Chapter 124: Under the Starry Skies: Bonds and Betrayals

"Snow Sky-Dog, how does it feel to love four beautiful women simultaneously? Three goddesses and a human girl—what's your take on that experience?"

"Kurogami Masayuki, you haven't had a drop of alcohol today, yet you sound like a drunken fool. Get out of here! I don't want to hear any more thunderous proclamations from you! Go drink, read in the library, do whatever it takes, leave me alone! Is it your mission to torment me about my love life every day?"

"Ha, Snow Sky-Dog, I'll leave if it makes you happy. But before I have a drink, let me tell you one last thing. Trust me, it's important."

"Say it, then get out!"

"One of your girlfriends, Seraphina Frostwind, was helped by another of your girlfriends, the Goddess of Luck Aika Takara, who lent her money to cover what 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki stole from her house."

"Really? That's great news! Thank you..." Snow Sky-Dog began to say, then remembered he was supposed to be kicking Kurogami Masayuki out. "Are you done talking? Then leave! I need some peace."

"Alright, Snow Sky-Dog. Reflect on everything you need to, thoroughly. The situation is extremely complicated and dire. It's only going to get worse unless each of us rises to the challenge convincingly. The battle for us three gods, and for the World of the Gods, is at its peak. The troubles in your love life are part of this tough challenge. Stay strong, Snow Sky-Dog! You call me 'big brother,' so as your brother, I have to tell you this! Even if you think I'm annoying for always mocking you, remember that we've faced many tough and dangerous missions together. My jests may be harsh, but they're meant in jest, not malice. Now, I'm leaving. Goodbye!"

"Go on, Kurogami Masayuki! And drink less! Tomorrow, the three of us have a very important mission."

As Kurogami Masayuki stepped out, Snow Sky-Dog was left with a whirlpool of thoughts. He sat down, gazing out the window at the stars glittering in the sky of the World of the Gods. Each star represented a promise, a hope, an unfulfilled wish.

Mizuchi Haruka entered, her expression serious but with a tender gaze.

"Snow Sky-Dog, what's troubling you so much?" she asked, her voice gentle yet filled with concern.

Snow Sky-Dog sighed softly, looking into Mizuchi Haruka's beautiful eyes. "Haruka, I'm just thinking about everything that's happened. The feelings between us, between me and Aika, Seraphina, and Yumi. Everything seems to be getting more complicated, and I don't know how to keep the balance."

Haruka smiled, taking his hand.

"We'll get through this together, Snow Sky-Dog. With courage and determination, we'll find a way. Nothing is impossible when we stand together."

Seraphina entered, her radiant smile hiding deep thoughts.

"Snow Sky-Dog, I heard Kurogami mention that Aika helped me. I'm very grateful, and I want to contribute to our mission to find the eight magical artifacts!"

Snow Sky-Dog looked at Seraphina, filled with gratitude.

"Thank you, Seraphina! Your support is invaluable. We are not just lovers, but warriors and comrades on this challenging journey!"

At that moment, Aika Takara and Yumi Amaterasu walked in, bringing a fresh air of determination. Aika spoke with a resolute tone:

"Snow Sky-Dog, we all share a common goal. We must unite and overcome all obstacles to protect the three worlds. I believe that with cooperation and loyalty, we will succeed."

Yumi nodded slightly, her eyes sparkling with mystery.

"Our bond will be our unbeatable strength. Let's fight together, not just for love, but for the noble mission entrusted to us!"

Snow Sky-Dog felt his heart lighten. He stood up, taking each of their hands.

"Thank you, everyone. We will not let any difficulty deter us. Let's move forward together, for a future of peace and brightness for all."

The night sky witnessed their resolve, each star shining brighter as if in support of these brave souls. They left the room together, ready for the next mission, carrying hope and faith in a better future.

"We will never give up," Snow Sky-Dog whispered, his eyes shining with intense belief. "Let's write the history of all three worlds together!"

Under the starry night, their journey officially began, with courage and determination. Unbreakable bonds would guide them through every challenge to a brighter future.

But in a desolate place in the Youkai World.

"The Deity of Deception and Cunning" Hokage Masayuki was observing them through magical binoculars. It was an artifact called "Hawk's Eye," allowing its owner to see anything, regardless of distance. Hokage Masayuki's lips curled into a sinister smile.

"Snow Sky-Dog, enjoy your time with your beautiful ladies! Kurogami Masayuki, drink to your heart's content! You gods, used to easy victories, are in for some big surprises!"

Under the eerie moonlight of the Youkai World, Hokage Masayuki stood on a desolate hill, his eyes gleaming with calculation. The cold wind made his cloak flutter, creating an ominous and mysterious image. He chuckled, a smile full of malice and cunning.

"The game has just begun," he muttered, caressing the magical binoculars. "You have no idea what I've prepared for you, naive gods."

Hokage Masayuki took a few steps, his cold gaze fixed on the distant sky where the stars of the World of the Gods glittered.

"Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, Mizuchi Haruka, do you think you can easily overcome every challenge? I will make you face the harshest trials. Let's see if you can maintain your faith and loyalty then!"

He closed his eyes, feeling the stillness and mystery of the night. In the darkness, his plan unfolded step by step, like a complex chess game with unpredictable moves.

"The decisive moment is approaching," he thought. "Secrets, conspiracies, and truths will soon be revealed. And then, will you still stand strong, you so-called gods?"

The night grew thicker as if containing the deepest mysteries. Hokage Masayuki turned, disappearing into the darkness with a mysterious and ominous smile. He vanished like a gust of wind, leaving behind an eerie, silent space.

Elsewhere, Snow Sky-Dog and his companions were filled with determination and hope, unaware of the dangerous enemy silently watching and preparing the harshest challenges for them.

The night sky still glittered with stars, now seemingly foreshadowing great events to come. Their journey would no longer be easy, and new challenges awaited, demanding more unity, bravery, and resolve than ever before.

Snow Sky-Dog looked up at the sky, his heart filled with determination.

"We will not retreat, no matter how harsh the trials. We will fight together, protecting what matters most."

And under the starry night, a new battle was forming, with unpredictable challenges and dangers. But with faith and unity, they would overcome everything, writing a new chapter for all three worlds.