Chapter 127: The Dragon's Deception

"Snow Sky-Dog, we've delayed our quest for the sixth magical item, 'The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives,' for far too long! Perhaps you've been too absorbed in the joys of dating the four beautiful women: Goddess of Fortune Aika Takara, Goddess of Spring and Flowers Mizuchi Haruka, Goddess of Secrets Yumi Amaterasu, and the lovely human girl Seraphina Frostwind! My goodness, Snow Sky-Dog, hasn't a whole month of pleasure with them been enough for you? I think you've been too entranced by their beauty! That's why you no longer wish to pursue our important mission. The grand and crucial mission we three gods swore to complete, no matter the dangers and obstacles in our way."

"My dear brother, Kurogami Masayuki, you misunderstand! The reason I haven't rushed to retrieve 'The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives' is because the time has not yet come! Rest assured, that magical item will belong to the World of the Gods! Of course, all three of us will retrieve it together! I know where it is hidden! Don't worry about anything; for us three gods, retrieving it will be as easy as pulling something from our pockets."

"Snow Sky-Dog, if you say so, I'll trust you for now. But I have some rather unpleasant news to share with you."

"Tell me, brother Kurogami Masayuki!"

"The Dragon Clan has started to move! They've sent a handsome dragon god, not inferior to you, to charm Seraphina Frostwind. My goodness, Snow Sky-Dog, I feel sorry for Seraphina Frostwind! Just because she alone in all three worlds holds the secrets of the eight magical items, she has attracted so many 'hyenas' to her home. I think the Dragon Clan, and even our master, are too cruel to treat Seraphina Frostwind this way! They are willing to toy with the pure feelings of a beautiful girl just to achieve their ends. I don't understand what makes them worthy of the title of gods!"

"Kurogami Masayuki, tell me the name of that despicable dragon god! The Dragon Clan has used this trick twice now. But as Seraphina Frostwind's boyfriend, I will not let them get away with it!"

"His name is 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga!"

"Where is he now?"

"He's having dinner with Seraphina Frostwind at a barbecue restaurant in the Human World."

"Alright, I'm going there right now!"

Snow Sky-Dog made his way to the restaurant where the cunning dragon god was dining with Seraphina Frostwind. He entered the restaurant, his eyes blazing with anger. (Those eyes looked like those of a snow wolf preparing for a fierce battle, in which it would be the dominant force!) Snow Sky-Dog picked up a sturdy chair from the restaurant and used it to attack 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga. Before Ryushi Yukinaga could react, he took the full brunt of Snow Sky-Dog's assault. From the wound on his forehead, caused by Snow Sky-Dog's strike, a strange liquid oozed out – it was white and emitted a cold vapor. (The blood of the ice dragon!) Seraphina Frostwind reacted immediately by screaming.

"Snow Sky-Dog, what are you doing?"

"Seraphina Frostwind, do you remember 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu? This dragon god is using the same despicable tactics as 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu! He doesn't love you! He approached you for his evil purposes. Stay here and let me send this dragon to the Dragon Cemetery!"

"Snow Sky-Dog, stop this right now! Things are not what you think! 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga is a friend of mine. We are just friends! 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga is a very polite and kind man. He is not like 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu. I appreciate that you always protect and care for me. But think about it, you have four girlfriends, including me! Yet I have never been jealous! So why, when I have dinner with 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga, do you act like your house is on fire? Can't you give me some freedom?"

Snow Sky-Dog paused, his eyes glittering with conflict and doubt. Anger and fear wrestled for dominance in his heart. He clenched his fists, the sound of his grinding teeth echoing in the silence.

"Seraphina," he said, his voice deep and restrained, "you must understand that I don't want to control you. I am only worried about your safety. I can't trust this 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga. The Dragon Clan has shown they will do anything to achieve their goals!"

Seraphina Frostwind sighed, her blue eyes filled with sadness and disappointment. She stepped closer to Snow Sky-Dog, her gaze gentle but firm.

"Snow Sky-Dog, I know you are always worried and caring for me. But if we don't trust each other, our love won't endure. I need you to trust me, just as I trust you. Ryushi is not what you think. He has helped me a lot recently."

Snow Sky-Dog looked up at Seraphina, his heart aching. He knew she was right. He had to learn to trust her, no matter how difficult it was.

