Chapter 133: Quest of the Cursed Spear

One morning at the Academy of the Gods – The World of the Gods.

"The Progenitor of the Gods" was in his office, his room. Before him stood four young gods who had made significant contributions and played crucial roles in retrieving the sixth magical artifact among the eight most formidable and terrifying artifacts in the vast three worlds.

"Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, Mizuchi Haruka, and Shirogami Takeshi, I have summoned the four mighty gods here today to reveal an important secret concerning the World of the Gods, our world."

"'The Progenitor of the Gods', please tell us. We are eager to hear it!" answered the War God Shirogami Takeshi, confidence sparkling in his beautiful eyes.

"Listen carefully, you mighty and young gods: The magical artifact you retrieved, the 'Lamp of the Seven Stars Seizing Lives', is the only gateway to a path leading to the World of the 'Former Gods'. The seventh magical artifact is hidden in that world. The 'Former Gods' possess incredibly terrifying magical powers in that world. However, they are extremely aggressive and extraordinarily eccentric! Even ancient gods like me might face danger when venturing into their world. This task is even more difficult, complex, and dangerous for new gods like you! Furthermore, the flow of time in the World of the 'Former Gods' is very peculiar. Completing the task and returning with the seventh magical artifact might only take a day in that forgotten world. But due to the unique time flow there, it will take a whole year in our world. This is a mission of extreme particularity! Therefore, I shall permit only one of your four deities to embark upon this quest! Who among you wishes to go?"

Kurogami Masayuki stepped forward, his eyes burning with an unquenchable determination. This was exactly what he had been hoping for! After all, he had always wanted to collect the seventh and eighth magical artifacts on his own.

"Master, let me undertake this mission! As you have said, I am the most outstanding god in this academy. I am also your most favored disciple. Thus, the most suitable candidate for this mission is none other than me! If I cannot complete this mission, no one can!"

Snow Sky-Dog hurriedly tried to dissuade his elder brother.

"Kurogami Masayuki, your magical power is lower than mine. The World of the 'Former Gods' is extremely dangerous. If you go there, I fear you will not be able to keep yourself safe from those mighty but aggressive 'Former Gods'! Therefore, elder brother, stay at the academy! I will undertake the mission!"

Kurogami Masayuki argued back.

"Snow Sky-Dog, honestly, your warrior spirit is indeed higher than mine. But I am far wiser than you! When it comes to brute strength, I cannot compare to you. But the power of wisdom surpasses mere brute strength! Snow Sky-Dog, stop competing with me for this great opportunity! Let me go! I am not a god of lesser quality, ability, and virtue than you! Besides, the mission will take a whole year. If you go, who will date, care for, and look after your four exquisitely beautiful women?"

While the two gods argued fiercely, Mizuchi Haruka, the only goddess in the room, spoke up.

"Elder brother, Snow Sky-Dog, stop arguing over this. It will harm our team's harmony! I believe I am the most suitable god for this mission. Therefore, I will go!"

Kurogami Masayuki responded to his sister with a furious attitude.

"My sister, Mizuchi Haruka, your magical power is the lowest in our team. If you go on this mission, it's as if you are sacrificing yourself to those 'Former Gods'. Moreover, the mission will take a whole year. If you are away from Snow Sky-Dog for a year, with the seductive tricks of your three rivals, can you be sure you will win the battle for Snow Sky-Dog's affection?"

At this point, the War God Shirogami Takeshi could no longer remain silent. He stepped forward and spoke.

"Stop this noisy and chaotic argument! Let me undertake this mission!"

"The Progenitor of the Gods" intervened to end the heated debate that had stirred chaos in his room.

"Silence! If all of you wish to go to the World of the 'Former Gods' to retrieve the 'Cursed Spear', the decision of who will go lies with me. I trust and hold the highest regard for Kurogami Masayuki's qualities, abilities, and virtues! Therefore, I assign this mission to Kurogami Masayuki! The decision is made! This debate among you new gods is over! Return to your respective rooms. In one week, the journey of Kurogami Masayuki, the most esteemed new god in every aspect, will commence."

Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka returned to their shared room in the academy, while the War God Shirogami Takeshi returned to his room. Kurogami Masayuki felt a mix of joy and a slight pressure building in his mind. The other three gods felt the sorrowful atmosphere of parting with Kurogami Masayuki. For the next year, they would not see him in the academy. This evoked a sense of loneliness and emptiness that words could hardly describe, especially for Mizuchi Haruka, who was closest to Kurogami Masayuki in the academy. Her elder brother was about to leave her for a whole year, bringing a feeling of loss and sadness to her heart. The Light God Kurogami Masayuki was about to leave the academy for an entire year. This could be an opportunity for the opposing factions to rise against the Academy of the Gods, the World of the Gods, with the looming threat of a large-scale war between the World of the Gods and the Youkai World. Will Kurogami Masayuki return safely and complete the mission? The answer will unfold in the upcoming events of the story!


Mizuchi Haruka stood silently by the window, her eyes gazing at the distant horizon. She sighed softly, her mind filled with thoughts and worries for her beloved brother. "Elder brother, I hope you return safely," she whispered as if sending her hopes into the passing breeze. Meanwhile, Snow Sky-Dog sat pensively at the table, holding a pen, not realizing what he had written. "If Masayuki cannot complete this mission, what will we face?" he wondered, his eyes filled with deep concern.

Masayuki lay on his bed, his eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. Thoughts of the upcoming journey and the heavy burden of the mission weighed on his mind. "Can I do it? I must do it," he told himself, his eyes burning with determination. Yet, deep within, an unnamed anxiety lingered.

A week later, as the sun began to rise, Kurogami Masayuki was ready for the journey. Before leaving, he turned back to look at his friends one last time. "I will return, I promise," he said, his voice firm, but he could not hide the emotion. The three friends watched him, each with their thoughts, but all hoping for Masayuki's safe return.

The journey began, carrying hope and unanswered mysteries. Will Kurogami Masayuki overcome all challenges to retrieve the seventh magical artifact, the "Cursed Spear"? What dangers and surprises await him? The answers will gradually unfold in the following chapters as the adventure of the young gods continues...