Chapter 157: The Goddess of Dawn in the Crimson Maple Forest

In the World of Humans, it was autumn. The Goddess of Dawn, Asahi no Megami, strolled through a corridor in a forest draped in red maples. The crimson leaves blanketed the ground, painting a scene steeped in poetic beauty. Since the first assault by Lilith Nocturna on Seraphina Frostwind's oakwood cottage in the Human World, the three realms had been relatively quiet after that devastating battle. This stillness sparked a thought in Asahi no Megami's mind: perhaps the danger posed by the one who had once stripped herself bare to enchant and bewitch Snow Sky-Dog had passed. It seemed as though the peace and the serene, romantic beauty had been restored to all three worlds, their splendor now resembling a masterpiece of poetry, a symphony of grandeur, and a novel rich with ornate prose. Yet, Asahi no Megami might have been mistaken.

Behind her, from a considerable distance in the Crimson Maple Forest, stood Lilith Nocturna, the succubus with an exquisitely enchanting body, known for her alluring beauty, especially when unclothed. Though she was modestly dressed today, she was watching.

"Hey, foolish and frail girl! Are you here seeking artistic inspiration in this Crimson Maple Forest? I wonder if, upon successfully capturing you, that foolish man who once thrilled me beyond words—Snow Sky-Dog—would be thrown into such a panic that he would offer all his hard-earned magical artifacts in exchange for your freedom."

"Lilith Nocturna, you shameless creature! You seduced Snow Sky-Dog into an intimate encounter in his bed, something only a woman truly in love would ask of him. You did this to him, despite only wanting to exploit him and not out of love. How can you brazenly speak of such matters to me, his friend? Stop fantasizing about those magical artifacts, Lilith Nocturna! I am not Snow Sky-Dog's lover, just a friend. Even if you were to take my life, the Academy of the Gods would never surrender those supreme artifacts to you! Go back and tell the King of Demons that if he is wise, he should govern the underworld quietly rather than allying with rebellious youkai to defy the 'Kingdom of Heaven!'"

"Hmph, listen to this fool speak! How dare you claim I do not love Snow Sky-Dog! When I stripped off my clothes for him that fateful night, it wasn't merely for the task the Lord of the Underworld had given me. It was because I fell for that handsome and seductive god at first sight! A pampered goddess like you could never understand the special feeling of a hell's general who has given her heart to an incredibly handsome and skillful deity like him!"

With those words, Lilith Nocturna conjured a magical portal to summon her legion of mythical creatures. The army that emerged was far more numerous, ferocious, and adept than the Beastly Hares of Al-Miraj from the previous encounter. Swarming out were countless Leucrotta, charging at Asahi no Megami with wild fury.

"I have no more words for a spoiled brat like you! If you don't want these Leucrotta to tear you apart, surrender and become my captive!"

"Keep dreaming! Unlike you, Lilith Nocturna, I do not need to strip off my clothes to reveal my true beauty and power!"

Asahi no Megami unleashed her full magical prowess, opening a vast portal. From it emerged a brave legion of Cat-sith, forming a formidable army around her.

The two mighty mystical forces, led by their equally powerful mistresses, clashed with a ferocity that was reflected in the fierce determination in their eyes.

A thunderous roar signaled the onset of a brutal battle between the two armies. The Leucrotta, lean yet powerful, surged forward like living arrows. They embodied destruction and ruthless predation, their eyes shining with vivid, deadly colors. Their backs were covered with thick, rugged fur akin to a lion's, while their strong legs extended, ready to crush anything in their path.

In the shadows, the Leucrotta used their ability to mimic human voices to lure enemies into deadly traps. Their howls, resonant and mesmerizing, attempted to distract the Cat-sith. However, the Cat-sith, with their intelligence and agility, were not easily deceived. These jet-black cats, with gleaming white spots on their chests, moved gracefully and swiftly, resembling dark streaks flowing through the dim light of the Crimson Maple Forest.

The Cat-sith launched into the fray with astounding bravery. Every leap was precise and elegant, their claws like small, sharp swords. Their eyes, glowing like hidden pearls in the darkness, reflected their unwavering determination and boundless courage. In fleeting moments, they struck and withdrew, maintaining control despite the ferocity of their formidable foes.

Growls and the sound of flesh tearing echoed continuously as the sharp teeth of the Leucrotta sank into the Cat-sith. Yet, the fairy-like cats did not falter. They fought back with exceptional skill and speed, delivering powerful swipes and vicious slashes against their fearless enemies.

The battle raged on with ever-increasing intensity. The Leucrotta seemed invincible, but the Cat-sith's persistence began to slow them down. Although strong, the Leucrotta could not match the Cat-sith's agility and speed. They stumbled, retreated, and were methodically taken down one by one.

