Chapter 159: The Gathering Storm

Since the day the greedy bounty hunter, "The Slayer of God" Raiden Kazama, became a minion of the Demon King, his arrogance had only grown. The message from Hell to the Empire of the Gods was clear: war! A war to overthrow the Lord of the Gods' throne, a conflict aimed at destroying an ancient empire whose ruler had governed as the supreme deity with unparalleled grace. Yet, this pompous and foolish man continued to frequent the famous pleasure spots of the Human World, showing not a hint of caution! Perhaps he felt he could scoff at the exorbitant bounty placed on his head—bounty notices plastered across all kingdoms of the Human World under the Lord of the Gods' urgent command—because he trusted his magically potent weapon to keep him safe from the righteous forces' efforts to capture him in the fierce war he was a part of.

Raiden was wandering through a desolate area, having drunk too much at a tavern that catered to "ladies of the night," when suddenly a general leading a troupe of Solomonar witches approached him.

"Raiden Kazama, you are under arrest! Surrender peacefully! Come with me to the kingdom's prison. If you do, I promise your punishment will be greatly reduced!"

"Enough of your nonsense, General Amaterasu Daichi! If you're so eager to fight, I won't hesitate to destroy you!"

Raiden Kazama unsheathed his incredibly sharp sword. To everyone's surprise, the secret weapon, the magical artifact he always carried, was a Grootslang disguised as a steel blade. The Grootslang roared in fury and lunged at General Amaterasu Daichi. But the general remained calm, ordering the Solomonar witches to advance and defeat the Grootslang, aiming to capture Raiden Kazama and bring him to the kingdom's dungeon to answer for his crimes. A fierce and intense battle ensued.

In the darkness of the desolate place, the clash between the Solomonar witches and the monstrous Grootslang began with unprecedented ferocity. The horrific hisses of the Grootslang mingled with the booming chants of Solomon, creating a tense and violent battlefield.

The Solomonars, in their tattered robes like beggars, yet emanating a powerful aura of magic, swiftly deployed their battle formations. They summoned storms from the sky, with lightning bolts striking the ground where the Grootslang raged forward. Their staves and axes glowed brightly, shining like torches in the night.

The Grootslang, a colossal creature half-snake, half-elephant, stretched up to 20 meters long. Its dark gray, thick skin rippled like ocean waves. Each tail swipe shook the ground, obliterating everything within reach. Its blood-red eyes glowed in the night, reflecting a thirst for blood and madness. The Grootslang possessed not only terrifying physical strength but also unbelievable agility for such a massive creature. Its long, sharp tusks could crush anything in its path.

Raiden Kazama, with a smug smile, stood behind the beast, confident that the Grootslang would crush the Solomonar army. However, he underestimated the witches' mastery and power.

One Solomonar, speaking in a deep, resonant voice, closed his eyes and summoned a Qi Dragon from above. The dragon descended with vast wings covering the sky, creating violent tornadoes with each beat. The Qi Dragon flew directly at the Grootslang, and the two mythical creatures clashed with incredible speed and ferocity. Each bite from the Qi Dragon forced the Grootslang to retreat; each counterattack from the Grootslang created new whirlwinds.

The Solomonar, taking advantage of the chaos, moved quickly toward Raiden Kazama. They chanted ancient spells, causing the ground to shake and the air to fill with magical sparks. Another Solomonar, holding a tome of wisdom, opened it, and from its pages, images of legendary wizards from thousands of years ago emerged, joining the Solomonar in battle.

The battle raged on as the Solomonar exploited their full capabilities. They summoned dragons, controlled the weather, and used intricate spells to subdue the Grootslang. Despite its strength and ferocity, the beast gradually wore down under the relentless and unceasing attacks of the witches. The Grootslang roared, trying to escape the tempests, but each time it surged forward, the Solomonar redoubled their efforts, striking at its weak points.

Finally, a thunderous explosion rang out, and the Grootslang was defeated. It collapsed to the ground, its massive body convulsing in its final agony. Its eyes dimmed and, at last, it sank into eternal darkness. The Solomonar stood there, panting but their eyes gleaming with pride and triumph.

Raiden Kazama looked around, realizing the harsh truth that he was left alone. Without the Grootslang's protection, he was surrounded by the Solomonar. One Solomonar stepped forward, his staff glowing brightly.

"Raiden Kazama," he spoke, his voice echoing like from ages past, "you have been defeated! Accept your fate! You will be taken back to face the judgment of the Lord of the Gods. There is no escape for you!"

Raiden, though maintaining a cold demeanor, showed fear in his eyes. He was bound tightly by magical chains, unbreakable by strength or sorcery. The Solomonar army led him away, into the night, back to the kingdom where Raiden would face justice.

In the last moment before being taken away, Raiden glanced back at the battlefield. He felt the sting of defeat but also a vague realization of the greatness of Solomon. They were not just powerful sorcerers but guardians of justice, fighting tirelessly for peace and stability in the world. He knew that in this war, he had lost not only because of his opponents' superior strength but also due to his arrogance and mistakes.

The Solomonar witches had achieved a spectacular victory, once again affirming their steadfast protection of justice and order in the world.

As the faint dawn light began to break, the Solomonar warriors led Raiden Kazama into the quiet forest. The rustling leaves created an eerie melody, reminding them of the end of the battle and the beginning of a new, tumultuous chapter. The faint light from the waning moon peeked through the clouds, casting small glimmers on the muddy path they tread.

