Chapter 156: Clash of Mystical Forces

Finally, Snow Sky-Dog had broken free from the enchantment of Lilith Nocturna. Perhaps it was this newfound freedom that allowed his friends and his five beautiful ladies to relax, after the grueling and chaotic days they had endured.

This morning, "White Dragon" Ryushi Yukinaga was having breakfast at the home of Seraphina Frostwind, one of Snow Sky-Dog's five girlfriends. They savored their meal in a cozy oak wood house perched on a tranquil, picturesque hill. Suddenly, the dragon god's expression changed, startling Seraphina Frostwind.

"Seraphina Frostwind, does this house have a back door?"

"Yes, but why do you ask, Ryushi Yukinaga?"

"Quickly, flee through the back, my fair lady!"

"Why are you speaking so strangely? What's happening here that I'm not aware of, 'White Dragon'?"

"It's true, Seraphina Frostwind! A sudden attack is imminent by an army of mythical creatures allied with one of the King of Demons' lieutenants. You must escape through the back door. I will stay and fight them to prevent them from pursuing and harming you!"

"An army of mythical creatures? Specifically, what kind of creatures? And who is leading them?"

"It's a horde of Al-Miraj—Beastly Hares. Their commander is none other than the one who seduced, trapped, and manipulated Snow Sky-Dog into intimate acts with her while they were both completely unclothed. She is Lilith Nocturna!"

"What? Then I will fight as well; I will seek justice for my boyfriend, Snow Sky-Dog!"

"Don't be foolish, my lady! Flee far from this battleground! This is my command, Seraphina Frostwind! If you do not obey, I shall never visit or converse with you again!"

Reluctantly, Seraphina Frostwind followed Ryushi Yukinaga's words. As she ran far enough away, she turned back. She saw Ryushi Yukinaga wielding a katana in one hand while conjuring a magical portal with the other. From this portal, numerous Tatzelwurms—Snake-Feline Monsters—slithered through. (These were mystical creatures allied with Ryushi Yukinaga's clan of dragons.)

From a distance, Lilith Nocturna stood coldly. She watched impassively as her army of Al-Miraj—Beastly Hares—charged forward with all their speed, strength, and ferocious brutality. She had planned meticulously. She commanded numerous clans of mystical creatures, not just one like many of the young gods at the Academy of Deities. Thus, even if the Al-Miraj were defeated and destroyed, she seemed unbothered. She simply stood there, observing as they fought desperately for their ruthless mistress with the utmost dedication and ferocity.

On the other side of the battlefield, "White Dragon" Ryushi Yukinaga was different. He fought alongside his army of Tatzelwurms—Snake-Feline Monsters—experiencing the unpleasant taste of battle.

The two armies of mystical creatures, each highly skilled in the art of annihilating their enemies, clashed with an intensity and a fierce fighting spirit that were both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

From afar, Lilith Nocturna stood silently like a ghost, her eyes cold and emotionless. She drove her Al-Miraj—Beastly Hares—forward in waves of fury, their speed lightning-fast. The black, sharp horns on their heads gleamed in the sunlight, shining like dark blades. These were brutal creatures, known in Arab legend for their deadly ability to kill any prey they impaled. Their long leaps and lightning-like charges created scenes of terrifying destruction.

In contrast, "White Dragon" Ryushi Yukinaga did not merely command from afar. He was a true warrior, fighting amidst his army of Tatzelwurms. With their robust legs and long bodies, the Tatzelwurms coiled tightly around their enemies, their sharp claws tearing through everything in their path. Beneath Yukinaga's feet, the thick snow melted into small puddles, as his ice katana swung, each slash accompanied by a gust of icy wind. The Tatzelwurms, like living spears, charged into the bloodthirsty hares with unyielding determination.

The air became suffocating with the sounds of roars and the tearing of flesh. The Al-Miraj used their long horns as sharp lances, stabbing directly into the serpentine bodies of the Tatzelwurms. However, Yukinaga's army was not easily subdued. The larger, stronger Tatzelwurms used their snake-like bodies to constrict and crush the smaller but fierce adversaries.

"Lilith Nocturna, are you just going to watch from afar?" Yukinaga shouted, his voice echoing through the valley.