"Alright," he said, his voice softening, "I will trust you this time, Seraphina. But if he harms you, I will not forgive him."

Seraphina smiled gently, taking Snow Sky-Dog's hand, her eyes full of hope.

"Thank you, Snow Sky-Dog! I know you only want to protect me, and I appreciate that! But we need to face challenges with trust and understanding."

They looked at each other, feeling the warmth and sincere love in each other's eyes. Though the challenges remained, they knew that together, nothing was insurmountable.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind them.

"Snow Sky-Dog, Seraphina, I apologize for causing this misunderstanding." Ryushi Yukinaga stepped forward, his forehead still bleeding but his eyes calm. "I had no intention of harming anyone. I came here on a mission for my clan, but after meeting Seraphina, I realized my clan's purpose was wrong!"

Seraphina looked at Ryushi with sympathy, while Snow Sky-Dog remained cautious but somewhat calmed.

"I will leave," Ryushi continued, "and I will never trouble you two again. But before I go, I must tell you that a greater danger is coming. The Dragon Clan is not the only enemy you will face."

Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina exchanged glances, understanding that the real battle was just beginning. But now, they had an unexpected ally, and together, they would be ready to face any challenge ahead.

Ryushi Yukinaga opened the restaurant door and flew away on his giant white cloud back to the House of the Dragon Clan. Perhaps a terrible punishment from his beloved uncle, the Dragon King, awaited him! Snow Sky-Dog surveyed the mess he had caused. He quickly began cleaning it up with the help of the restaurant staff. Seraphina Frostwind stood there, waiting for Snow Sky-Dog's next words and actions.

"Seraphina Frostwind, since the food has already been served and many dishes are still untouched, would you mind if I joined you for dinner? I'll order a few more dishes! We'll only eat the new, untouched ones. And don't worry, Seraphina Frostwind, I'll pay for this meal! It's been a while since we had dinner together, Seraphina Frostwind!"

Seraphina Frostwind laughed.

"You're very adaptable, Snow Sky-Dog! Of course, I'd love to have dinner with my boyfriend!"

Snow Sky-Dog smiled back, his warm smile dispelling the earlier tension. He pulled up a chair next to Seraphina, gently taking her hand as a promise to always protect and love her.

"Kurogami Masayuki," Snow Sky-Dog addressed Kurogami Masayuki, who was standing beside him, though his eyes remained on Seraphina, "we will continue our journey after tonight. But tonight, I want to spend time with Seraphina, so we can better understand and trust each other."

Kurogami Masayuki nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with respect and understanding.

"I understand, Snow Sky-Dog! Enjoy your evening. We have plenty of time to prepare for the journey ahead."

Seraphina looked at Snow Sky-Dog, her eyes full of gratitude and love.

"Thank you, Snow Sky-Dog! I feel safe knowing you are always by my side, no matter what challenges lie ahead!"

Snow Sky-Dog bowed his head slightly and placed a gentle kiss on Seraphina's hand. "Nothing is more important than our love and trust, Seraphina! No matter how tough the road ahead, I believe we will overcome everything as long as we walk together!"

Dinner continued in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina shared stories and laughter, blending with the twinkling lights of the restaurant. Although challenges awaited them, they felt their love and understanding had never been stronger.

As the evening drew to a close, Snow Sky-Dog looked into Seraphina's eyes and said:

"Tomorrow, we will begin our quest for 'The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives.' But tonight, let's enjoy these peaceful moments. In the future, we will need to remember these times to draw strength from each other!"

Seraphina nodded, her eyes shining with trust and determination.

"I will always be by your side, Snow Sky-Dog! Together, we will overcome any challenge."

Outside, stars began to dot the night sky, like guiding lights for their upcoming journey. Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina held hands as they left the restaurant, hearts full of hope and resolve. They knew the path ahead wouldn't be easy, but with love and trust, nothing was impossible.

Meanwhile, at the House of the Dragon Clan, Ryushi Yukinaga stood before the Dragon King, ready to face the consequences of his actions. However, he still harbored a glimmer of hope that his actions would bring a positive change to all three worlds.

The chapter closed with the image of bright stars in the night sky, heralding a new chapter full of challenges and opportunities for Snow Sky-Dog, Seraphina, and their companions.