Chapter 164: The Enigmatic Night: Revelations and Resolutions

Tonight, Snow Sky-Dog once again found himself at that familiar restaurant in the World of Humans. This place had become almost a second home to him! Perhaps ever since he had been manipulated into playing "the lover's game in bed" with Lilith Nocturna, he had grown more vigilant, self-controlled, stronger, and better at assessing the complexities of situations! After being haunted for quite a long time by the mesmerizing beauty of Lilith Nocturna's perfectly sculpted, masterpiece-like body, when it was unveiled from any covering cloth; Snow Sky-Dog had since become immune to the allure of women with such exquisite forms! (One must note again that Lilith Nocturna's body was a miraculous creation of supreme artistry! But perhaps, the Kitsune Youkai, Hoshiko Tsukino, also possessed a body that could rival the enchanted form of Lilith Nocturna! Whether Hoshiko Tsukino would use her body as a spell-like Lilith had done, however, remained a mystery! Yet, tonight, it was uncertain whether Snow Sky-Dog would fall into that trap a second time! But if one could bet, all the gods in the Heavenly Kingdom would put their stakes on Snow Sky-Dog overcoming the bewitching charm of this Kitsune Youkai, which surely she would attempt to cast upon his mind tonight! Still, Snow Sky-Dog was known for surprising everyone who believed in, loved, and admired him. Thus, he would confront the snares Hoshiko Tsukino would lay with the seasoned acumen of a battle-hardened general! Even without foreknowledge of her schemes, whether her enchanting body was bewitched or not, she would find it challenging to bring down Snow Sky-Dog in the way Lilith Nocturna had fortuitously managed! Even if she succeeded in making Snow Sky-Dog drunk and then discarded all her clothing, inside and out; the likelihood of him pinning her down to her bed, as he had fallen prey to Lilith Nocturna's trap, was exceedingly low! But perhaps, tonight, Hoshiko Tsukino would try her utmost to replicate Lilith Nocturna's triumph!)

Hoshiko Tsukino spotted Snow Sky-Dog seated at a table draped with a pristine white cloth. She approached him with her most graceful demeanor.

"Hey there, handsome. May I join you for dinner?"

Snow Sky-Dog responded with an incredibly charming smile.

"Of course, lovely lady!"

Recalling the trick Lilith Nocturna had used, the Kitsune Youkai ensnared Snow Sky-Dog with her soft, seductive voice.

"To make this dinner more interesting, how about we play a little game? I'll share with you my favorite life philosophy! I think it will make you feel that having dinner with me tonight isn't too dull! Instead of rebutting my viewpoint, you will just listen and reflect on it in your mind! But when it's your turn to share your philosophy, I will do my best to challenge it! If my arguments are completely persuasive, then you'll be the only one drinking tonight, as I'll have won the game, and because I don't want to be seen drunk! And you must take me home! For a girl like me going home alone at night is quite risky. What do you think of my proposal, handsome god?"

Snow Sky-Dog smiled and nodded in agreement, but he thought to himself: "Clever plan! But you don't know that ever since I drank from the 'Fountain of Wisdom,' I can no longer get drunk!"

Seeing Snow Sky-Dog agree to her conditions, Hoshiko Tsukino felt overjoyed and thought to herself: "Tonight, Snow Sky-Dog, you will be at my service in the bedroom! My debating skills are no less than the one with whom you experienced that previous bed pleasure!"

Hoshiko Tsukino spoke softly but with great confidence.

"Life is not a fair game! The one who wakes up every morning and keeps striving for his future success, even after many failures, is the true winner!' That's my favorite life philosophy, handsome and charming god!"

"Interesting! Now it's my turn! 'A path is just a path! And there is no insult to yourself or others if you abandon it! If it is truly the right and wise thing to do, as guided by both your reason, your inner strength, and your heart, then you have done nothing wrong!'"

Hoshiko Tsukino's eyes lit up with excitement and curiosity as she looked at Snow Sky-Dog. His philosophy was surprising and challenging. She smiled gently, responding with a contemplative tone:

"What a fascinating viewpoint, Snow Sky-Dog! But let me challenge you: if every path can be easily abandoned, what value is there in choosing the initial path? Isn't it the commitment and perseverance on a chosen path that truly define who we are? After all, life isn't just about making successive choices, but about loyalty to the decisions we've made! Because we can't always turn back and start over without losing a part of ourselves, can we?"

Her words fell like delicate petals onto the water, gently rippling Snow Sky-Dog's thoughts. He remained silent, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of contemplation. Though he knew he couldn't get drunk anymore, he still felt the depth of Hoshiko Tsukino's words. She wasn't just a beautiful girl with a seductive body but also possessed a sharp intellect and an unyielding spirit.

Snow Sky-Dog lifted his wine glass, quietly observing the deep crimson liquid shimmering under the light. He felt the weight of the words and the significance of the commitment Hoshiko had mentioned. After a moment of reflection, he responded softly, his tone filled with respect:

"Perhaps you're right, Hoshiko! Commitment and perseverance on a chosen path are indeed valuable! But that doesn't mean we should cling to a path when all signs indicate it's a dead end. Wisdom lies in knowing when to continue and when to let go, so we don't waste our lives on futile pursuits! Our hearts, our reason, will always guide us to new paths, opening new horizons if we listen and dare to move forward!"

