Chapter 126: The Dragon's Deception

In a place within the World of the Gods, known as the Home of the Dragon Clan.

"'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga, I need your help with something. Three immature gods—Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka—have caused my son, 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu, to be expelled from the Academy of the Gods. They have also inflicted severe wounds on my nephew, 'Demon Dragon' Kamui. I cannot forgive them! Thus, today I summon you before me to assign you an extremely important mission. Seduce Seraphina Frostwind, one of the girlfriends of that arrogant god Snow Sky-Dog. Use your good looks! Employ all the skills and techniques you've honed and perfected through countless love affairs. All this is to avenge my son and nephew! Furthermore, if you succeed in extracting information about the eight most powerful magical artifacts lost across the three worlds, I will reward you handsomely. Strive hard! If our Dragon Clan secures even one of these magical artifacts, with our alliance with the rebellious youkai and the demons from hell, we will dominate all three worlds."

"I understand, dear uncle, King of the Dragons!"

'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga received this despicable and nefarious mission from his uncle with an expressionless face. It seemed as though he felt no pang of conscience while undertaking such a cursed act.

"Wait a moment, 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga! I want to test your mental fortitude before you embark on this mission."

"I am ready, my uncle!"

"Do you remember the life principles you have declared in this home?"

"Yes, uncle. First: 'Beauty is a weapon, and I have mastered its art.' Second: 'Loyalty to my clan surpasses any fleeting emotions or moral conflicts.' And finally: 'In the game of gods and monsters, only the wise and strong survive.'"

"Good! Remember what you have said. They will follow you forever and are essential for this mission! Now go to the World of Humans, where Seraphina Frostwind lives, and complete this task!"

'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga rode on a massive white cloud, flying towards the World of Humans at top speed along the predetermined route. Seraphina Frostwind was in danger! What would happen next? Would she be able to maintain her love for Snow Sky-Dog, a love she had carefully preserved through many storms of life?

'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga glided on the colossal cloud, traversing white billows and azure skies. The sunlight glittered on his gleaming dragon scales, reflecting the determination and coldness in his ice-blue eyes. His mind focused intently on the mission, unwavering in the face of any emotion. He had trained himself to be a perfect weapon, and now was the time to prove it.

As Ryushi approached the World of Humans, he landed in a dense forest surrounding Frostwind's oak house. His steps were light and silent, yet exuding undeniable majesty and authority. He paused by a small stream, looking up at the starry sky. The night was dark, but his heart blazed with a singular goal.

From a distance, Frostwind's oak house appeared like an ice tower, shimmering under the moonlight. Seraphina Frostwind was there, unaware that a white dragon had come near, bearing a dark mission and malicious intent.

Ryushi approached the house, hiding in the shadows, observing and waiting for the right moment to approach Seraphina. He saw her in the garden, sitting by a small pond, her azure eyes distant, her soul seemingly lost in thoughts and memories of Snow Sky-Dog.

With a step as light as a breeze, Ryushi approached her. He bowed and flashed a charming smile.

"Miss Frostwind, I am Yukinaga Ryushi, a traveler from afar. I happened to wander here and could not help but be captivated by the beauty of this place, and... by you."

Seraphina looked up, her azure eyes meeting Ryushi's stunning gaze. For a moment, there was a spark of surprise and curiosity. "Lord Yukinaga, welcome to my home. Where do you come from?"

Ryushi smiled, his eyes warm and friendly, yet hiding a cold calculation.

"I come from a distant land where mystical stories and magic still thrive. But today, I find myself drawn to this place and, more than that, to the exquisite beauty of the lady before me."

Ryushi's words made Seraphina smile lightly.

"You certainly know how to compliment, but I am not easily swayed by flattery. What is your true purpose here?"

Ryushi leaned in, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"My purpose? Perhaps it is to learn more about this world and its remarkable people like you. I hope to have the opportunity to converse and discover more about this place."

Seraphina nodded, her wariness slowly melting away before Ryushi's charm and allure.

"Very well, Lord Yukinaga, sit down and tell me about the far-off lands you have traveled through."

Ryushi smiled, sitting beside her, beginning to weave captivating tales, painting a vivid picture of his thrilling adventures. Meanwhile, he secretly observed Seraphina, studying every gesture and expression. The first step of his plan had succeeded, and Ryushi knew he was drawing closer to his goal.

Night after night, Ryushi visited Seraphina, bringing tales of wonder and gifts from his world. Gradually, she began to trust and open up to him. Yet, deep down, Ryushi always reminded himself of his mission and ultimate objective.

One night, as they sat by the pond, Seraphina looked up at the starry sky and asked softly but meaningfully,

"Lord Yukinaga, do you ever feel lost among these stars? Do you ever wonder what your true purpose in life is?"

Ryushi was silent for a moment, then replied,

"Yes, I do, my lady! But I always remember, that in the game of gods and monsters, only the wise and strong survive. And I know, my path is towards power and authority, no matter the cost."

Seraphina gazed into his eyes, sensing a deep sadness and loneliness within.

"Lord Yukinaga, sometimes, power and authority are not everything. There are things more precious, like love and loyalty. Think about that!"

Ryushi looked into her eyes, feeling her sincerity and warmth. Inside him, a seed of doubt and internal conflict began to sprout. But he knew the mission remained, and he could not let anything sway his loyalty to his clan.

With renewed determination, Ryushi continued conversing with Seraphina, but within him, an internal battle had begun. Would he complete the mission without losing himself? Or would Seraphina's genuine feelings change the path he had chosen? Time would tell, and the power game would no longer be as simple as it initially seemed.