Chapter 125: Clash of Deities

In a Café in the Youkai World

"The Deity of Deception and Cunning" Hokage Masayuki sat alone in a café. (But it seemed he was waiting for someone!) As time passed, his milk coffee dwindled. Suddenly, something quite special at the entrance of the café caused a sly smile to form on Hokage Masayuki's face, a smile that exuded a sense of cunning to anyone who glanced at him.

"'The Slayer of God' Raiden Kazama, The Green-Faced Ashura, finally, you have arrived! I am delighted that you both agreed to cooperate with me in this plan. This time, those three so-called powerful and talented deities in the world of gods—Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka—will cease their boastful proclamations about their abilities!"

"'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki, are you sure we will succeed with your plan? Don't let two mighty and renowned figures in the Youkai World and the Human World like us lose to those three petty gods! As for me, besides receiving a few magical artifacts among the eight tremendously powerful items, I also want an amount of gold equal to my body weight!" Raiden Kazama said. Being an extremely greedy bounty hunter, it was no surprise that he made such money-scented statements.

"Do not worry, I am 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning'! There is no way my plan will be rendered useless against those arrogant and self-proclaimed wise deities. When I was at the Academy of Gods, I had to endure their so-called profound and philosophical statements. Those maxims, though seemingly wise and ornate, are nothing compared to my cunning. Their abilities, reflected through those sayings, are still too immature!"

"So when will we start executing our plan?" The Green-Faced Ashura asked in a cold and calm tone.

"Oh, there is no need to rush! The right time to act has not yet arrived! Rest assured, when we strike, they will surely face defeat."

"'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki, each deity at the Academy of Gods must articulate at least one life motto they consider most important and profound to them. It serves as both an exam they cannot avoid and a ritual to express their mark. Since the three of us are collaborating in this grand scheme to realize our ambitions, I want to better understand the brain behind our team's plots and tricks. Come on, share your life motto with us!" Raiden Kazama demanded his tone a mix of curiosity and challenge.

"Through bloodshed, gods demonstrate their will!" This statement from 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki sent a shiver through the minds of even the battle-hardened 'The Slayer of God' Raiden Kazama and The Green-Faced Ashura.

The three villains did not rush to act that morning. They left the café together to visit a place of entertainment before each returned to their respective hideouts. Little did they know that all their actions and words had not escaped the watchful eyes and ears of a Griffin, hidden high in the sky among the clouds, its magnificent feathers bathed in sunlight. The deity riding on its back was none other than Snow Sky-Dog. Despite the considerable distance, Snow Sky-Dog, using the magic "The Hues of Supreme Observation," had gleaned all the vital information from the conversation of the three conspirators.

"'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki, well, the intrigue of this challenge has just reached its peak! 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki, you are indeed very cunning, but evil can never triumph over righteousness. I will show you that the righteous power of the three deities is not a weak flame that anyone can easily extinguish! Just wait, 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki! We will not be so docile as to have no response or plan against your wicked rebellion! We will show you that the fame we have earned through our glorious victories is no sham. I know you hold the three of us in contempt, but we will make you regret those short-sighted thoughts!"

Snow Sky-Dog rode his Griffin straight back to the Academy of Gods. The strong winds made his platinum hair flutter lightly in the breeze. He looked like a hero about to embark on a great conquest in the life of a true warrior of the World of Gods.

Upon arrival, he landed in front of the academy gates, his eyes gleaming with determination and courage. His companions, Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka, were already waiting. They sensed a change in Snow Sky-Dog's attitude, a fierceness they had not seen before.

"Masayuki, Haruka, I heard everything. Our enemies have revealed themselves, and we must act immediately," Snow Sky-Dog said, his voice filled with resolve.

Kurogami Masayuki frowned, then nodded. "I knew this moment would come. We need to prepare thoroughly. We cannot let them continue their rampage."

Mizuchi Haruka added, "We must unite, not only to protect ourselves but also to safeguard all those we cherish!"

The three stood together under the morning sun, hearts filled with faith and hope.

"We will not just defend," Snow Sky-Dog declared, "We will attack and ensure that no one can harm those we love."

His words rang out like the oath of a true warrior, strengthening their resolve. They knew the path ahead would be fraught with dangers and challenges, but with friendship and courage, they would overcome everything.

Elsewhere, Hokage Masayuki and his accomplices were unaware that their plan had been uncovered. He still smiled, confident in his victory.

But behind the clouds, the light of hope and justice always shone brightly. The battle between good and evil had only just begun, and each step they took would etch deeper into the chapters of a dramatic and heroic saga.

With steadfast hearts and unwavering determination, Snow Sky-Dog and his friends prepared to enter a battle not just to protect themselves, but to prove that love and righteousness always triumph. The coming days would not be easy, but they were ready to face all challenges to protect the world they cherished.

The chapter closed, opening a new journey full of promise and challenges, but also filled with hope and faith. They would fight to the end, for love and freedom for all.