Chapter 131: Battle in the Infernal Arena

What must come, eventually comes. That fateful afternoon had finally arrived. The trial of Snow Sky-Dog was upon him at last! Would he squander the extraordinary and incredible efforts of his brother and his girlfriend? Snow Sky-Dog took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He stood before a monk whose magical power was enough to make a god as brave and resourceful as himself feel anxious and a bit fearful.

"Snow Sky-Dog, you know the rules of the game, don't you?"

"I do! I will speak what needs to be said right now!"

Everyone fell silent, concentrating intensely on hearing the words Snow Sky-Dog was about to utter. (Hopefully, it wouldn't be one of those flowery, sweet phrases he often used to flatter and charm the four beautiful maidens he always talked to!)

"The essence of a guiding warrior is not in what you're made of bone and flesh; iron or steel; gold or diamond; none of it matters! What matters is what your warrior spirit tells you!"

"Well then, Snow Sky-Dog, if that's truly the case, go to the arena of hell and prove to me that you live by that strong spirit! Let me see if you are as noble and powerful as you claim! Go to the seventh layer of hell, Snow Sky-Dog!"

The ground beneath Snow Sky-Dog cracked open. He fell into a deep chasm, plummeting into hell. The black-robed monk handed each of his two companions a magical mirror. Through these mirrors, they silently watched Snow Sky-Dog face his challenge with their greatest hope.

Snow Sky-Dog landed in a massive arena. A giant with three heads and six arms, looking fierce and menacing, advanced towards him. The giant, dressed as a gladiator, wielded six spiked clubs with handles of just the right length. (These were not the flail-type clubs with chain-linked, ball-shaped heads, but long-handled spiked clubs, terrifying weapons made from the hardest stone in hell.) Snow Sky-Dog was certain this giant was Geryon. (Snow Sky-Dog wasn't there to steal his red cattle, but Geryon was determined to destroy him!) Without a word, Geryon charged at Snow Sky-Dog with tremendous force. This power was enough to make even the bravest god in the World of the Gods, like Snow Sky-Dog, sweat as if he had just bathed. But Snow Sky-Dog didn't "bathe" for too long. He summoned all his magical strength. In an instant, he transformed into his most powerful battle form: "The Ice Fire Celestial Canine"! Geryon appeared slightly panicked and lost his composure at the sight of Snow Sky-Dog's formidable transformation. He trembled a bit and took three steps back. Then he tightened his grip on his six deadly weapons and let out a horrifying roar before charging at Snow Sky-Dog again with all his might and all his weapons. Snow Sky-Dog smiled. He had conquered all the fears this battle had stirred within him. He used the full power of his "Ice Fire Celestial Canine" form to decisively defeat Geryon. (But this is hell, and as soon as Snow Sky-Dog leaves, Geryon will revive within minutes! However, defeating him convincingly was all that mattered!) They fought with relentless ferocity.

Snow Sky-Dog and Geryon faced each other in the colossal arena of hell, their power and determination radiating an undeniable tension. Snow Sky-Dog saw the fierce red glow emanating from the massive creature charging at him, a palpable manifestation of sheer power. Yet within that red light, he found no fear, only resolve and patience.

Despite Geryon's overwhelming strength, Snow Sky-Dog maintained his patience and courage. He was not one to cower before challenges but one who faced them with utmost bravery. Within Snow Sky-Dog burned a fire, a steadfastness emanating from the heart of a true warrior.

As Geryon lunged at him, Snow Sky-Dog raised the magical hammer he had forged from ice a millennium old. Light blazed from the hammer's head, forming an icy shield around him, transforming him into an icebound werewolf. He was ready to face this daunting challenge.

The battle was intense, with powerful strikes from both sides. Each bite, each blow, inflicted deep wounds on both combatants. But Snow Sky-Dog fought on, seemingly unaffected by pain, his determination and will unbreakable.

In a counterattack, Snow Sky-Dog harnessed the power of his "Ice Fire Celestial Canine" form to deliver a decisive blow. A burst of red flame and white ice enveloped his magical hammer, and a glorious light shone forth. This made each strike of his hammer more powerful than ever.

Geryon, despite his strength and ferocity, could not withstand Snow Sky-Dog's superior power. Gradually, his strength waned, and finally, he could no longer continue fighting.

Seeing Geryon collapse before him, Snow Sky-Dog felt no elation or pride. Instead, he felt a small satisfaction and gratitude for those who had believed in and supported him on this journey.

With Snow Sky-Dog's victory, light returned to the strange temple, but not a dazzling or radiant light. Rather, it was a gentle, serene light spreading from the old timbers and crumbling walls, symbolizing the return of peace after arduous trials. The black-robed monk kept his promise. He handed the three young gods the magical artifact called "The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives." In that moment of peace, Snow Sky-Dog gazed at the blue sky, where white clouds drifted like fleeting emotions. He saw images of the past and future intertwined in the clouds, images of suffering and hope, but also of strength and courage.

"We have overcome incredible trials," Snow Sky-Dog said, his voice calm and meaningful. "But it is not the mightiest strength or the most powerful weapon that grants us eternal victory. It is our spirit and will, our ability to find light in the darkness, and our capacity to imagine and hope beyond all difficulties."

Snow Sky-Dog's companions nodded in agreement, understanding that true strength lay in their patience and courage, not just in battle, but in each one's journey.

With firm steps, Snow Sky-Dog and his companions left the temple, heading toward new adventures, new challenges, and new chapters in their grand story. Within them, the flame of hope and determination continued to burn brightly, a steadfast source of encouragement to face any hardship ahead.

And under the clear blue sky, the sunlight shone down upon them, illuminating their path as a symbol of a bright future and undying hope.

But on their way back to the Academy of the Gods, the three gods stopped at a seemingly luxurious but abandoned castle. They did not know it was a castle conjured by "The Deity of Deception and Cunning," Hokage Masayuki. Inside, "The Deity of Deception and Cunning," Hokage Masayuki, "The Slayer of God," Raiden Kazama, and The Green-Faced Ashura lay in wait, ready to kill them and steal "The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives." Would the three gods, weary from their recent battle, have the strength to defeat these cunning and fierce enemies? But that is a tale for another chapter, not this one!