Chapter 132: Trials of the Divine

Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka stepped into a bedroom with three spacious beds to rest before returning to the Academy of the Gods. But suddenly, Snow Sky-Dog sensed something amiss in the room. Was it his heightened sensitivity, honed by countless moments of peril where his life hung by a thread, or was the room truly not as it seemed? Snow Sky-Dog shouted:

"Mice, show yourselves! Do you think I haven't mastered The Enchantment of Invisibility? Stop lurking in the shadows like cowardly thieves! If you want to fight us, then come out now!"

"The Deity of Deception and Cunning" Hokage Masayuki, "The Slayer of God" Raiden Kazama, and The Green-Faced Ashura materialized simultaneously. The eyes of these three fierce butchers were as red as the eyes of bulls driven mad by the torment of matadors.

But unexpectedly, the room's door was flung open by a tall, handsome man. This man was none other than the God of War, Shirogami Takeshi.

"Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka, your master foresaw that the scoundrel 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki and his cronies would concoct a scheme to steal the magical artifact known as 'The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives,' which you risked your lives to retrieve from the depths of hell. Thus, he assigned me to assist you!" He then pointed his right index finger at Hokage Masayuki. "You vile deity! I've always known your character was despicable, but I didn't anticipate you would betray the World of the Gods and conspire with notorious rogues 'The Slayer of God' Raiden Kazama and The Green-Faced Ashura to execute a plot to destroy our world. You deceived your teachers, harmed your fellow students, and betrayed the world that nurtured you. You contemptible wretch, I have a little gift for you!"

The God of War Shirogami Takeshi summoned his magical power from his soul, body, and mind. In no time, a magical portal formed, and thousands of Werewolves marched through it. "The Deity of Deception and Cunning" Hokage Masayuki, "The Slayer of God" Raiden Kazama, and The Green-Faced Ashura could not help but panic at this dire turn of events.

"Surprised, you three fools who think yourselves so clever? The Werewolf clan is an ally of my clan. At my call, they arrive in force! Hokage Masayuki, you fancy yourself exceptionally smart, but compared to 'The Progenitor of the Gods,' you're just a child learning to the scheme. You're pitifully naive and unfortunate, wretched deity!"

Then, the God of War Shirogami Takeshi used his magical strength to create an explosion in the castle's ceiling, and the four gods escaped through the opening, leaving behind a fierce battle between the Werewolves and the three villains, who were unlucky enough to provoke a vastly superior opponent. These villains, proud of their unmatched cunning and intelligence, had made a grave mistake. The entire tri-world knew they had been foolish to plot against the greatest mind of all three worlds: "The Progenitor of the Gods." As they flew away, the four gods recalled the favorite adage of "The Progenitor of the Gods": "In a fierce, tense battle, sometimes having a plan one step ahead of the enemy is still a bad plan. Sometimes, you need to be two or three steps ahead."

As the four gods ascended, the bright moonlight bathed the night sky, highlighting their majesty and resolve. Snow Sky-Dog glanced at Shirogami Takeshi, his eyes filled with gratitude and admiration. He couldn't believe his fortune in having such a skilled and loyal comrade.

"Takeshi, your arrival is truly a gift from the gods," Snow Sky-Dog said, his tone laden with deep appreciation.

Takeshi smiled, his eyes sparkling like the stars in the night sky.

"Snow Sky-Dog, I couldn't stand by while you faced danger alone. We all fight for the peace of the World of the Gods."

Kurogami Masayuki nodded, his gaze thoughtful.

"But we must remain vigilant! 'The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives' is a precious artifact, and many will covet it. Today's events are just the beginning of the challenges ahead."

Mizuchi Haruka listened quietly but inwardly agreed with Masayuki's words. She knew the path ahead would be fraught with obstacles, but with their unity and talent, she believed they could overcome any trial.

Suddenly, a brilliant green light flashed in the distance. The four immediately halted, gazing towards the light. A figure appeared, hovering in the air, with a dignified and authoritative expression. It was The Progenitor of the Gods.

"My students, you have done well in facing the enemy! But remember, the path of the gods is never smooth. 'The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives' is just a part of a larger secret you must uncover. Prepare your minds and strengths, for the real challenges still await."

After speaking, The Progenitor of the Gods' image faded into the green light. The four gods looked at each other, their eyes filled with determination. They knew their master's words were never in vain. They needed to stay strong and alert, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

"Let's go," Takeshi said, his voice firm. "There's much to do and many foes to face. But I believe, with our unity and courage, nothing is impossible."

With renewed determination, the four gods continued their journey, soaring through the night sky toward a promising yet challenging future. The stars above seemed to light their path, as if offering blessings and encouragement from the heavens.

They flew on, and as the dawn of creation greeted a new day, they arrived back at the Academy of the Gods. Almost all the gods who were students at the academy came out to greet them. Snow Sky-Dog's two girlfriends, the Goddess of Luck Aika Takara and the Goddess of Secrets Amaterasu Yumi congratulated him with sweet hugs and kisses. (This made Mizuchi Haruka extremely uncomfortable! If Seraphina Frostwind were here, she would certainly make a scene! Two rivals of the close friends Seraphina Frostwind and Mizuchi Haruka had seized the opportunity to make a bold move. Perhaps the God of War Shirogami Takeshi also felt slightly uncomfortable seeing Amaterasu Yumi so intimate with Snow Sky-Dog! Maybe deep inside, he was crying out, "Why not me? Why the snow wolf Snow Sky-Dog?")

Amid the joyous atmosphere of their welcome, Snow Sky-Dog couldn't shake off a sense of unease. He approached Shirogami Takeshi and whispered.

"Takeshi, we've brought back 'The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives,' but I can't stop thinking about The Progenitor of the Gods' warning. There might be more secrets and dangers yet to be revealed."

Takeshi nodded, his eyes serious.

"Indeed, Snow Sky-Dog. We've entered a much larger battle than we imagined. But with unity and courage, we'll overcome any challenge."

Kurogami Masayuki stood nearby, pensive.

"Perhaps we should start by learning more about the history and origin of 'The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives.' Only by understanding it can we protect it and the World of the Gods from hidden threats."

Mizuchi Haruka listened silently but felt more determined than ever.

"We cannot stop here. Every challenge is an opportunity for us to grow stronger."

Suddenly, a strange sound echoed from afar. The group turned to see another band of gods approaching. Leading them was a deity with an imposing and authoritative presence, wielding a staff that shimmered with mysterious colors.

"Welcome back," the deity said, his voice warm yet commanding. "I am the God of Knowledge, Akira, and I bring a message from The Progenitor of the Gods. As you may know, 'The Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives' is not just an artifact but a key to an ancient secret about the origins of the World of the Gods. We must join forces to uncover this secret and protect it from all dangers."

The words of the God of Knowledge Akira plunged the group into deep thought. Snow Sky-Dog sensed the gravity of the situation. He turned to his comrades, his eyes resolute.

"We have no choice but to move forward! What awaits us may be more dangerous than anything we've faced before, but we will never retreat," Snow Sky-Dog said, his voice firm.

The group nodded in unison, their faces filled with determination. They knew the path ahead would be arduous, but with courage and unity, they would overcome any challenge. A new chapter of their journey, filled with mysteries and dangers, had begun, promising dramatic discoveries and epic battles.

The sun began to rise, casting its first rays upon the Academy of the Gods, signaling the start of new trials. The gods were ready, and they would continue to fight for the peace and safety of all three worlds.