Chapter 137: The Goddesses' Covenant

After the battle with the Cynocephaly clan, Snow Sky-Dog had to spend several days lying in the infirmary bed of the Academy of the Gods. Today, he could finally enter the auditorium to join the meeting of the academy's strongest deities.

"Friends, fellow deities of this academy, one of our students, the Fire God Hinokagami no Kami, has been captured by 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki. That scoundrel wishes for us to use the magical artifacts that the formidable trio of deities in this academy had to laboriously acquire, enduring numerous perils, in exchange for the freedom of the Flame Deity Hinokagami no Kami. I have discovered where Hokage Masayuki is holding Hinokagami no Kami. This 'old fox' has stationed all the warriors of the Cynocephaly tribe there. In my opinion, we need to send a mighty deity to lead the alliance forces of mythical creatures and attack directly at their stronghold to rescue the Fire God. Who among you will take on this task?"

"Let me! I am allied with the Griffin tribe. It was I who failed to prevent Hinokagami no Kami's reckless actions. Furthermore, I partook in his foolish and insane plan! Therefore, my master, I must defeat Hokage Masayuki's minions and bring him back here for you! Master, I wish to redeem myself for the mistakes I have caused this academy! Please allow me to undertake this mission!"

"No, Snow Sky-Dog! Your wounds have not fully healed! Moreover, while Griffins are strong, they are not well-suited for ground combat. Additionally, the Griffin tribe is outnumbered by the Cynocephaly clan. This is not a wise decision, Snow Sky-Dog!"

"Then let me take on this mission! I am the Wind Goddess Fujinomiya Amaterasu. I command the tribe of the Wind Fairy Vila. They are numerous and formidable in combat, both in the air and on the ground!" Fujinomiya Amaterasu spoke up. As her voice rang out, all eyes in the room turned to the exquisitely beautiful yet courageous goddess. "But I have one condition for leading this attack. If I succeed in the raid and rescue the Fire God Hinokagami no Kami, I will become Snow Sky-Dog's fifth girlfriend."

"What? Did we hear that correctly?" The deities gathered in the auditorium were utterly astonished by Fujinomiya Amaterasu's declaration.

"No, I already have four beautiful ladies I love! I cannot 'enroll' another beautiful girl into my 'club of lovers'! Wind Goddess Fujinomiya Amaterasu, I deeply appreciate your sincerity and fighting spirit like a whirlwind. But if you become my fifth girlfriend, you will face many disadvantages and perhaps profound heartbreak in this complicated love story! Even if I were greedy and agreed to this, my four girlfriends would not consent!"

"We agree with Fujinomiya Amaterasu's request, Snow Sky-Dog! Snow Sky-Dog, we know you don't want any more girls embroiled in the complex and risky battle for your affections! But please understand that this is a special and urgent situation. Our enemy, Hokage Masayuki, has become extremely dangerous. He has acted full of alarming threats. We cannot remain passive in the face of these escalating serious events caused by him. The Fire God Hinokagami no Kami is a friend to us all. He is in danger, and we cannot abandon him! Therefore, we accept you having one more girlfriend, Snow Sky-Dog!" The Secret Goddess Amaterasu Yumi spoke on behalf of the two goddesses beside her, the Luck Goddess Aika Takara, and the Spring and Flower Goddess Mizuchi Haruka.

"Amaterasu Yumi, Aika Takara, Mizuchi Haruka, don't force me like this! Even if you agree, Seraphina Frostwind will not approve. She is not here now; she is in the Human World. But if she were here, she would vehemently oppose this!"

"I won't oppose it, Snow Sky-Dog! I also agree to Fujinomiya Amaterasu's request, Snow Sky-Dog!"

Seraphina Frostwind opened the grand door of the auditorium and stepped inside under the astonished gazes of the deities.

"Seraphina Frostwind, why are you here? Who summoned you?"

"It was I, Snow Sky-Dog!" Mizuchi Haruka said gently but firmly.

Seraphina Frostwind cast a look at Snow Sky-Dog that was both pleading and commanding.

"Snow Sky-Dog, I know you don't want any more girls to be hurt by entering your challenging love story! But this is a difficult situation, like a sudden disaster. If Wind Goddess Fujinomiya Amaterasu is so determined and has vowed to do her best to command and fight in the rescue of the Fire God Hinokagami no Kami, then I will not oppose her becoming one of your girlfriends. Snow Sky-Dog, we all understand your feelings and thoughts at this moment. But the attack on 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning' Hokage Masayuki's stronghold (where there is a large army of Cynocephaly with master-level combat skills) will be a fierce and difficult battle. Therefore, choosing Fujinomiya Amaterasu, the goddess allied with the Vila Wind Spirits, is a good choice! To ensure Fujinomiya Amaterasu's highest determination for the upcoming large-scale battle, and to reward her potential victory, it is necessary and reasonable to grant her wish. Snow Sky-Dog, all four of us, your girlfriends, accept Fujinomiya Amaterasu's proposal. If you feel like you are going against your conscience, then when Fujinomiya Amaterasu becomes one of your girlfriends, do not favor her too much and distance yourself from us. That will be enough!"

Snow Sky-Dog had nothing more to say. He quietly and silently accepted this development in his unpredictable love story.

"So we are agreed. Wind Goddess Fujinomiya Amaterasu will undertake this mission. Prepare thoroughly, for this mission requires not only courage but also a meticulous plan to deal with Hokage Masayuki and his Cynocephaly army," "The Progenitor of the Gods" declared with firm resolve.

Snow Sky-Dog stood there silently, his eyes gazing into the distance. His thoughts swirled like a tornado. Complex love, responsibility to the academy, and the fierce battles ahead weighed heavily on him.

"If fate has decreed it so, I will accept it," Snow Sky-Dog said, his voice somber but resolute. "But remember, we cannot fail. Once we start, we must complete this mission at all costs. And Fujinomiya Amaterasu, I hope your courage and determination will lead us to victory."

Fujinomiya Amaterasu nodded slightly, her eyes gleaming with unwavering determination.

"I will not betray your trust. We will rescue the Fire God Hinokagami no Kami and bring Hokage Masayuki to justice. As long as we stand united, nothing is impossible!"

The atmosphere in the auditorium became tense but filled with determination. The deities began to discuss and detail the plan for the upcoming assault. They all understood that a great battle awaited them, and any misstep could lead to disaster.

As everyone focused on planning, Snow Sky-Dog stepped outside, finding a quiet corner to think. He felt the heavy responsibility on his shoulders. Fujinomiya Amaterasu's words echoed in his mind: "If I succeed, I will become your fifth girlfriend."

Snow Sky-Dog's heart ached slightly. He resolved that, no matter the outcome, he must protect those he loved and his comrades.

"Yes, as long as we stand united," he thought. "We will prevail."

And so, a new chapter of the story began, promising further adventures, challenges, and deep emotions to be tested in the chapters to come. The battle with Hokage Masayuki and the Cynocephaly army would not just be a clash of strength but a test of trust, love, and sacrifice.