Chapter 136: The Chains of Deception

Today is a significant day for the Academy of the Gods, as well as for the World of the Gods.

"Are you ready for this mission, Snow Sky-Dog? This time, the two of us are determined not to let that scoundrel, 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki, escape from our grasp. But in this plan, I am the one who devised the strategy to capture this dangerous enemy! And I also play the most crucial role in determining the success or failure of this mission! So, if we succeed in capturing 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki and his accomplices, don't you dare boast to the lecturers and other students in the academy that this is solely your achievement! And don't you dare vie for the rewards from 'The Progenitor of the Gods' with me! Otherwise, I won't consider you my friend anymore!"

"I understand, Fire Deity Hinokagami no Kami! You play the most crucial role in this mission's success. I'm merely an auxiliary player! Does that satisfy you?"

"Very well! Then take this magical artifact! You mustn't lose it!"

"This magical artifact is... 'The Fire Realm's Chain of Deities!'"

"You have quite extensive knowledge about magical artifacts! This is the most valuable magical artifact of our 'Fire Deity Clan!' So don't lose it. In a moment, when we meet that scoundrel, you just need to use 'The Fire Realm's Chain of Deities' to bind him. If you do so, I am sure this mission will succeed flawlessly. Now, transform yourself with magic to disguise your appearance! That scoundrel was once a student at this academy. If you go to meet him in your true form, it will reveal all our secrets about our plan."

"Alright, alright, I understand. Just wait patiently for a moment!"

Snow Sky-Dog transformed into a young man with a completely different appearance from his own. (But he couldn't transform himself into an ugly young man! It seems Snow Sky-Dog couldn't accept looking ugly, whether he was dating his four beautiful girlfriends or not!) To disguise himself as a member of the 'Fire Deity Clan,' Snow Sky-Dog donned an entirely red suit. (This is Fire Deity Hinokagami no Kami's favorite outfit. But it seems Snow Sky-Dog also quite liked this extremely eye-catching suit!)

"Alright! Let's go! Now we will head to the place where we arranged to meet 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki to capture him. will never expect that we are going there to capture him! But we will do it for the peace of all three worlds! Let's go, Snow Sky-Dog, I'm feeling very excited now!"

They flew to the Youkai World, where "The Deity of Deception and Cunning" Hokage Masayuki was waiting. But they had no idea that instead of being the hunters, they were the prey about to fall into the trap of a cunning hunter. He was furious for losing the last battle of wits with "The Progenitor of the Gods," their principal. And this time, he was determined to exact his revenge by unleashing his wrath on the two of them.

Upon arriving at the meeting place, Snow Sky-Dog and Hinokagami no Kami calmly sat down on the chairs in front of "The Deity of Deception and Cunning." But suddenly, Hinokagami no Kami shouted.

"We've fallen into his trap, Snow Sky-Dog! You must try to escape back to the Academy of the Gods alone, don't worry about me! Snow Sky-Dog, I've been captured by him. You absolutely must not let him get 'The Fire Realm's Chain of Deities.' Because it is the most powerful magical artifact of our clan! Do you understand what I just said, Snow Sky-Dog?"

Snow Sky-Dog hadn't even fully grasped everything that was happening when, right before his eyes, the chair his friend was sitting on transformed into a golden cage adorned with nine dragons carved into it. It turned out to be a magical artifact called "The Golden Cage of Nine Dragons," capable of disguising itself as anything. Once it imprisoned anyone in any of the three worlds, that person would find it nearly impossible to escape. To destroy it and break free, the imprisoned person would need to be either a "Former God" or an "Ancient God." For a new generation god like them, it was impossible to muster enough strength to destroy this magical artifact. Snow Sky-Dog was never one to abandon friends in times of danger. Therefore, he immediately transformed into his most powerful battle form, "The Ice Fire Celestial Canine." He wielded a divine weapon called "The Sky-Breaking Wolf Fang Staff." But "The Deity of Deception and Cunning" Hokage Masayuki merely smirked with a cunning grin.

