Chapter 138: The Triumph of Sky-Dog and Bayun: A Tale of Victory and Redemption

A fortress stood on a mountain near a forest in the Youkai World, imposing and steadfast. Inside its walls were thousands of Cynocephaly, wielding sharp weapons and clad in sturdy iron armor. These warriors had allied themselves with "The Deity of Deception and Cunning" Hokage Masayuki, and they gathered in this fortress at his command. Deep within the fortress lay a dark dungeon, where the Fire God Hinokagami no Kami was imprisoned by his captors. He was bound by thick iron chains, fastened to a steel pillar. Despite his dire predicament, Hinokagami no Kami maintained his pride and admirable strength of spirit.

Outside the fortress, a gentle breeze began to blow. Initially, the Cynocephaly paid no heed to the faint wind. However, the winds grew stronger, soon transforming into a fierce storm. The Cynocephaly peered into the distance, astonished to see a formidable army of Wind Fairies, the Vila, riding on massive white clouds, advancing towards the fortress. These fairies wielded diverse weapons, each capable of inflicting deadly wounds on their foes. The Cynocephaly shouted in alarm, ringing bells and mustering their forces at the fortress gate.

As the Vila neared the fortress, their leader, the Wind Goddess Fujinomiya Amaterasu, commanded them to land. They stormed the fortress with ferocity and determination, their assault so intense it was awe-inspiring and terrifying. From above, Cynocephaly archers shot sharp arrows in a desperate but fearful attempt to repel the invaders. Their efforts, however, were futile. The raging storm, which Fujinomiya Amaterasu and her warriors had summoned, prevented the arrows from finding their targets.

"The Deity of Deception and Cunning" Hokage Masayuki, along with his accomplices "The Slayer of God" Raiden Kazama and The Green-Faced Ashura, fled the battle in cowardice. They left behind their struggling Cynocephaly warriors but did not forget to take the exhausted Fire God Hinokagami no Kami, who was too weak to resist after his prolonged imprisonment.

Although the Cynocephaly were numerous and skilled fighters, they soon regretted and feared facing the Vila, the Wind Fairies under Fujinomiya Amaterasu's command. The Wind Goddess's forces were bolstered by the powerful storm, which they had conjured. This gale flung many Cynocephaly aside before they could even touch the Wind Fairies, who expertly wielded their weapons and harnessed the wind's strength. The battle was fierce, the fortress itself shaking under the might of these formidable female warriors. As the battle wore on, the outcome became evident. Many Cynocephaly fell, either killed, severely wounded, or fleeing in terror, leading to the near annihilation of their tribe.

Hokage Masayuki and his cohorts, carrying the unconscious Fire God, escaped through the fortress's back exit. He smiled, thinking himself clever. Yet, a powerful deity blocked their path. Snow Sky-Dog, mounted on a griffin, hovered above them, with hundreds of griffins poised for battle behind him.

"If I return Hinokagami no Kami to you, will you let us leave safely, Snow Sky-Dog?"

"Don't set terms with me; you've lost this game! Whether you release Hinokagami no Kami or not, you won't escape my punishment!"

"If that's the case, then we will fight until the end!"

"Snow Sky-Dog, if you're so skilled, come and fight me! I do not fear you!" The Green-Faced Ashura shouted, transforming into his strongest form, an Ashura with three heads and six arms, each wielding a massive, sharp sword. Snow Sky-Dog remained calm, but a woman's voice unexpectedly broke the tension. This voice was not a furious shout. Yet, it was enough to put the three ruffians standing before Snow Sky-Dog on high alert.

"Don't do that, Snow Sky-Dog, I have a better solution!"

The Goddess of Luck, Aika Takara, approached the three criminals, accompanied by a giant cat, Bayun. As the muscular men prepared to attack Aika, Bayun began to sing an enchanting melody. The song lulled the villains into an immediate slumber, while the remaining deities and griffins felt a surge of invigorating energy. Bayun's magical song could both induce sleep and heal or empower others, depending on its will.

The wounds of Hinokagami no Kami were fully healed by Bayun's song. He and his comrades promptly returned to the Academy of the Gods, bringing the still-sleeping villains to be imprisoned and judged by the Heavenly Kingdom's court. Meanwhile, Fujinomiya Amaterasu's battle had concluded in a decisive victory for the Wind Goddess and her Vila warriors. The Cynocephaly tribe was decimated, with the survivors either gravely injured or fled, effectively dissolving their once-feared clan.

On the mountainside, the sun began to set behind verdant hills. Golden rays filtered through the dense trees, painting a serene and magical landscape. In that moment, under the twilight, where once fear and darkness loomed, now shone with a peaceful radiance.

In this tranquil scene, the brave warriors and mighty gods found victory and homecoming. Standing at the gates of the Academy of the Gods, Hinokagami no Kami felt a profound relief as his heart was freed from captivity. Beside him, Aika Takara smiled in triumph and peace.

"We have won," Hinokagami no Kami said, his voice filled with hope and encouragement.

"As long as we stand together, nothing can stop us," Aika Takara added, her eyes gleaming with unwavering faith.

Under the radiant sunset, they entered the academy, greeted by professors and students with joy and respect. After enduring severe trials, the brave warriors of the Youkai World and the gods of Heaven finally found peace and stability.

Yet beneath this veneer of tranquility, a new journey awaited them. A journey forward, with new challenges and thrilling adventures. For in this world, peace is fleeting, and chaos and conflict never truly cease. Only the brave and united spirits could overcome all trials.