Chapter 128: The Dragon's Dilemma

At the House of the Dragon Clan - The World of the Gods

The King of Dragons was furious at the uselessness and weakness of his nephew, "White Dragon" Ryushi Yukinaga. He slammed his large hand on a wooden table, creating a chilling sound that intimidated the dragon god standing before him.

"'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga, are you trying to anger me? I gave you such a simple task, and you couldn't complete it? Damn it, a useless being like you is considered one of the strongest dragon gods in the dragon clan! Do you have any explanation for me, 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga?"

"Uncle, I have nothing to explain! But…"

"But what? Speak your damn reason, 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga!"

"But Uncle, I have fallen in love with Seraphina Frostwind! Her purity, innocence, and extraordinary beauty have enchanted me. I have deceived many beautiful girls before, but Seraphina Frostwind is someone whose love I cannot bear to betray! Her holy heart, untouched by the impurities of life, makes me feel wretched for my past lifestyle! Uncle, the greatest leader in my heart, I cannot live without Seraphina Frostwind! Please allow me to love her! Please allow me to marry her!"

"Shut up, 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga! What you just said is something I never want to hear! I wonder just how beautiful Seraphina Frostwind must be for both my son and my nephew to become foolish, weak, and useless because of her looks. 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga, you have made a grave mistake unlike any before. I am the master of this house, the leader of all dragon gods here. If I don't punish you, any member of this clan might commit the same folly. Though you are one of the nephews I love the most, I cannot spare you from punishment. 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga, I sentence you to three months in the Dragon Dungeon. Reflect carefully on your mistake there!" Then the King of Dragons ordered his servants.

"My servants, imprison this foolish dragon god in the Dragon Dungeon. For three continuous months, you are only allowed to feed him plain porridge! If you disobey my orders, beware my wrath!"

The dragon clan's servants locked 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga in that dreadful dungeon.

Meanwhile, in the World of Humans

Seraphina Frostwind sat as if she had lost her soul. Her mind drifted along with the massive silver clouds. Many days had passed since 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga fought with Snow Sky-Dog at the barbecue restaurant; he no longer visited or talked to Seraphina Frostwind. Even though she still visited her boyfriend, Snow Sky-Dog, at the Academy of the Gods when she missed him too much, there were many times when Seraphina Frostwind felt very lonely and in need of someone to talk to. So when 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga visited and confided in her, it was truly a "privilege" for her. But now, 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga could no longer visit her. Moreover, Snow Sky-Dog, her boyfriend, did not welcome Seraphina Frostwind befriending a member of a clan at odds with the triad of gods at the Academy of the Gods (including Snow Sky-Dog himself). Thus, she reluctantly complied with her lover Snow Sky-Dog's wishes. But even so, she still missed her dragon friend, "White Dragon" Ryushi Yukinaga!

Seraphina Frostwind sat on a bench in a quiet garden, her gaze directed at the blue sky with floating silver clouds. Memories of Ryushi Yukinaga and the times they shared appeared vividly in her mind. She understood that Snow Sky-Dog wanted to protect her, but she still held a small place in her heart for Ryushi, who had been a source of comfort in her lonely days.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew through, rustling the leaves. From a distance, a tall figure approached. It was Snow Sky-Dog, with a stern face and bright eyes. He sat down next to Seraphina, his eyes fixed on her.

"Seraphina," Snow Sky-Dog began, his voice deep and warm, "I know you are very sad and miss Ryushi Yukinaga. But please understand that I only want the best for you. The dragon clan is not trustworthy, and Ryushi is part of that clan!"

Seraphina turned to look at Snow Sky-Dog, her blue eyes shining with determination.

"Snow Sky-Dog, I know you worry about me, and I appreciate that! But Ryushi is not what you think. He has changed, and I believe he deserves a chance to prove it."

Snow Sky-Dog sighed softly, his heart filled with conflict. He wanted to protect Seraphina from all dangers, but he also realized that prohibiting her would only increase the distance between them.

"Seraphina, if you truly believe in Ryushi, I will not stop you from seeing him. But be careful and remember that I am always here to protect you!"

Seraphina smiled gently, taking Snow Sky-Dog's hand.

"Thank you, Snow Sky-Dog! I know you always care and worry for me. We will face all challenges together, and I will not let anyone hurt you."

Meanwhile, in the Dragon Dungeon, Ryushi Yukinaga sat quietly in the darkness. Thoughts of Seraphina and his failure weighed heavily on him. However, in his soul, a glimmer of hope remained. He knew that his love for Seraphina would help him overcome any difficulties.

"Seraphina," Ryushi whispered, "no matter how many challenges I face, I will not give up. I will prove to everyone that our love is true and unbreakable!"

At the Academy of the Gods, Kurogami Masayuki, Snow Sky-Dog, and Mizuchi Haruka were also preparing for a journey. He understood that this mission was not just about finding a magical artifact but also a test of courage and solidarity.

"We must be ready to face anything," he said to Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka during a training session. "Only unity and determination will help us overcome all obstacles!"

Snow Sky-Dog nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting his resolve.

"I know, Kurogami Masayuki! We will fight together and protect those we love!"

Finally, the day of departure arrived. Under the bright sun, Snow Sky-Dog, Mizuchi Haruka, and Kurogami Masayuki stood before the large gates of the Academy of the Gods, ready to embark on their journey. Each god carried within them a hope, a determination, and a burning love.

They stepped through the gates, moving forward with hearts full of courage and determination. They knew this journey would not be easy, but with love and unity, they would overcome all challenges and achieve their goals.

And somewhere, in the darkness of the Dragon Dungeon, Ryushi Yukinaga waited quietly, with the belief that one day, he would be free and show the world that his love for Seraphina Frostwind was true. The battle had just begun, and greater challenges awaited them ahead.