Chapter 123: A Test of Courage and Love

"Snow Sky-Dog, the weather at the academy is beautiful today! Why don't you go outside for a stroll? Don't you love relaxing in the academy's garden?"

"Kurogami Masayuki, my dear brother, please stop teasing me! I beg you! You know all too well why I'm staying in."

"Snow Sky-Dog, are you sure you can avoid the two lovely ladies who miss you every day, the Goddess of Fortune Aika Takara and the Goddess of Secrets Amaterasu Yumi, by hiding in your room forever?"

"I don't know, brother! But I don't know what else to do!"

"Well, that's up to you, Snow Sky-Dog! But you should know that the academy doesn't forbid students from visiting each other's rooms. If you keep hiding here, it's no surprise if they come looking for you!"

"Brother, enough! Go drink your high-proof spirits and leave me alone!"

"Alright, as you wish! Good luck, you handsome god always in love troubles with beautiful girls!"

Snow Sky-Dog sat silently, gazing out the window where the warm morning sunlight poured into the small room. Masayuki's words echoed in his mind. He knew he couldn't keep avoiding reality, but the thought of facing Aika Takara and Amaterasu Yumi made him heartache.

He stood up and walked to the small table by his bed, where a painting he had made of his recent happy memories with the two goddesses stood. His eyes lingered on Aika's radiant smile and Yumi's mysterious gaze, flooding him with mixed emotions, recalling moments of joy and challenge.

"Snow Sky-Dog," a gentle yet resolute voice called from the door. He turned to see Seraphina Frostwind standing there, her eyes filled with determination.

"You can't keep running away!"

Snow Sky-Dog looked at Seraphina, feeling a bit lighter.

"Seraphina, I... I don't know what to do. My emotions are in turmoil, and I'm afraid to face them!"

Seraphina stepped closer, placing a hand on his shoulder, her eyes sincere.

"You can't let fear control your life! Love and responsibility come with challenges. The important thing is to face them bravely."

At that moment, the door opened, and Haruka entered, bringing a wave of optimism.

"That's right, Snow Sky-Dog! We're here for you, nothing can bring you down. Step outside, face reality and seek your true happiness. Be brave! Even though we don't like having two more rivals! But those two goddesses are now part of your love circle. I don't want you to choose anyone else but me as your only wife. But no matter who you choose, you can't ignore Aika Takara and Amaterasu Yumi! As a woman, I find it unacceptable for all of us!"

Snow Sky-Dog felt a newfound strength welling up inside. He knew he couldn't keep running away, and the genuine love from Seraphina and Haruka was his greatest encouragement. He took a deep breath, looking at the two girls with determination.

"Thank you," Snow Sky-Dog said, his voice filled with renewed vigor. "You're right, I can't keep running. I'll go out, face all the challenges, and not let anything in love hold me back."

Seraphina and Haruka smiled, walking with him out of the small room. The warm morning sunlight lit up the academy grounds, signaling a new beginning full of hope and determination.

As they walked to the garden where Aika Takara and Amaterasu Yumi awaited, Snow Sky-Dog felt his heart racing. He knew the journey ahead wouldn't be easy, but with courage and sincere love, he would face and overcome every difficulty.

At that moment, under the warm morning sun, their story continued, opening new chapters full of drama and challenges, but also hope and love.

Seeing Snow Sky-Dog from afar, Aika Takara couldn't contain her overwhelming joy. Amaterasu Yumi, however, remained more composed, aware that in this unpredictable rivalry, she shouldn't appear too eager. Perhaps she had something to say about Seraphina Frostwind. Amaterasu Yumi smiled gently and gracefully at Snow Sky-Dog, Mizuchi Haruka, and Seraphina Frostwind (though her smile was truly for Snow Sky-Dog alone).

The five of them looked at each other in a moment of confusion. Then, Snow Sky-Dog spoke.

"My dear ladies, I am here now! But before we all go out together as a true 'love circle,' I have a question for the Goddess of Secrets, Amaterasu Yumi. It's about the shady actions our common enemy, 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki, has been taking lately!"

"Oh, Snow Sky-Dog, my dear boyfriend! Perhaps the human girl Seraphina Frostwind cannot join our 'love circle' outing today! That wretch 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki has stolen all the ancient magic documents from her bookshelf. Moreover, he has scrambled information by destroying some items in her home. And he didn't forget to steal her hard-earned savings. As you all know, I am the Goddess of Secrets, so I know all the clandestine actions in all three worlds!"

"What? Such a terrible thing could happen to me?" Seraphina Frostwind couldn't hide her shock and panic.

Snow Sky-Dog felt the atmosphere tense immediately. Seraphina Frostwind, always strong and resilient, now seemed shaken by this news. He stepped forward, gripping her hand with determination.

"Seraphina, don't worry! We'll face this challenge together. He might steal material things, but he can't take your resolve and courage," Snow Sky-Dog said, his eyes burning with determination.

Haruka stepped forward, placing a hand on Seraphina's shoulder.

"We can't let Hokage Masayuki continue his misdeeds. The five of us will join forces, not only to protect what we cherish but also to uphold justice."

Aika Takara, with a gentle yet determined smile, stepped closer.

"Snow Sky-Dog, we must act now. Our enemy threatens not just our love and friendship but the safety of the academy and this world."

Amaterasu Yumi nodded in agreement, her eyes gleaming with wisdom.

"Indeed, we must plan carefully. I have crucial information about Hokage Masayuki's hideout beyond the academy. He's now openly defying the World of the Gods. He's trying to recruit more allies for his schemes. If we coordinate well, we can confront him and reclaim what was taken."

Snow Sky-Dog felt hope and new strength surge within him. He knew that with friendship and love, they could face any challenge. "We won't let him hurt anyone else. Together, we'll fight and restore justice."

Seraphina, Haruka, Aika, and Yumi looked at each other, their eyes filled with determination and trust. They knew the road ahead would be tough, but with the power of friendship and courage, they would overcome everything.

Under the warm morning sun, the five of them walked out of the garden, hearts full of determination and hope. They knew the journey ahead wouldn't be easy, but they would never give up. At that moment, their story unfolded new dramatic and challenging chapters, but also full of hope and love.

The five walked in the sunlight, ready for the challenging battle with Hokage Masayuki. Within them, a fierce belief that together, they would overcome all difficulties and achieve true happiness. The next chapters of their journey would be colorful pages of courage, friendship, and undying love.

And so, this chapter closes, but the story ahead is long. They will continue to fight, to love, and to hope, for that is the only path to true happiness.