Chapter 116: The Deceptive Symphony: Secrets Unveiled

At the Academy of the Divine, the World of the Divine

Alone in their shared room, Kurogami Masayuki held in hand a weathered tome clandestinely procured by Snow Sky-Dog from Seraphina Frostwind's abode. He endeavored to peruse it with utmost care and the highest level of concentration. Alongside him sat a freshly brewed cup of coffee, a wispy trail of smoke, and the rich aroma of top-grade coffee wafting from his cup. (It seemed as though the faint smell of coffee was attempting to engulf the spacious room, with only Kurogami Masayuki seated within, saturating the cool air with its intensely robust fragrance.) He meticulously pored over its pages with utmost focus, his keen eyes a testament to the divine intellect of a deity ranked as the most exceptional student in the Academy of the Divine. Indeed, Kurogami Masayuki was not the first deity to peruse this tome of arcane knowledge. Before him, Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka had also delved into its depths with utmost mental acuity. Yet, when this ancient volume fell into Kurogami Masayuki's hands, his supreme intellect promised to set forth events reverberating across all three worlds. Otherwise, that event triggered by Kurogami Masayuki's discovery of its crucial contents would also be sufficient to shake the World of the Divine Ones. His mind expanded to encompass the vast expanse of cognitive awareness, delving into previously uncharted thought realms. Despite the enticing aroma of his freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air, Kurogami Masayuki refrained from indulging, his focus unyielding, surpassing the peak concentration achievable by even the most exceptional deity within the Divine World.

Carefully turning each page, time drifted silently alongside Kurogami Masayuki's profound contemplation. Finally, he folded the book shut and stashed it back where he had covertly retrieved it from - Snow Sky-Dog's desk.

"Haizza, the cunning Snow Sky-Dog! To conceal such a valuable and enlightening tome from me. No wonder he confidently assumes that we three deities will assuredly secure the sixth magical artifact, 'The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives,' without Seraphina Frostwind's input. Yet, Snow Sky-Dog's intellect falls short in recognizing that within these pages lies the whereabouts of the sixth artifact and references to the seventh and eighth. Though acknowledged as the most outstanding student in the academy, I must acknowledge Snow Sky-Dog's apparent superiority in this pursuit. But that is all in the past; now, I shall embark upon the acquisition of the seventh and eighth artifacts alone. Then, my superiority over Snow Sky-Dog will be an undeniable truth. This is paramount, and thus I must commence in secrecy. Oh, Kurogami Masayuki, you truly are astute! Now, to ensure Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka remain unaware of my perusal of this time, I shall quietly depart this room and partake in a few drinks, leading them to believe I have not been present this morning. Upon Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka's return for lunch, I shall reappear and join them as if I had never entered this room before them today."

With a jubilant yet confident demeanor, Kurogami Masayuki exited the room, unknowing that a bee perched upon its window had overheard his every word. This bee was the Deity of Deception and Cunning, masquerading as none other than Hokage Masayuki, the Divine Deity of Deception and Cunning. Within this academy, his scholarly achievements were unremarkable, yet none dared provoke him. Similarly, the expelled student, "Steel Dragon" Ryujin Tetsu, harbored resentful thoughts toward the three outstanding deities: Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka. He also felt perplexed and doubtful about the wisdom in this decision, the decision to accept those three powerful deities as disciples receiving direct training from the Water Ancestor of the Divine. However, unlike Ryujin Tetsu, this insidious deity concealed his animosity, patiently awaiting and observing from the shadows. (Truly a creature adept at concealing itself in the shadows!) Now, the time was ripe for his machinations. He smiled, a grin like a silver metal on a coffin lid. He tore the cover off the burnt tome, igniting another book into ash before depositing the charred remnants within Snow Sky-Dog's desk. Subsequently, he quietly absconded to his chamber, his intentions shrouded in secrecy.

Moments later, Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka returned from their outing, immediately sensing an air of strangeness.

"Mizuchi Haruka, I detect the scent of something burnt," Snow Sky-Dog remarked. He opened his desk drawer and found a book cover along with a pile of ashes.

"What? My prized tome! Who could have burned it?" Mizuchi Haruka scanned the room, her unease growing.

"Perhaps we should thoroughly investigate," she suggested, alerting Snow Sky-Dog.

Both deities scrutinized the room with growing apprehension, combing through every drawer and corner, finding nothing amiss apart from the torched book.

"What is happening here?" Snow Sky-Dog pondered inwardly, the mysterious aura of the room unsettling him.

Meanwhile, within the chamber of Hokage Masayuki, the deity of deception and cunning sat upon his bed, a sinister smile gracing his lips. Observing events unfold through his mystical mirror, he thought, "A marvelous beginning. These three worlds are about to become far more intriguing!" His actions seemed clandestine, yet the Master of the Academy of the Divine, mentor to Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka, was privy to all. Through his mystical mirror, he had witnessed it all. Strangely, he remained unperturbed, his reaction veiled in enigmatic amusement.

"Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka, you require further trials! And those trials have arrived!" Within the tranquil yet disrupted confines of the Academy of the Divine, an indescribable sensation began to manifest. The three deities felt a mixture of excitement and invisible pressure from the forthcoming experiences and challenges. Though unaware of the dark forces stirring, they sensed a subtle brilliance in the looming future.

As Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka investigated the room's disturbance, Kurogami Masayuki contemplated his plans. Aware of the imminent challenges, his mind danced with the anticipation of an expansive, mysterious event – their next adventure, where they would confront unforeseen trials and uncover the mysteries of their world.

Meanwhile, Hokage Masayuki, the cunning deity, continued to gaze into his mystical mirror, a smirk adorning his face. He knew his machinations would lead them to new challenges, and he relished it.

In these moments, it seemed space and time moved to a new rhythm – a rhythm of opening doors, unveiling new worlds, and untold stories. It marked the beginning of a new adventure, where each deity would confront themselves and discover the hidden potential within.