Chapter 130: Trial by Fire and Light

The first rays of dawn in the Human World awakened the most responsible deity of the World of the Gods. That deity was none other than the God of Light, Kurogami Masayuki. Kurogami Masayuki awoke while Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka were still sound asleep as if they had drunk too much the night before. (Although it was not their habit to indulge in alcohol; that was Kurogami Masayuki's preference—yet, paradoxically, he was often the earliest riser among all the gods of the World of the Gods. [It was strange and humorous that this god, who usually stayed up late after drinking, still managed to wake up first! Perhaps he did this to ensure a deep sleep. Nevertheless, he was always the first to greet the morning, especially on important days like today!] No one in the three vast worlds could explain this oddity. They could only say to each other: [It's because Kurogami Masayuki is the God of Light.])

The black-robed monk spoke to Kurogami Masayuki:

"Wake your two companions. I want all three of you to witness this momentous day!"

Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka were reluctantly awakened by Kurogami Masayuki. (They were still groggy!)

The monk overseeing the strange temple said to Kurogami Masayuki:

"God of Light Kurogami Masayuki, now I will set a challenge for you! But first, I want to hear a profound new maxim you would like to share with me today. Come, speak something that will mark your impact on all three worlds before my eyes, Kurogami Masayuki!"

"The will surpasses the abyss, but courage hides in the shadows. Walk through the light of perilous and difficult moments to find the light of achievement. That is the light of truth that I always strive to find!"

"Is that so, Kurogami Masayuki? Then descend to the fifth layer of hell and make the truth you just spoke shine brighter than ever!"

Before Kurogami Masayuki could react, a black hole appeared right before his eyes. A swarm of over a thousand bats surrounded him, covering his entire body before the astonished eyes of the two gods nearby. Moments later, the bats carried him into the strange black hole, and he vanished before the wide-eyed astonishment of his younger brother and sister.

The man in the black monk's robe waved his hand, and the space before Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka transformed into a magical, colossal mirror. In the strange, dilapidated temple, Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka watched as their elder brother, the God of Light Kurogami Masayuki, confronted and overcame the challenges in the fifth layer of hell. Kurogami Masayuki found himself in a forest filled with bizarre trees—trees that were once sinners who had committed violence against themselves by taking their own lives. Occasionally, harpies descended from the sky to punish these souls for their past sins. Kurogami Masayuki steadied himself before the strange and horrifying sight. He heard the ground-shaking footsteps of a giant, growing ever more intense as it approached. The Minotaur, its fierce eyes betraying a familiarity with the dark realm, fixed its gaze on the God of Light, surrounded by darkness. It raised a sharp, double-edged axe made of a special infernal alloy, brandishing it to intimidate Kurogami Masayuki. With all its terrifying might, it charged at him, axe ready to strike.

Kurogami Masayuki did not waver at the sight of the Minotaur. Transforming into his most powerful battle form, "The Thunderous Phoenix King," he stood strong and resolute. The fierce gaze of the Minotaur could not shake his fighting spirit. He faced the gigantic monster without a hint of fear or hesitation.

"Creature of hell, face my power!" Kurogami Masayuki's challenge was issued with regal authority.

The Minotaur charged with terrifying speed, its sharp axe poised to cleave Kurogami Masayuki in two. But he was prepared. His heart pounded with strength as he channeled energy into his body. His arms transformed into the wings of a mighty phoenix, ready to counter the Minotaur's assault.

As the axe neared, Kurogami Masayuki moved with the speed of light, dodging the Minotaur's sharp strike. The aura of fire and lightning of the phoenix erupted, and Kurogami Masayuki unleashed a powerful blow from the peak of his strength.

The Minotaur could not believe its eyes. The god before it was not a weakling but a formidable opponent, unafraid. The fiery and thunderous wings of the phoenix struck its body, causing destruction and pain.

"I am the flame, the lightning of sincerity, the strength of justice, and the light of freedom!" Kurogami Masayuki declared, his voice resolute, inspiring belief and hope in all who heard.

The battle between Kurogami Masayuki and the Minotaur grew more intense. Both displayed their full might and fought with unwavering ferocity. But ultimately, it was the flame and lightning of the phoenix—the power of sincerity and the light of freedom—that triumphed. The Minotaur fell before Kurogami Masayuki was defeated.

Kurogami Masayuki stood over the dark creature, his breath heavy. Triumph surged in his heart. He had overcome one of the most challenging trials in his journey.

As he breathed heavily, full of determination and pride, Kurogami Masayuki knew this was only the first step in a long, arduous journey ahead. A kaleidoscope of colorful butterflies carried him back to the strange temple, where Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka awaited.

Upon his return, Masayuki noticed the worried eyes of his companions. The three stood before the magical mirror, watching the recent events unfold. Kurogami Masayuki couldn't hide the pride and satisfaction in his eyes, yet a hint of worry lingered for the challenges yet to come.

The black-robed monk, his face expressionless, spoke: "Congratulations, Kurogami Masayuki. You have triumphed over a trial that few can overcome. However, this journey is far from over. This afternoon, the final challenge for Snow Sky-Dog will commence. Let us hope he does not disappoint. Let us hope that Snow Sky-Dog will not squander your and Haruka's efforts."

Snow Sky-Dog stood silent, his eyes fixed on the magical mirror. He knew his battle would be no less daunting, but he was ready to face any danger to uphold the honor and mission of their team. In his mind, he felt the encouragement and support of his two companions.

"We have come this far together, and we will overcome every challenge together," Snow Sky-Dog said, his voice deep and resolute. "I will not let everyone's efforts be in vain!"

Mizuchi Haruka, her eyes filled with hope and determination, nodded in agreement. She understood that the final challenge would be a decisive test for their fate. But with unity and courage, they would overcome everything.

Kurogami Masayuki, comforted by his companions' determination, smiled gently. He knew true strength lay not only within oneself but also in the support and trust of those who journeyed alongside him.

"Let us rest and prepare for the final battle," Kurogami Masayuki said. "This afternoon, we will prove that no challenge is too great for the friendship and courage of our trio."

The three stood before the magical mirror, their eyes filled with resolve and hope, ready to face the final challenge. In each of their hearts, the belief in a bright future and unwavering determination had never been stronger.

The black-robed monk watched them, his eyes holding a hint of mystery.

"Prepare yourselves, young gods! This afternoon will determine your destinies and those of the three vast worlds!"

With those words, the chapter concluded, opening a new chapter full of promise and awaiting challenges for the trio of gods.