Chapter 149: Seduced by Shadows: Snow Sky-Dog and Lilith Nocturna

Today, at the Academy of the Gods, Snow Sky-Dog had a day off. He decided to dine alone at a familiar restaurant in the Human World. This was the place where, before things became exceedingly complicated, he used to date his first two girlfriends. (Now, things were very different; he had five stunningly beautiful girlfriends. [And tonight, a Succubus from Hell would attempt to seduce him at this restaurant! This could be seen as a sweet catastrophe for the handsome and amorous young god. It was akin to a wound inflicted by a sharp knife, but the knife was coated in honey.] Since the Academy of the Gods and the World of the Gods had become fraught with complexities and dangers, he hadn't visited this restaurant to date his first two beautiful girlfriends for a very long time! Tonight, Snow Sky-Dog decided to dine alone in a place that evoked memories.)

As soon as Snow Sky-Dog had placed his order and the waiter left, a girl approached him.

"Hey, handsome, can I join you for dinner?"

Snow Sky-Dog was taken aback by the sight of a strikingly beautiful girl in a stunningly provocative outfit. (Of course, the outfit was highly provocative! It lacked the elegance and nobility of the clothes his five girlfriends usually wore when they were out with him. The outfit of this stranger [a Succubus from Hell] accentuated her extraordinarily seductive curves in a way that awakened the primal instincts between men and women in Snow Sky-Dog. [Unbeknownst to him, the beautiful and adorable woman standing before him had deliberately fashioned her appearance to approach him with malevolent intent, following the orders of the King of Demons. He had no idea that she was a Succubus!])

"Oh, of course, beautiful lady! I can't deny that you know how to dress and apply makeup appropriately for a chance encounter with me in this restaurant. (Not a chance encounter at all! Snow Sky-Dog, you are the target of a dark scheme! This scheme is not just aimed at you but also at the academy where you study! You are merely helpless prey before a Succubus named Lilith Nocturna! She is not only adept at entrapping men into her love snares, but her beauty has been enchanting the minds of men since her birth. She forces the unfortunate men she targets to act purely on the primal instincts a man has toward a beautiful woman. And she is not only seductive but also capable of evoking the deepest instincts of another gender towards her.)

Snow Sky-Dog was frozen for a few minutes, mesmerized by her beauty. Indeed, she was extremely beautiful. Her allure was so overwhelming that any man who saw her would wish to engage in the intimate act that every married couple shares on their wedding night. This was indeed an incredible allure! These traits were revealed through her outfit and makeup, carefully crafted to serve her purpose. (She wanted to captivate Snow Sky-Dog's body and mind through "the intimate act in the bedroom" with Snow Sky-Dog tonight.)

Lilith Nocturna stepped forward, wearing a dazzling evening gown adorned with shimmering crystals. The black dress clung to her body, highlighting her flawless curves. Her silky black hair cascaded down like waves of the night, accentuating her stunning face with skin as white as snow. Her lips, as red as ripe cherries, glistened with deadly allure, and her deep blue eyes were filled with mystery and enchantment.

Lilith smiled slightly, her eyes challenging as she met Snow Sky-Dog's gaze. She was well aware of her power, knowing that just a glance was enough to ensnare any man in her web of desire. She slowly sat down, her eyes never leaving Snow Sky-Dog's astonished face.

"Do you know," she began, her voice like a whispering wind in the night, "that life is like a play, and each of us plays a certain role? But what if we choose not to follow the script and instead write our own story?"

Snow Sky-Dog, still bewildered by Lilith's beauty, tried to maintain his composure. He smiled gently and replied,

"Perhaps then, we create miracles and surprises!"

Lilith nodded, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"Exactly! And I believe every encounter has its meaning. I've traveled to many places and met many people, but I've never seen someone with eyes as determined as yours. I wonder, what brought you here tonight?"

In Lilith's mind, a subtle and intricate plan was unfolding. She knew she had to approach Snow Sky-Dog delicately, step by step, to ensnare his mind, heart, and body tonight. But she also knew she couldn't reveal her true intentions too soon.

Snow Sky-Dog looked into Lilith's eyes, sensing an inexplicable attraction to this mysterious girl.

"I was seeking some peace, a bit of beautiful memories from the days before everything became complicated. But perhaps this encounter is bringing a surprise I didn't foresee!"

Lilith chuckled softly, her red lips curling into a sly smile.