Raiden Kazama, though bound tightly in magical chains, maintained his arrogant expression. Yet inside, his thoughts churned. He had always believed his arrogance and strength to be invincible, that he could face any foe and overcome any challenge. But now, he felt a profound defeat, not just from being captured but from his blind faith in Grootslang's power.

General Amaterasu Daichi led the group, walking steadily but filled with contemplation. He knew that capturing Raiden Kazama was only the beginning of a long and arduous journey. The threats from Hell still loomed on the horizon, and Raiden Kazama was just a small part of the Demon King's grander plan.

"Raiden Kazama," General Daichi's deep voice broke the silence. "This war doesn't end with your defeat! This is just the beginning! Do you know that deep within Hell, far more powerful forces than you are waiting for the chance to invade this world?"

Raiden smirked, but a flicker of worry crossed his eyes. "I am not afraid of your baseless threats, Daichi! The three realms have endured too long under the cold, heartless rule of the so-called gods. A change is inevitable!"

Daichi looked at Raiden with a mix of sorrow and understanding. He knew Raiden was ensnared in a whirlpool of hatred and arrogance. But he also knew the battle ahead was far more complex than Raiden could ever imagine.

News of Raiden Kazama's capture quickly reached the Academy of the Gods on the morning of a new day. Snow Sky-Dog excitedly shared the news with his divine friends and his five beautiful girlfriends as they gathered for breakfast in the academy's dining hall.

"Hey everyone, did you hear the news? That scoundrel Raiden Kazama was caught in a kingdom in the World of the Gods, after getting drunk and enjoying the company of 'ladies of the night'!"

"Oh really? And what about Snow Sky-Dog, who fell into the trap of a Succubus named Lilith Nocturna? She's got a 'smoking hot' body and a face more adorable than any 'lady of the night'! When will he be put on trial? He's made us run around to find a way to break the spell on him! Not to mention making all his lovely lady admirers cry multiple times. When will I get to attend his court hearing?"

"Cut it out, Shark God Kaiyo no Kami! How can you make fun of this? Snow Sky-Dog is just a victim of that maiden with a figure as splendidly crafted by nature's artistry! Plus, she used ancient magic, alcohol, and her sophisticated seductive tricks to set the trap! A god as kind-hearted as Snow Sky-Dog couldn't avoid her snares! Snow Sky-Dog has done many commendable things for this academy. So our efforts to help him when he was under Lilith Nocturna's spell were completely justified!" The Goddess of Youth Seiryu no Hana spoke out in defense of Snow Sky-Dog.

"Oh, come on! Snow Sky-Dog is just too handsome and lucky!" added "White Dragon" Ryushi Yukinaga, seizing the rare opportunity to tease Snow Sky-Dog about his flirtatious tendencies without fear of reprisal.

"Ryushi Yukinaga, stop it! Taking advantage of this moment to mock Snow Sky-Dog is unkind!" The Goddess of Sunrise Asahi no Megami couldn't help but speak up in defense of Snow Sky-Dog. (Well, this snow wolf is truly protected by many beautiful young ladies!)

Snow Sky-Dog, with a radiant smile, cast a mischievous glance towards the Sea God Kaiyo no Kami, who had just teased him about his fleeting romance with Lilith Nocturna.

"Kaiyo," Snow spoke gently yet pointedly, "sometimes the experiences that seem most challenging are the most valuable lessons! And who knows, they might just pave the way for something greater!" The Goddess of Sunrise Asahi no Megami looked at Snow Sky-Dog with tender eyes. "We cannot foresee the future, but we can choose how we face it! Nevertheless, our resilience and courage will guide us!" White Dragon Ryushi Yukinaga chuckled softly, patting Snow Sky-Dog on the shoulder. "Exactly, and who knows, perhaps one day we'll fight side by side in a battle greater than any we can imagine!" Their conversation was interrupted by a strange sound echoing from afar. A sudden icy wind blew through, carrying the scent of earth, sky, and sea, like a vague warning. Seiryu no Hana gazed up at the sky where dark clouds were gathering. "We must be prepared! I feel as though a great storm is approaching." The young gods, though still naive and full of life, understood that severe challenges awaited them ahead. They knew that the peace of the Academy of the Gods was temporary, and each of them would face difficult decisions, daunting battles, and perhaps painful sacrifices. The conflict was not just about power and ambition, but also about courage, loyalty, and the values they held dear. Raiden Kazama had been defeated, but he was just a small part of the looming battle ahead. In the depths of shadows, sinister plots, and terrifying powers were emerging, threatening to shatter the fragile balance of all three worlds. And as they prepared for the future, the dawn's light still illuminated the hills, promising hope and fortitude. What lay ahead for them was not just a challenge but an opportunity to affirm their strength and spirit. From afar, a solitary bird flew by, like a messenger of fate, stirring hope and courage within them. They knew that whatever happened, they would stand firm, facing it together. In Raiden Kazama's heart, a vague sense of the future stirred. He couldn't shake the feeling that his battle was far from over. The shadows from Hell, the forces he had once served, would return soon, bringing with them a storm of destruction. And in that moment, he wondered if his pride and ambition had led him into an inescapable vortex. A new chapter of the story had begun, and the most severe challenges lay ahead.