Chapter 150: The Shadows of Betrayal

After a night that Snow Sky-Dog would never forget, he left the castle to return to the Academy of the Gods; after bidding farewell to the girl with whom he had engaged in the intimate act that any married couple shares on their wedding night. (Lilith Nocturna was still unclothed, perhaps immersed in a sensation that even she couldn't immediately comprehend! Her bare body, free of any attire or accessories, looked so captivating that it could manipulate the psyche of the mightiest magical deity. Thus, even after completing an act that he had been coerced into performing, the image of Lilith Nocturna, devoid of her evening gown and lingerie, continued to haunt his mind with an overwhelming and relentless intensity!) 

Snow Sky-Dog flew back to the academy in a tumultuous state. His thoughts swirled with countless philosophies and meanings from every facet and field of life, striving to envelop and claw at his mind! He didn't know which emotions or thoughts to choose. (He tried to weigh his options, but truthfully, he had no real choice. The chaos assailed him unavoidably! He was merely deluding into thinking he was attempting to choose his emotions and thoughts. Yet the deeper he sank into this illusion, the more intense the torment of that chaos grew. And he was helpless against it, unable to recognize his futility in maintaining control, a vain and hopeless endeavor!) 

As for Lilith Nocturna, she found the previous night to be exceedingly fascinating! Snow Sky-Dog was truly an extraordinarily intriguing man! He remained fascinated whether he was adorned in exquisite suits that exuded nobility or entirely unclothed, revealing a strong and beautifully sculpted body. Though it was all part of her mission, Lilith Nocturna felt this was a task well worth her utmost effort to accomplish brilliantly. She smiled, knowing that the five beautiful young ladies at the academy would certainly not let him rest when he set foot there. All the better! She not only desired to possess Snow Sky-Dog exclusively but also aimed to claim all the magical artifacts that he and his two companions had braved countless perils to retrieve for their master. 

Snow Sky-Dog entered his room. Before he stood his master and all his close friends (Poetry God Utakami no Kami, Fire God Hinokagami no Kami, Dawn Goddess Asahi no Megami, Thunder God Raiden Hayato, War God Shirogami Takeshi, Metal God Hagane no Kami, and Shark God Kaiyo no Kami), along with his five girlfriends (Wind Goddess Fujinomiya Amaterasu, Secret Goddess Amaterasu Yumi, Luck Goddess Aika Takara, Spring, and Flowers Goddess Mizuchi Haruka, and Seraphina Frostwind). They had been waiting for him in that room. All five of his beautiful girlfriends were shedding tears for him. His friends were silent, displaying great discomfort. Only War God Shirogami Takeshi could not hide the fury simmering in his eyes. He gripped his razor-sharp sword tightly. 

"Snow Sky-Dog, you are a disgrace, a traitor! Is this how you treat us? Speak up, where were you last night and what did you do?" 


Snow Sky-Dog didn't have time to respond before a small, delicate hand slapped him hard across the face. Mizuchi Haruka's hand left a clear mark on his handsome face. 

"That's not all, you scoundrel, you'll hear more from me!" 

Shirogami Takeshi drew his formidable sword and advanced towards Snow Sky-Dog. 

"Calm down, you brute!" 

Hagane no Kami's colossal sword intercepted the fatal strike intended for Snow Sky-Dog. 

"Calm yourself, War God! Snow Sky-Dog is a victim in this as well!" 

Kaiyo no Kami held Shirogami Takeshi tightly, trying to drag the hot-headed warrior away from Snow Sky-Dog and preventing him from inflicting bodily harm or ending his life. 

Snow Sky-Dog remained silent amidst this turmoil. Then, a glistening tear rolled down his stunning eyes. 

"My master, my friends, I am sincerely sorry to you all!" 

"Do you think just apologizing is enough?" Fujinomiya Amaterasu's voice was sharp, like a tempest in the apocalypse. 

Snow Sky-Dog bowed his head, staring at the cold tiles of the room as if searching for an answer buried beneath the dense shadows of his soul. His tears fell silently, drop by drop as if even they didn't know where they would land. But then, in his dark eyes, a small flame flickered – a spark of determination, of an unyielding will to rise against adversity. 

"Sorry," Snow said, his voice deep and resonant, yet carrying an undeniable pain, "is not enough to amend what I've done. But please, give me a chance to explain!" 

All eyes in the room turned towards him as if trying to uncover every hidden truth within him. Shirogami Takeshi, still brimming with anger, took another step forward, but Kaiyo no Kami restrained him, his Shark God eyes holding the depth of the vast, mysterious ocean. Hagane no Kami stood firm in the middle, his massive sword a solid wall separating Snow Sky-Dog from Shirogami's wrath.

"Alright, speak," Utakami no Kami's voice was like a flowing melody, gentle yet full of empathy. "But remember, your words must bear the weight to untangle this mess." 

Snow Sky-Dog lifted his head, facing everyone, feeling the powerful beats of his heart as if it were about to burst. He knew only the truth could help him, yet that truth was a sharp blade that could sever the fragile ties of this relationship. 

"Last night, I was with Lilith Nocturna," he began, his eyes meeting those of the ones staring intently at him. "She used an ancient magic, a power I've never encountered. I couldn't control myself, couldn't stop what happened. But that doesn't excuse my actions, and I am ready to accept the consequences!" 

The atmosphere in the room grew suffocating, heavy with tension. Seraphina Frostwind, standing in the corner, looked at Snow with her deep blue eyes, not filled with anger, but profound disappointment. 

"Then why didn't you fight back?" she asked, her voice soft but cold as a winter breeze. "Why didn't you resist that magic? You're a god, not a weakling!" 

Snow Sky-Dog bit his lip, feeling the sharp sting from the wound her words inflicted on his heart. He couldn't find an answer because he didn't understand why he had succumbed so easily. 

"I... don't know," he confessed, his voice breaking. "I tried, but her power seemed to exceed my capabilities. I failed!" 

Secret Goddess Amaterasu Yumi stood up and approached him. Her eyes blazed like two bright flames, illuminating every dark corner of his mind. 

"You are not alone," she said, her voice full of authority and understanding. "We all face our shadows, enemies we cannot see or touch. What matters is that we don't give up, that we stand up and fight again. You've fallen, but now it's time to rise!" 

Yumi's words were like a wind sweeping away the shattered remnants of Snow Sky-Dog's pride, bringing him a glimmer of hope. He took a deep breath, his eyes igniting with renewed determination. 

"You're right," he acknowledged. "I let myself be controlled, but it won't happen again. I will fight, not just to protect myself, but to protect all of you. Lilith Nocturna isn't just a threat to me; she's a threat to all of us. And I won't let her manipulate me anymore!" 

Snow Sky-Dog's vow echoed through the room like a new dawn breaking after a long, night. The gods, friends, and comrades felt the shift in him. The tears of his five girlfriends began to dry, replaced by hopeful gazes. 

"Good," Fire God Hinokagami no Kami spoke, his voice warm and vibrant. "Now we need a plan. We won't let Lilith Nocturna or anyone else harm us again!" 

Snow Sky-Dog nodded, feeling a new sense of faith rising within him. He realized that no matter the past, he could seize the present and change the future. And with his loyal friends by his side, he knew he would never have to face the darkness alone again.