"Snow Sky-Dog, do you think I would capture that stupid Fire Deity without any preparation?" "The Deity of Deception and Cunning" Hokage Masayuki created a magical portal. An army of over a thousand Cynocephaly, armed and armored, rushed out to surround Snow Sky-Dog. "Snow Sky-Dog, the Cynocephaly clan is an important ally of my clan. With a single word from me, I can mobilize all of them! Cynocephaly is numerous and ferocious. Defeating them will take quite a bit of time and effort! Stay here and 'play' with them as you please! When you finally fend off their attack and escape their encirclement, return to the Academy of the Gods. There, tell that old man 'The Progenitor of the Gods' that if he wants me to return his student to his academy, he must offer at least one of the eight most powerful magical artifacts from all three worlds in exchange." Snow Sky-Dog fought desperately against the Cynocephaly army in vain. "The Deity of Deception and Cunning" Hokage Masayuki swiftly retreated from the battlefield safely. A victorious, albeit sinister, smile played on his lips.

Snow Sky-Dog stood amidst the wreckage of the battlefield after exhausting himself to defeat the Cynocephaly. His breath was ragged, pained by the wounds, but his spirit remained unyielding. Gazing at the deep images etched in his mind, he felt strength from the determination and courage within. Challenges were but a part of the journey, and he knew that patience and resolve would guide him through any hardship.

In the darkness, Snow Sky-Dog stood tall, eyes fixed on the horizon. In that distant place echoed memories past, trials endured, and dreams shimmering brightly in the future. He knew the road ahead could be rough, but steadfastness and faith would lead him wherever he wished to go. Under the light of the setting sun, Snow Sky-Dog walked towards the new day, ready to face the next challenges and continue his journey toward becoming a true god.

Finally, he returned to the Academy of the Gods.

"My master! My friend, Fire Deity Hinokagami no Kami, has been captured by our enemy!"

"Take Snow Sky-Dog to the medical room for first aid. His injuries are severe!" "The Progenitor of the Gods" tried to remain calm, but in truth, his mind was in turmoil with worry for his beloved student.

Mizuchi Haruka's glittering tears fell continuously to the ground. She led Snow Sky-Dog to the medical room with a heart heavy as if attending his funeral. She silently prayed for Snow Sky-Dog's safety and vowed not to forgive the one who caused this. Snow Sky-Dog was her boyfriend, one of his four beautiful girlfriends. She had once been angry with him for being too greedy in loving all four beautiful ladies at once. But now, only one thought dominated her mind: to punish the culprit.

Snow Sky-Dog lay on the hospital bed, his eyes gazing at the ceiling, his mind in turmoil with thoughts about the recent battle and the fate of his dear friend. His eyes met Mizuchi Haruka's tear-filled gaze, who held his hand tightly with a determined look on her face.

"Haruka, stop crying! I won't let Hokage Masayuki win this easily," Snow Sky-Dog said, his voice warm but filled with determination.

Mizuchi Haruka squeezed his hand tighter, her face showing unwavering resolve:

"I know, Snow! We will rescue Hinokagami no Kami and restore peace to this world. I and your other girlfriends will fight alongside you."

Snow Sky-Dog looked at Haruka with deep gratitude.

"Thank you, Haruka! I can't do this alone. I need everyone."

"The Progenitor of the Gods" entered the room, his eyes filled with wisdom and worry. He looked at Snow Sky-Dog with a serious expression.

"Snow, we don't have much time! Hokage Masayuki not only wants to capture Hinokagami no Kami, but he has a much larger plan. We need to gather all the strongest gods to deal with him!"

Snow Sky-Dog nodded, having made his decision.

"Master, we won't let him carry out his plan. Call everyone together, and we'll make a counterattack plan."

Mizuchi Haruka added, her voice full of determination:

"And this time, we won't let anyone else get hurt."

"The Progenitor of the Gods" smiled slightly at the unity and courage of his students.

"Good. Rest for a bit, we will start the strategy meeting once everyone is ready."

In Snow Sky-Dog's heart, a fire of hope and determination burned. He knew the road ahead would be full of challenges, but with the support of friends and allies, he believed they would overcome any obstacle.

Outside the window, the radiant sunset served as a reminder of what they had been through and what lay ahead. The Academy of the Gods had never faced such a great challenge, but the young gods had never been as determined and united as they were now.

And so, the chapter ends with the beginning of a new battle, a new journey filled with challenges and hope. Mysteries and dangers still lie ahead, but with courage and determination, the young gods will continue their story, fighting against darkness and protecting the world they love.