Chapter 148: Infernal Conclave

In Hell

Before the King of Demons stood five of the most malevolent and cunning figures. They were Hokage Masayuki, Raiden Kazama, the Green-Faced Ashura, Kurogami no Kami, and Orochikami no Kami. Seated upon a throne forged from myriad weapons of metals unique to the underworld, the King of Demons cast a gaze that encapsulated the full horror and dread of Hell upon these five. His eyes, steeped in the essence of the abyss, swept across their deceitful and shadowed faces.

"You five useless wretches, at last, you are now my minions! But I need to understand the essence of each of you. Speak now, and tell me something particularly intriguing! I must know if you, five fools, can be of use in my fierce war against the Kingdom of Heaven. I need to ascertain if I was mistaken in supporting the Vujalka army with 'A Pact with the Demon' during their assault on the Academy of the Gods to rescue the three incompetent fools captured by 'The Progenitor of the Gods'?"

Hokage Masayuki stepped forward, obsequiously addressing the King of Demons.

"Your Majesty, if that's your command, I shall strive to please you! 'When struck by others, we have two choices. Either we unleash our power in retaliation, or we let the force of their blows drive our strength deep within us. As for me, I would never choose the latter. Because I am a wolf, not a sheep!'"

Raiden Kazama then advanced, eager to share his philosophy.

"Your Majesty, in my view: 'As long as gold ignites a fervent desire in others, a desire intense enough to drive them relentlessly toward their goal—where gold abounds—then my ship, laden with colossal ambition and unwavering will, captained by me, will never sink!'"

The Green-Faced Ashura spoke slowly, almost languidly.

"My lord, I am not one for flowery words. But if you wish to know my life's view, I'll tell you this: 'Life is but a farce. And the Lord of the Gods is merely a grand jester!'"

Orochikami no Kami, displaying a calm demeanor, spoke next.

"My Lord, I simply wish to say: 'Look like an innocent flower, but be the serpent beneath it.'"

Finally, it was Kurogami no Kami's turn, the slyest among them all.

"Your Majesty, I have a perspective that might please you. 'Those who conspire need not be convicted; mere suspicion suffices!'"

Having listened to the declarations of these five rogues, the King of Demons seemed thoroughly pleased. He smiled, revealing the very spirit of Hell itself.

"My allies, my close confidants, it seems I was not mistaken in choosing you as my council. Toppling the Empire of the Gods may not be easy. But at the very least, let us together create the most terrifying chaos imaginable—a nightmare beyond reckoning for the World of the Gods!"

All five friends bowed before the King of Demons' sinister smile, each harboring their schemes within.

Hokage Masayuki, eyes ablaze with ambition, stepped forward and spoke boldly:

"Your Majesty, I have a plan to make this nightmare a reality. If you allow, I will lead a covert team of Hell's most elusive assassins, headed by myself, to infiltrate the Academy of the Gods and sow panic from within!"

Raiden Kazama, not to be outdone, quickly added:

"That won't be enough, Masayuki! To ensure our success, I will summon a thunderstorm from the Kingdom of Shadows, launching a dual assault that will catch the Kingdom of Heaven off guard. I will lead my legion to strike from above, while you ravage them from below."

The Green-Faced Ashura, with a tone full of sarcasm, interjected:

"You two rely too much on brute force without strategy. To optimize our plan, we must erode the faith of the students and citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. I will employ ancient magic to conjure their deepest fears, plunging them into confusion and dread!"

Kurogami no Kami, the most cunning, nodded approvingly and added:

"Your Majesty, I will take on the role of a spy. I will infiltrate their ranks, gather intelligence, and sabotage from within. Every secret, every plan they have will be ours!"

Orochikami no Kami, with a sinister half-smile, spoke softly yet with deadly intent:

"And I will be the most ruthless of all. I will poison their water and food supplies. As despair and death spread, they will kneel before us, begging for mercy!"

The King of Demons listened, his eyes filled with satisfaction and excitement.

"Excellent! You are indeed the ruthless and clever allies I need. Begin immediately. Let no one stand in the way of our plan. I want to see the Kingdom of Heaven engulfed in flames, drowning in chaos and despair!"

But suddenly, a gentle yet venomous voice pierced through the room, awakening the King of Demons' wisdom.

"Your Majesty, please do not listen to the nonsense of these five useless ones. 'The Progenitor of the Gods' has nearly gathered all eight of the most powerful magical artifacts across the three worlds! If we employ Hell's brute force against the World of the Gods, we are sure to fail. Even a child knows the immense magic power of the gods. Should they use those artifacts, we will be mere deer before a lion's jaws!"

"Succubus Lilith Nocturna, your words seem very persuasive! So, what do you propose we do?"

"Your Majesty, instead of trying to destroy such a stronghold, why not break its weaker, smaller links? In the Academy of the Gods, Snow Sky-Dog plays a crucial role. His fighting spirit is formidable, and he possesses incredible magical power. But he has a weakness that a beautiful woman like me can exploit! He is very susceptible to the allure of beautiful women. He already has five extremely beautiful girlfriends. I shall become his sixth. By then, we will have made a significant advance in our rebellion!"

The King of Demons' malicious smile grew broader, his eyes alight with satisfaction as he listened to Lilith Nocturna's proposal. He nodded slowly, his thin lips curling into a cold smile.

"Very well, Lilith Nocturna! If your plan succeeds, you will be richly rewarded. Begin immediately and do not disappoint me!"

Lilith Nocturna bowed, her cold eyes gleaming with confidence.

"Yes, Your Majesty! I will not let you down!"

The other five, Hokage Masayuki, Raiden Kazama, the Green-Faced Ashura, Kurogami no Kami, and Orochikami no Kami, stood in silent contemplation, each harboring different feelings. Masayuki and Kazama, with their pride, could not help but feel slighted. Ashura, ever the cynic, smirked inwardly. Kurogami and Orochikami, the most deceitful, exchanged knowing glances, understanding that this was merely a part of the King's grander scheme.

As Succubus Lilith Nocturna exited the grand hall, a conspiratorial smile played on her beautiful lips.

"Snow Sky-Dog... Once I set my sights on you, you won't escape my web of seduction! And when you succumb, the World of the Gods will crumble from within!"

At the Academy of the Gods, Snow Sky-Dog remained oblivious to the looming threat. His heart was filled only with faith in justice and the protection of peace. But would he have the strength and clarity to overcome this alluring challenge?

Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of Heaven, a gentle breeze carried with it the signs of great change. The gods began to sense a growing unease, yet the source remained elusive. Ancient prophecies resurfaced in their minds, foretelling a fierce battle on the horizon.

Darkness and light, good and evil, all were beginning to intertwine in an unyielding conflict. Could the gods protect their kingdom from the sinister designs of the King of Demons and his minions? The answer would unfold in the coming chapters, as the clash between these opposing forces grew ever more intense.