Chapter 158: Shadows and Storms

Thus, after a long period of tranquility across the three realms—especially the World of the Gods—the "Progenitor of the Gods" decided it was time to retaliate against the infernal dominion, epitomized by Lilith Nocturna. This formidable she-devil, a master of seductive arts, was known not just for her dark powers but also for her profound expertise in stimulating men to the peak of ecstasy.

Lilith Nocturna had established a formidable fortress in the Human World. It was here that she had lured Snow Sky-Dog into her chambers, shedding her attire completely to engage in intimate acts with him on a grand, expansive bed. This fortress was exceptionally well-defended, far surpassing the typical strongholds. Within its walls, a legion of Besta-fera, equipped with massive double-edged axes, were stationed. These humanoid beasts wielded axes with long handles and an overwhelming weight, their presence adding to the fortress's impregnable nature. (Interestingly, when Lilith was engaged in her tryst with Snow Sky-Dog, it seemed the guards had all retreated to drink, likely giving their mistress the privacy she needed to reach the heights of pleasure with one of the most handsome and captivating gods of the Academy.)

Suddenly, terror struck the Besta-fera as they saw the God of Thunder, Raiden Hayato, riding atop a colossal Roc—a mighty bird beast. Behind him, a flock of these immense creatures soared, their sheer number a testament to their formidable power and the might of Raiden's army.

Raiden Hayato thought to himself, "Lilith Nocturna, you are extraordinarily beautiful, but you misuse your allure in your intimate encounters. You ensnared my friend Snow Sky-Dog, casting ancient spells upon him with your stunning, unclad body. You manipulated his mind, driving him to steal the supreme magical artifacts from our academy. If not for the swift intervention of Seiryu no Hana, the Goddess of Youth, who knows what catastrophic consequences might have ensued! Moreover, you launched grand and perilous attacks against two of my closest allies, the Goddess of Dawn, Asahi no Megami, and the beautiful mortal, Seraphina Frostwind. For all these transgressions, I am here to destroy your minions and capture you today." (Lilith seemed to command an endless horde of mystical creatures as her minions.)

The Besta-fera charged at the Roc-Colossal Bird Beasts with fierce resolve. The Rocs, with their warrior spirit, responded with unimaginable ferocity. The battle erupted violently.

From the very first moment, as the gigantic Besta-fera lunged with unprecedented savagery, their horrifying growls shattered the fortress's silence. These creatures, resembling centaurs but with grotesque features, their red eyes glowing and horns curving menacingly under the moonlight, charged wielding their enormous axes. Each swing of their weapons caused resounding crashes, raising clouds of dust across the battlefield.

Above, the Roc - Colossal Bird Beasts loomed as colossal shadows obscured the moonlight. With each powerful beat of their wings, they generated mighty gales that swept everything in their path. Their razor-sharp talons slashed through the Besta-fera's ranks, shattering the heavy steel axes with a single strike. Their feathers, thick and armor-like, rendered them impervious to the most formidable Besta-fera weapons.

The battle was ferocious. The Besta-fera, swift and merciless, plowed through the Roc formations with relentless force. The air filled with the clamor of their clashes. But the Rocs were far from defeated. They retaliated by diving from the sky, seizing the monstrous enemies in their talons, lifting them high before releasing them to plummet to the ground, eliciting horrifying screams.

Raiden Hayato stood astride his Roc, his garments billowing in the wind, eyes fixed on the tumult below. "Lilith Nocturna!" he thundered, his voice booming like the rolling clouds, piercing through the cacophony of battle. "You cannot escape! Your fiendish creatures are no match for us!"

From a distance, Lilith Nocturna watched, her eyes betraying both triumph and apprehension. She knew she would not be easily subdued. "Raiden Hayato, you will pay dearly for this insolence!" she cried, vanishing into a shroud of dark smoke, evading capture once more.

The Roc - Colossal Bird Beasts continued their relentless assault, a storm of power and speed, tearing through the Besta-fera ranks. Their combined force with Raiden Hayato became an unstoppable vortex of strength, annihilating everything in their path. After a relentless series of attacks, the Rocs gained the upper hand. Even the strongest Besta-fera could not withstand the onslaught of the gigantic birds. Lilith's army was quickly and thoroughly decimated, leaving a battlefield strewn with the carcasses of fallen monsters.

Raiden Hayato landed amidst the desolation, his gaze resolute and unyielding. "We have won," he murmured, not with pride but with a steely resolve for the challenges yet to come. This battle, he knew, was merely the beginning of a long and arduous journey against the forces of darkness.

The night sky returned to its eerie stillness, punctuated only by the remnants of the fierce battle. The Roc army took flight, leaving behind a clear message: Any foe daring to challenge the gods would meet an unrelenting defeat.

Raiden Hayato drew a deep breath to steady himself, his eyes glittering under the moon's glow, a mix of steadfastness and quiet contemplation. The Roc forces had departed, leaving a brief respite in their wake, as if time itself paused to witness this victory. Yet, within Raiden's heart, there was no sense of complete satisfaction. The elusive figure of Lilith Nocturna, with her parting threat, still haunted him.

"You think you have won?" Lilith's voice echoed in his mind like a distant reverberation. "This game has only just begun, Raiden Hayato!"

Raiden closed his eyes, feeling the turmoil within. He had vanquished her army, but Lilith had slipped through his grasp. The bittersweet taste of an incomplete victory lingered. He knew Lilith was not an easy foe. She embodied seduction and evil, a perilous blend he had never encountered before.


Returning to the academy, Raiden walked through its long, dim corridors, where the faint glow of lanterns reflected off the ancient stone walls. He found Seiryu no Hana waiting, her eyes filled with concern yet also brimming with hope.

"Raiden," she said softly but with firm resolve. "We have defeated Lilith's forces, but the battle is far from over! She still has many soldiers and countless schemes yet to unfold. We must prepare for what lies ahead!"

Raiden nodded, his eyes heavy with sorrow but also unyielding determination.

"I know, Seiryu! This war will be long and arduous. But we will not back down! We will fight to the end!"

Seiryu no Hana placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, a gesture filled with unwavering resolve.

"We will fight together! Not just for ourselves, but for all the innocents Lilith threatens!"

Far away, in her shadowy fortress, Lilith Nocturna stood by a window, gazing out into the thick night. She smiled a cryptic and calculated smile. "Raiden Hayato," she murmured, her eyes glinting with dangerous intent. "You may have defeated my army, but you will never touch my heart! Even though you are quite handsome! I will not stop until I destroy everything you hold dear!"

Beside Lilith, the indistinct forms of other mystical creatures began to emerge. A new army, stronger and more ruthless, was ready to serve her. Lilith raised her hand as if orchestrating a new dance, a dramatic performance that would draw all into the maelstrom of darkness.


Outside the academy, the night sky remained silent, but a storm was brewing beneath the surface. Raiden looked up, sensing the rising tension with every passing moment. He knew that every fleeting moment of peace was a precious prelude to greater tempests.

In his mind, a silent vow was carved deeply.

"I will never cease to fight until the final light of justice illuminates every corner of these three worlds!"

And so, a new chapter in the journey began, with a future fraught with uncertainty but also imbued with hope. They would advance, step by step, ready to confront any challenge darkness might cast their way. The ultimate battle was far from over; it had only just begun.

Gentle breezes whispered through, carrying the breath of a long and silent night. Yet, deep within the dark, plots, and perils continued to churn unseen. And the gods, the heroes, had to be ready for whatever lay ahead.