Ultimately, in Lilith Nocturna's game, there was no winner, nor loser. But Snow Sky-Dog eventually succumbed to intoxication, seemingly forgetting the sky and earth. Lilith Nocturna had succeeded in her first move. In his drunken stupor, Snow Sky-Dog was led by Lilith Nocturna to a nearby castle. She led him to her bedroom, locked the door securely, and stripped herself bare of all clothing. Snow Sky-Dog stood mesmerized before the alluring figure that defied description in mere words. It was a body of flawless perfection, akin to a Goddess of Love disrobing.

"What are you doing? Please, maintain your dignity!" he protested.

"Snow Sky-Dog, possess me!" she urged.

"I cannot, we are not married! We have only just met!" he resisted.

"Snow Sky-Dog, do you remember your profound philosophy of life? 'If you cannot adjust the rhythm, you are forever an amateur. A professional knows when to attack and when to retreat!' So I ask you now, should you attack or retreat?"

"I... I don't know!"

Ignoring Snow Sky-Dog's frozen stance, Lilith Nocturna gently removed his clothing. Intoxicated and entranced, he was deceived by her seductive and provocative words. That night, Snow Sky-Dog engaged in an act akin to what any married couple might engage in on their wedding night.

Meanwhile, Snow Sky-Dog's master and his five girlfriends observed the scene through a magical mirror of colossal size. His master, "The Progenitor of the Gods," shook his head in concern. The five girlfriends — Lucky Goddess Aika Takara, Secret Goddess Amaterasu Yumi, Spring and Floral Goddess Mizuchi Haruka, Wind Goddess Fujinomiya Amaterasu, and Seraphina Frostwind, a beautiful human girl — shed tears incessantly. They felt betrayed, hurt, and humiliated, silently blaming Snow Sky-Dog and resenting the shameless temptress.

As dawn broke, casting a faint light through the window, Snow Sky-Dog awakened with a throbbing headache from the wine. Recollecting the events, he realized he had been caught in a mesmerizing whirlpool led by Lilith Nocturna.

Lilith lay beside him, her flawless body uncovered, yet her eyes held an inexplicable complexity. As a natural reflex, Snow Sky-Dog hastily left the bed, torn between regret and a sense of being deceived.

"Lilith, I don't know what to say," Snow Sky-Dog began, his voice filled with astonishment and desperation. "What have we done? Why do I feel like I've lost control?"

Lilith sat up, her gaze gentle but icy.

"Snow Sky-Dog, sometimes life does not follow the script we desire. But last night, both of us cannot deny what happened!"

Meanwhile, at the academy, Snow Sky-Dog's master and the young ladies continued to watch through the magical mirror. Sorrow and anger mingled in their eyes. They knew that what transpired last night was not just betrayal but also a sign of impending danger.

Lucky Goddess Aika Takara spoke up, her voice tinged with worry:

"We cannot let this continue! If we don't act now, Snow Sky-Dog will fall into Lilith Nocturna's trap, and the entire academy will be in jeopardy!"

Snow Sky-Dog's master, The Progenitor of the Gods, pondered silently. He knew immediate action was needed to rescue Snow Sky-Dog from Lilith's snare, yet he also had to uphold honor and harmony within the academy.

"I understand, Aika," he said, his voice deep and decisive. "We will prepare a plan to rescue Snow Sky-Dog and bring him back to himself. But we must proceed cautiously, for Lilith is not an easy opponent to defeat!"

Elsewhere, Lilith gazed at Snow Sky-Dog with a gaze full of complexity. Within her, a conflict slowly brewed. She knew her mission was to destroy Snow Sky-Dog and the academy, but her heart began to waver. Unexpected emotions surged within her, forcing her to confront a choice between duty and newfound feelings.

"Snow Sky-Dog," Lilith whispered, her eyes softer. "Perhaps, there are things more important than our plans and original purposes. Sometimes, surprises make life worth living!"

Snow Sky-Dog looked at her in surprise, unaware that Lilith too was undergoing profound changes. He sensed sincerity in her words but also knew to beware of this enchanting temptation.

"We will see what happens," Snow Sky-Dog said firmly. "But I will not let anyone, not even myself, be blindly drawn into this whirlpool again!"

Lilith chuckled softly, her eyes gleaming with newfound determination.

"Then let life lead us to the next surprises. I believe we will meet again in unforeseen circumstances!"

And so, the chapter ended with many unanswered questions, opening up a future full of challenges and mysteries to unravel. Our characters stood at the crossroads of destiny, their story far from over, filled with surprises and memorable moments awaiting them.