Chapter 115: Whispers of Fate: Love's Turmoil

"Snow Sky-Dog, you seem rather idle today, don't you? Your beautiful companions didn't invite you for a stroll?"

"Oh, eldest one, Kurogami Masayuki, spare me your jests! If you're feeling idle, perhaps a few drinks at the tavern, or delving into some tomes at the library would suit you better. Don't linger here to mock me further!"

"What do you have in your hand, Snow Sky-Dog?"

"It's a letter from Seraphina Frostwind. Eldest one, why concern yourself? I know your penchant for teasing, but my mood is dark today. So, taunt me now, and you may regret it!"

"I have no time for the trivialities of your love story! I'm focused on our mission to retrieve the eight lost magical artifacts! Does the letter speak of the sixth artifact, 'The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives,' Snow Sky-Dog?"

"My dear elder, don't rush so. We'll secure 'The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives' soon! But this letter holds no such mention."

"What does it say, then, Snow Sky-Dog?"

"Just a reprimand from Seraphina Frostwind directed at me, elder. A few days prior, Mizuchi Haruka and I were boating on Lake Tay in the Southern Human Realm. Seraphina caught wind of it, and now she's envious of Mizuchi Haruka. Hence the scolding within this letter. Elder, spare yourself the trouble, it's merely a love trifle!"

"A trifling matter indeed, Snow Sky-Dog! When will you two mature?"

"Mature? Have I misheard you, Kurogami Masayuki? You're more absurd than Seraphina Frostwind! Listen, Kurogami Masayuki, such matters are inevitable in love. If you can't accept it, perhaps you shouldn't love at all, elder!"

"You speak true, Snow Sky-Dog! For the new generation of gods, only you are permitted to love and marry. I'm not privileged to do such. Ah, love is truly troublesome, enjoy your chaos, Snow Sky-Dog!"

"You may depart now, elder! You've tormented me enough!"

With a sarcastic smile, Snow Sky-Dog watched Kurogami Masayuki exit the room. Placing Seraphina Frostwind's letter on the table, he absorbed its contents, as if etching each word into his heart. Her reproachful words hovered before him like sharpened blades.

Within him, a turmoil of thoughts surged uncontrollably, a tempest of conflicting emotions between love and duty. Yet, a part of him, one he dared not acknowledge, yearned for freedom from the bonds of love.

Amidst conflict and dissent, Snow Sky-Dog couldn't deny that Mizuchi Haruka held a special place in his heart. She wasn't just his love but also his source of encouragement, his strength to carry on.

With a decisive resolve, Snow Sky-Dog lifted the letter, burying it deep in the recesses of his mind. He resolved not to let Seraphina's reproach trouble him further. Sometimes, courage lies in facing the past and looking forward.

With newfound determination, Snow Sky-Dog stepped out of the room, poised to take a decisive step into a new journey, seeking answers to his doubts.

Meanwhile, at an ice cream parlor in the Human Realm,

Seraphina Frostwind and Mizuchi Haruka enjoyed fresh ice cream in a picturesque setting near Seraphina's home.

"Mizuchi Haruka, despite being rivals in love, we're also friends. I don't want our friendship to falter over our shared affection for Snow Sky-Dog. But I implore you, yield Snow Sky-Dog to me!"

"Why should I, Seraphina Frostwind?"

"Because I alone hold the secret to the eight most powerful lost magical artifacts you're desperately seeking to retrieve for the Divine Realm. If I don't have Snow Sky-Dog's affection, then the gods in the Divine Realm will never gather enough of those magical artifacts. Should even one fall into the hands of rebellious youkai or the King of Evil Demons, the Divine Realm will be in turmoil!"

"Seraphina Frostwind, that's playing dirty! Even if you do so, I'll never yield Snow Sky-Dog to you!"

"Then don't dream of completing the collection of those eight magical artifacts!"

"I don't believe you're the sole possessor of that information in all three realms!"

"Who else but me?"

"I know of a witch, the oldest in all three realms, who could aid us. The 'Witch in Black Cloak.'"

"Good luck, Mizuchi Haruka! That eccentric witch won't divulge anything unless you know her secret. And those who do know her dark secret? You'll never find out. Not even your master knows it. Besides, finding her abode is as difficult as bringing down the sun and moon! If you persist in loving Snow Sky-Dog, in the end, I'll be the one to wed him, not you. For I understand the art of seduction better than you!"

"I don't believe that, Seraphina Frostwind!"

"Very well, let us compete until the bitter end! But I 'worry' you'll be left disheartened in your defeat, Mizuchi Haruka!"

"Thanks for the ice cream invite, but I'll take my leave! Farewell!"

"Fly safely back to the Divine Realm, Mizuchi Haruka! Don't crash into any mountains!"

Seraphina, with confidence and sharp eyes, showed no sign of relenting in the rivalry. Meanwhile, Mizuchi, despite facing threats, maintained steadfast resolve.

Yet behind their words and conflict, a dark secret lurked in the shadows, awaiting revelation. In this vast world, perhaps Seraphina wasn't the only one privy to such knowledge.

Their confrontation persisted, but ultimately, who would show greater persistence and courage in this battle?

With worries and courage, each character embarked on their journey, where secrets would be unveiled, and decisions would shape their fates.

As Mizuchi Haruka flew back to the Academy of the Divine, she discovered that in their shared room, none of the three deities were present. She climbed onto her bed, burying her face into the plush, comforting pillow, and wept uncontrollably. In the room, there was only loneliness, sorrow, and a beautiful goddess crying. Mizuchi Haruka silently wished that at that very moment, Snow Sky-Dog would come to comfort her, yet a part of her mind also wished that he would never know she was crying like a fragile Cinderella. After all, she was the Goddess of Spring and Flowers!

In the serene room, the melody of the wind whispered through the window, like gentle notes adding to the symphony of the moment. Mizuchi Haruka lay still, her eyes lifting to the ceiling, emotions crashing within her like tumultuous waves.

She had faced many challenges, but now, the secrets Seraphina Frostwind had unveiled left her more anxious than ever. Days had passed with envy for the love between Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina, but now, that envy transformed into a greater concern.

In Mizuchi Haruka's mind, images of Snow Sky-Dog emerged - the young man with deep eyes and a warm smile, his comforting words and unwavering support. But now, in the solitude of her room, she couldn't help but wonder if he truly understood her emotions.

Her heart navigated a sea of turmoil, caught between dreams and fears. She questioned whether she should continue fighting for her love or surrender, to avoid the dangers Seraphina had threatened.

Tears fell like prayers to the night sky, where perhaps, a mysterious force listened and awaited each of her efforts, however small. In the silent night, Mizuchi Haruka felt like a leaf in a fierce wind, uncertain of her path.

Yet amidst the worries and pains, she still felt a radiant hope, like a beacon shining in the darkness. Perhaps, on the labyrinthine path of love and duty, she would find her way.

As the dawn's light slowly crept through the window, Mizuchi Haruka listened to her heart, resolving to step forward, not allowing herself to stumble in her journey for freedom and happiness.

Life continued, with secrets and trials ceaselessly enveloping them. The story remained unfinished, and the characters would face even greater challenges and choices in the future.