sky-Dog, I need time. Please, let me be alone..." Seraphina Frostwind spoke gently, but her tone contained an undeniable resolve. She sensed the promise from him, and though she remained conflicted, at least, at this moment, she felt peace.

Night lights began to illuminate; it was a sign of a new day. Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind still sat together, despite the passing moments of silence. Yet between them, there was an invisible understanding, like an unseen thread connecting two hearts.

In the quiet moment, sunlight began to filter through the trees, illuminating the lush green grass. Seraphina Frostwind felt the warmth from the sunlight, the growing sense of peace within. She turned to look at Snow Sky-Dog, despite their unanswered questions. Her heart was filled with complex emotions, yet also confident that there would be a resolution. She knew that change didn't happen overnight, but sometimes, one needed to let time soothe all pain, to clarify all things.

Snow Sky-Dog looked at Seraphina Frostwind with a solemn gaze; his determination remained unwavering. He said nothing, but in his heart, the resolve still burned brightly. Despite the challenges ahead, he believed that one day, her heart would open to him.

Gradually, their images faded into the morning light. Their story remained unfinished, but in the grand canvas of life, it was just a small point. And in that deep gaze, perhaps, there would be a happy ending for the love between Seraphina Frostwind and Snow Sky-Dog.