Hoshiko tilted her head slightly, her eyes as calm as a serene lake, reflecting deep thoughts. She understood that this debate was not just about life theories but also about a deeper connection between two souls. Her allure wasn't just in her appearance but in her ability to understand and converse with Snow Sky-Dog on a profound level.

"Maybe life is a balance between those two extremes," she said gently, "Between commitment and change. Between loyalty and flexibility. And perhaps we only truly understand our path when we have experienced both when we have committed, have let go, and then found its true meaning!"

Snow Sky-Dog nodded, his eyes shining with admiration. He realized that this conversation was more than just a simple game. It had become a journey of exploration, a dialogue about life, full of connection and emotion. Hoshiko Tsukino was not just a worthy adversary, but also a valuable spiritual ally, someone with whom he could share his deepest thoughts.

Their conversation continued, with each sip of wine, each word spoken, they discovered more about each other, themselves, and life. Tonight, under the twinkling lights of the familiar restaurant, Snow Sky-Dog, and Hoshiko Tsukino found something truly special – a connection, a deeper understanding.

In the end, Hoshiko looked at him with a gaze full of understanding and gentleness, and she softly said:

"Snow Sky-Dog, tonight, the connection between us, this understanding, has been the most magical thing!"

Snow Sky-Dog smiled, a smile filled with satisfaction and gratitude. He understood that tonight was not just a test, but also a discovery, a journey he would always remember.

Though there was no clear winner or loser in their game, Snow Sky-Dog still had to escort Hoshiko Tsukino back to her castle. (For, according to Hoshiko Tsukino, it was too dangerous for a delicate girl like her to go home alone at night! This reasoning could only persuade a god who always treated women with nobility and gallantry like Snow Sky-Dog! In reality, Hoshiko Tsukino was far from delicate!)

Following the script set by Lilith Nocturna, Hoshiko Tsukino also led Snow Sky-Dog into her bedroom. And just like Lilith Nocturna, she stripped off all her outer garments and undergarments to arouse the primal desires of a man toward a woman in Snow Sky-Dog's mind. But this time: the visible consequences; the immense support from his noble friends; the ecstatic experiences coupled with a sense of responsibility; the deep self-awareness of this pleasure – all these, which he had grappled with over a long, difficult period, had made Snow Sky-Dog truly mature! Now, he was immune to this temptation from Hoshiko Tsukino. Even though her body, unveiled from all fabric, was as stunningly exquisite as Lilith Nocturna's!

Snow Sky-Dog picked up everything Hoshiko Tsukino had removed. He began dressing her again, piece by piece, surprising and impressing her profoundly.

"What I seek is not to possess you outside the bonds of marriage! I once did that with a girl who deliberately wanted me to! And it made me feel incredibly awful! Moreover, I love my five girlfriends with genuine and pure affection. It would be terrible if I pinned you down on this bed tonight. So, what I need to do is to dress you back in your clothes and undergarments!"

After donning the garments that Hoshiko Tsukino had intentionally removed, Snow Sky-Dog returned to his chamber at the Academy of the Divine. Months ago, to ensure Seraphina Frostwind's safety amidst a fierce battle, his mentor had permitted Seraphina Frostwind to reside with Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka. And so he returned to that room, where two of his five beloved girlfriends were unaware of the mind-boggling events of that night.

Snow Sky-Dog stepped out of Hoshiko Tsukino's chamber, leaving her in awe and admiration. His action was not merely a rejection, but a declaration of honor and loyalty to the women he cherished. Tonight, Hoshiko's breathtaking beauty hadn't swayed Snow Sky-Dog, but he knew that traps and schemes would not cease here.

As Snow Sky-Dog departed Hoshiko's castle, the moon cast its light upon his path, creating shimmering shadows in its faint glow. Deep within, thoughts of the future continued to swirl. He wondered, "How many more challenges await me on this path?" Yet, this question did not intimidate him; it only stirred a steadfast belief in his strength and determination.

Night had fallen by the time Snow Sky-Dog returned to the Academy of the Divine. Entering his warm chamber, he found his two girlfriends, Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind, sound asleep. The soft light from a small lamp reflected gently off their serene faces, bringing an unusual sense of peace. He smiled faintly, feeling lighter after the night's tumultuous events.

He sat gently on a chair beside the bed, watching their steady breaths. Mizuchi with her deep blue hair like the ocean depths, Seraphina with her snow-white complexion. These were the women he had chosen to protect and love, despite any hardships and dangers life might bring.

"Tomorrow will bring a new challenge," Snow Sky-Dog mused silently. "But I will stand strong, for them, for this love!"

Outside, a sparkling star adorned the night sky, a reminder that life is an endless series of journeys where each step carries profound meaning. Snow Sky-Dog closed his eyes, feeling the spreading peace within his soul, ready to face whatever fate would bring.

Yet as dawn's light began to peek through, a mysterious message appeared beneath his room's door. A small piece of paper with exquisite yet enigmatic handwriting: "We are not just witnesses, but creators of history! Prepare for a fateful encounter!"

This message carried a warning, a sign of things to come. Snow Sky-Dog held up the paper, feeling his heartbeat quicken. Who sent this message? And what was this destined encounter?

He stood up, looking out the window. The morning light filtered through the leaves, bringing life and hope. Snow Sky-Dog knew that despite the challenges ahead, he would continue forward, with courage and unwavering determination.

On the horizon, a new future awaited, full of mystery and wonder. And he would embrace it, with an open heart and a spirit ever ready.