From a distance, Lilith Nocturna watched the chaos with a mix of indifference and growing disappointment. Her confidence wavered as she witnessed her seemingly invincible Leucrotta falling to the Cat-sith.

"Impossible..." she murmured in disbelief, her eyes widening at the unfolding scene. But the undeniable truth was that her army was being defeated.

Asahi no Megami sensed the shift from afar. She smiled, her gaze remaining serene. She knew the Cat-sith would prevail, and it was happening before her eyes. With a graceful gesture, she directed the Cat-sith to press on, targeting Leucrotta's weaknesses.

Ultimately, in a decisive move, the Cat-sith launched a coordinated assault, halting all resistance from the Leucrotta. One by one, the Leucrotta fell, creating a wall of corpses, and the survivors' labored breathing was all that remained. The Cat-sith had triumphed magnificently, showcasing their strength and courage.

Realizing the inevitability of defeat, Lilith Nocturna swiftly chose to retreat. She opened a magical portal and vanished in a radiant burst of light, leaving the Crimson Maple Forest to regain its former tranquility. Asahi no Megami watched her depart, a slight smile on her lips, knowing that peace had been restored, at least for now.

The brave and small Cat-sith gradually faded into the darkness, leaving only the brilliant red maple leaves falling, blanketing the ground in absolute quiet, a reminder of the epic battle that had just taken place.

The red maple leaves continued to fall, creating a soft carpet under Asahi no Megami's feet. She surveyed the now tranquil forest, feeling the calmness that settled over the Crimson Maple Forest after the fierce battle. Her eyes gleamed with determination, ready to face whatever new challenges lay ahead.

Although the Cat-sith had won and the forest had temporarily returned to peace, Asahi no Megami could not afford to relax. The recent battle was merely the beginning of a series of trials she felt in her heart. There was an unshakeable sense that darkness lurked, ready to engulf the fragile light of peace.

For a fleeting moment, the magical portal of Lilith Nocturna disappeared, but the echo of her presence lingered in the air. Lilith Nocturna was not just a simple threat; she symbolized a greater, more potent dark force that was growing bolder and stronger. Today's defeat for Lilith Nocturna might just be a temporary setback, a ploy in the larger game orchestrated by the Lord of the Underworld.

Asahi no Megami knew well that today's events were merely the start of a long, arduous conflict. She gazed up at the overcast sky, where the dawn's light was obscured by ominous clouds, her heart heavy with contemplation.

"The world can no longer remain at peace like this," Asahi no Megami thought. "We must prepare for the larger, more brutal battles ahead!"

She clenched her fists, her eyes sparkling with unwavering resolve. The shadow of Lilith Nocturna had faded, but the threat she carried lingered like a dagger hanging over the sky, ready to strike at any moment.

Asahi no Megami turned and left the Crimson Maple Forest. Her steps were light yet firm, as though each one resonated with the world's heartbeat. The forest behind her seemed to grow quieter, holding the final breath of the battle.

Ascending into the air, she headed towards the Academy of the Gods, where her companions awaited news. The vast sky opened before her, but Asahi no Megami no longer felt alone. She knew true strength came not only from herself but also from the bonds with friends, warriors, and brave allies.

Entering the familiar space of the Academy, Asahi no Megami saw everyone gathered in the grand hall. Familiar faces greeted her: the contemplative eyes of the Poetry God, Utakami no Kami; the fiery resolve in the gaze of the Fire God, Hinokagami no Kami; and the ever-ready sword in the hand of the War God, Shirogami Takeshi.

"We've heard about the attack," Raiden Hayato, the Thunder God, spoke, his voice warm yet resolute. "And we must prepare for worse to come!"

Asahi no Megami nodded, her eyes meeting each pair in the hall. 

"Not merely an assault," she declared, her voice brimming with strength and determination. "This is a warning from Lilith Nocturna and her forces of darkness. We can no longer sit idle. Action must be taken now!"

"But how?" Seraphina Frostwind asked, her azure eyes reflecting both concern and resolve.

"We need to gather our strength," Asahi no Megami replied firmly. "Strength from all the gods, from all our companions. Only through unity can we confront the looming shadow."

Her words echoed through the space like a flame igniting hope within everyone. They looked at each other, realizing there was no time left for hesitation. Unity and strength were their only weapons against the encroaching darkness.

With renewed spirit, the denizens of the Academy of Gods began strategizing, each preparing themselves for the impending battle. And within each of them burned a flame of determination, as radiant as Asahi no Megami's dawn.

Outside, the world had begun its descent into winter, chilling winds sweeping through the Scarlet Oak Forest, signaling the onset of change. Yet, Asahi no Megami and her allies knew that even as winter approached, their light would endure—a beacon of hope that would never falter.

This was not an end, but the beginning of a new journey, a new battle, and a new hope for all worlds. And Asahi no Megami knew they would face every challenge together until true peace returned and darkness was forever banished.