Chapter 165: The Noble Refusal

From that fateful night, the night Kitsune Youkai Hoshiko Tsukino would never forget for the rest of her life. Snow Sky-Dog had unflinchingly rejected her offer to "serve" him in bed. Snow Sky-Dog was clear-headed enough to realize that on that crucial, unforgettable night, the Kitsune Youkai named Hoshiko Tsukino had used the "bedroom lover's game" to trap him. Yet, not only did Snow Sky-Dog avoid the trap, but he also performed an act of extraordinary nobility, drawing immense admiration from anyone who witnessed it. He neither grew angry nor was disturbed when Hoshiko Tsukino undressed herself completely in front of him, baring her body to share ultimate pleasure in the bedroom. What shocked Hoshiko Tsukino the most was that not only did Snow Sky-Dog resist the temptation to lay her down on the bed (even though the undeniable beauty of her unveiled form was unmatched by any standard), but he also courteously redressed her, piece by piece, with the very clothes she had shed.

"The only thing I need is your smile," Snow Sky-Dog's words left Hoshiko Tsukino reevaluating her perceptions of men across all three worlds. Every man Hoshiko Tsukino had encountered before would have been utterly unable to resist the desire for "bedroom intimacy" once she had given them the green light. Her body, a supreme masterpiece, embodied an unparalleled and rare beauty when completely unveiled, enough to drive any man she had known to act purely on primal instincts. If there was any proof of nature's bias toward female beauty in the universe, Hoshiko Tsukino's unclothed form was the most compelling evidence of such favoritism. Yet, despite possessing such captivating beauty that could easily manipulate and overwhelm the psyche, it was insufficient to make Snow Sky-Dog forsake his strength and integrity. This realization sent Hoshiko Tsukino into a brief existential crisis.

Facing Lilith Nocturna, the pivotal figure in the rebel alliance plotting to overthrow the Empire of the Gods, Hoshiko Tsukino felt an overwhelming sense of unease and dread.

"Lilith Nocturna, I failed to turn Snow Sky-Dog into a useful pawn in our plan to topple the empire to which he has pledged his loyalty. These past days, I've been deeply contemplating this. I've come to realize that this rebellion of ours is a grave mistake, a madness beyond reason! Lilith Nocturna, we must halt this uprising before it's too late! Gods like Snow Sky-Dog are formidable in every aspect of genuine and supreme strength. You succeeded once in ensnaring Snow Sky-Dog with your 'bedroom lover's game.' But he has overcome his naivety at a pace unmatched in all three worlds! Even when my body is stripped of every thread, capable of causing profound chaos to any man's mind (no matter how strong he may be), I now understand that deities like Snow Sky-Dog, who play crucial roles in the opposition to our alliance, transcend the kind of power we thought we understood. They are so immensely powerful that we struggle even to comprehend the full extent of their might! If simply grasping this power is so difficult, how impossibly beyond reach must it be to defeat it? Lilith Nocturna, I am withdrawing from this battle! All creatures in these three worlds should continue under the rule and governance of the Empire of the Gods. It's sheer folly for us youkai and demons to think we can overthrow an empire filled with gods whose strength defies all our imaginations! Lilith Nocturna, I am stepping back! And I advise you to tell your lord ruling the underworld to abandon his foolish ambition!"

"Hoshiko Tsukino, you disappoint me greatly! You are nothing but a cowardly soldier, easily crushed in spirit! The strength of the youkai is just that shallow! But I anticipated your failure and have already prepared my next plan for this setback. Beautiful Kitsune Youkai, look closely at the chair you are sitting on. This magical artifact, 'The Golden Cage of Nine Dragons,' I borrowed from that useless Hokage Masayuki! His magical power is a mere child's play! His schemes are only enough to frighten amateurs. Even his army of mythical creatures is as useless as he is. But, to be honest, this magical artifact of his is rather intriguing! Hoshiko Tsukino, today I will capture you! And that boyfriend of yours, whom you so lavishly praise, will come to rescue you! And I will capture him too! Then 'The Progenitor of the Gods' will have to offer those precious magical artifacts in exchange for the freedom of his most prized pupil!"

Hoshiko Tsukino found herself immobilized. The chair she was sitting on was indeed a disguised "Golden Cage of Nine Dragons." She had been captured by Lilith Nocturna, who had informed Snow Sky-Dog of this plan as soon as she had devised it. Snow Sky-Dog's kindness and nobility towards women meant he could not ignore such provocation or violation of his unyielding principles.

Hoshiko Tsukino felt the invisible power of the chair binding her, making even the smallest movement impossible. Her eyes flashed with a mix of astonishment and anger as she realized she had fallen into Lilith Nocturna's trap—an opponent all too familiar with cunning schemes.

Lilith Nocturna rose, stepping out of the shadows, her eyes glinting sharply in the dim light from the adjacent room, revealing the depth of a strategist not easily subdued. With a half-smile, she regarded Hoshiko as if savoring a captivating drama.

"Don't worry too much, Hoshiko! This is just a new game," Lilith's voice was soft but laced with irony. "You will soon see Snow Sky-Dog again. He won't abandon you, not when his feelings for you transcend even the strictest principles he has set for himself, will he?"

Hoshiko tried to suppress the rising tide of fear within her. She knew Lilith was playing a dangerous game, and she was the prey. Yet, deep in her heart, she felt an unwavering faith in Snow Sky-Dog, in his strength and his unwavering integrity.

"Lilith, you don't understand Snow Sky-Dog at all," Hoshiko's voice trembled with the effort to resist her fear. "He is not one to be easily manipulated or drawn into your games! And neither am I!"

Lilith laughed softly, her laughter echoing like the chime of small bells in the cold, night.

"Hoshiko, you are too confident in yourself! But don't worry, we will see what happens when Snow Sky-Dog faces this situation."

Lilith's words made Hoshiko ponder the future and what lay ahead. However, at that moment, she also realized that this confrontation was more than a battle of strength or strategy; it was a test of loyalty, integrity, and true love.

Outside, the night sky still sparkled with stars, but their gentle light now seemed to be beacons guiding the way through the challenging journey ahead. Hoshiko knew that no matter how perilous the traps, she must continue to fight. Because it was not just for herself, but for Snow Sky-Dog, for the values they upheld, and for the glimmers of hope shining through the darkness, all awaiting a resurrection from the light of truth and justice.

In Hoshiko's mind, an idea began to form.

"Could this be the final trial of destiny? A test to prove that love and loyalty can overcome any scheme or trap?"

The chapter ends, leaving readers with a sense of suspense and eager anticipation for what is to come. Will Snow Sky-Dog arrive in time to rescue Hoshiko? Will they be able to overcome all the challenges Lilith Nocturna has set? And will their love and loyalty be strong enough to conquer the darkness looming over the three worlds?

All these questions will be answered in the next chapter, as their journey enters a new phase, full of surprises and drama.