"You understand nothing, Yukinaga! I don't need to intervene. They will destroy each other for me," Lilith replied, her voice smooth as silk but as cold as ice.

Yukinaga frowned, his bright eyes reflecting in the white snow.

"You will never understand true courage and sacrifice," he said, his ice katana slicing through an oncoming Al-Miraj. Its red blood splattered, a stark contrast against the white snow.

The battle was fierce. The Al-Miraj launched rapid and brutal attacks, but the Tatzelwurms, guided by Yukinaga, stood firm. They coordinated skillfully, surrounding and finishing off each monstrous hare one by one. Yukinaga moved like a phantom on the battlefield, his katana a white ribbon carving precise and lethal strokes. Each time he swung his sword, another Al-Miraj fell, its blood mingling with the white snow, painting a grisly scene.

Lilith Nocturna realized her attack was being repelled. Her Al-Miraj, though powerful and aggressive, could not withstand the skilled coordination and tactics of the Tatzelwurms under Yukinaga's command. She sighed, her cold eyes unmoving.

"Retreat," she ordered, her voice gentle yet full of authority.

The beastly hares swiftly withdrew, leaving behind a battlefield strewn with corpses. The Tatzelwurms growled, ready to continue the fight if needed. Yukinaga stood tall, his cold eyes following Lilith Nocturna's fading figure into the mist.

Seraphina Frostwind, having returned from afar, witnessed this scene with her heart pounding in her chest. She breathed a sigh of relief seeing Ryushi Yukinaga standing there, invincible amidst his army. She knew they had won, but the cost was not trivial.

"Ryushi Yukinaga, you are truly strong. Thank you for protecting me and this home," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

Yukinaga turned, his eyes softening as he looked at her.

"It was nothing, Seraphina. I just did what had to be done. But we cannot keep avoiding such battles. We must prepare for the next attacks. The King of Demons will not easily give up!"

Seraphina nodded, her eyes shining with determination.

"I will go to the Academy of Deities to report this. We need the help of the other gods!"

Yukinaga nodded.

"Go, and return quickly! We don't have much time!"

Seraphina turned and began running toward the Academy. She knew that this was only the beginning of their struggle and she had to be ready for whatever awaited them.

At the Academy, Snow Sky-Dog came out to greet Seraphina Frostwind.

"Hello, my lovely lady, my beautiful maiden! You're truly… Huh? Wait, what is that? Is that blood on your gorgeous dress? Who attacked you?"

"It's not my blood! It's that girl who stripped completely to seduce you and enchanted you—Lilith Nocturna! She commanded a horde of Al-Miraj—Beastly Hares—to assault my house. Luckily, 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga was there! He led a counterattack so I could come to the Academy to inform you."

The recent battle had left a deep impression on Seraphina, but she had no time to dwell on it. Snow Sky-Dog led her inside the Academy, his eyes filled with concern and resolve.

"We need to act immediately, Seraphina. Lilith Nocturna's intentions are clear. We can't wait any longer; we must summon the other gods right away," Snow Sky-Dog said, his voice firm but edged with tension.

Seraphina nodded, her eyes lighting up with fierce determination.

"We have to warn everyone! And not just that, we need to devise a plan to deal with the next attacks. The King of Demons won't stop with just one failed raid!"

"Indeed," Snow Sky-Dog mused.

"But it's not just Lilith Nocturna and her Al-Miraj horde. There are many others, more powerful, more ruthless! I've heard of a creature called Gargantua, a colossal beast that can devour an entire land with a single breath."

Seraphina shuddered at the thought, but she didn't let fear take hold.

"We will face them, one by one. But first, let's convene the council. They need to know what happened, and we must prepare for what's coming."

Snow Sky-Dog grasped her hand, his eyes sparkling with hope.

"We will get through this together, Seraphina! With unity and determination, we will triumph!"

Seraphina nodded, a fierce determination igniting within her.

"We will face the darkness. And we will triumph!"

The lights in the Grand Hall of the Academy of the Gods blazed brilliantly, illuminating the path before them. Though they knew the harrowing trials that lay in wait, they moved forward, with courage and an unwavering resolve.

As the grand doors of the hall swung open, they embarked on a new journey, a fresh chapter in the unceasing struggle between light and darkness. With the hope that friendship, bravery, and resilience would guide them through every peril and bring peace to all three realms.