Chapter 166: The Dawn of Mystical Triumph

Kitsune Youkai Hoshiko Tsukino was imprisoned in a dark dungeon of a fortress with exceptionally advantageous defenses. Naturally, this fortress belonged to Lilith Nocturna. (Indeed, she had numerous territories and commanded many legions of mythical creatures!) Within the fortress, a vast army of Valravn stood guard, defending the stronghold. (Valravn are not feeble creatures. Yet perhaps, after suffering many fierce defeats, Lilith Nocturna had no choice but to rely on these less formidable minions of hers!) The fortress sat atop a rocky mountain peak, surrounded by vast expanses of air, with a deep abyss below.

Lilith Nocturna believed that only Snow Sky-Dog could lead an assault on her, commanding his alliance of mythical creatures to challenge her formidable defenses. In her view, Snow Sky-Dog's forces were the only ones capable of breaching such a strategically advantageous stronghold! The Griffins, fierce and powerful, were perfectly suited to breaking through the resistance within the fortress. Thus, if the Academy of Gods were to send a deity to lead this attack, Snow Sky-Dog would be the most fitting commander! (Little did she know, aside from Snow Sky-Dog, another goddess would be leading her army of mythical creatures to block Lilith Nocturna's escape route!) Confidently, Lilith Nocturna believed her Valravn army could crush the Griffin assault if they dared to invade her domain.

Inside the fortress, Lilith Nocturna watched as three of the Devil King's other minions—Hokage Masayuki, The Green-Faced Ashura, and Orochikami no Kami—played cards with each other, engrossed in their game.

Moments later, a strong wind began to blow from the east toward Lilith Nocturna's fortress.

Snow Sky-Dog was leading his courageous and skilled Griffin army in a swift and formidable assault on the fortress, like a fearsome and dangerous storm. The Griffins soared through the sky, carrying the spirit of battle like sacred flames.

Lilith Nocturna smiled slyly.

"Finally, you've come to rescue Hoshiko Tsukino! You treat her so well! It makes me jealous! I am the only woman you've pinned to the bed, naked, and yet, why do you seem to favor this Kitsune Youkai girl so much?"

The alert for combat readiness to respond to Snow Sky-Dog and his Griffin assault was urgently sounded throughout the fortress. The Valravn, numerous as an army of ants, mobilized with all their might and ferocity to confront the Griffins. (As the Griffins charged like mighty lions attacking their hapless prey.)

As the icy eastern winds swept through the mountaintop fortress, the air was thick with tension and the foreboding of a brutal clash. The Valravn, with eyes glowing red like eerie torches, lined the fortress walls, awaiting the command to attack. These strange black ravens, legendary in Danish folklore, had gorged on battlefield corpses and absorbed their spirits, transforming into knights in cold, black armor as chilling as the winter night.

In the sky, the Griffins soared mightily, their vast wings tearing through the night, creating a terrifying sound like thunderclaps. With the bodies of lions and the majestic wings of eagles, the Griffins embodied unmatched strength and authority, their sharp eyes glinting under the silver moonlight, challenging any foe that dared to block their path.

The battle began as Snow Sky-Dog gave the command to attack. The Griffins dove like sharp spears, aiming straight for the Valravn defenses. The first clash erupted with the sound of metal striking metal and the shrieks of mythical creatures. The powerful wings of the Griffins tore through the Valravn ranks, pushing each raven knight back into their original form.

Hokage Masayuki, The Green-Faced Ashura, and Orochikami no Kami realizing the dire situation, rushed into the fray. However, their strength was like small flickering flames against the fiery storm brought by the Griffins. The lion-like claws of the Griffins struck, shattering the black armor of the raven knights. The Griffins, like whirlwinds, struck down each enemy one by one. In a panic, Hokage Masayuki, confident in his spells, could only cast a few weak attacks before being torn apart by Griffin's sharp talons, turning him into a heap of ashes.

The Green-Faced Ashura, fearsome with his strength, tried to maintain his composure but was ultimately felled by a powerful blow from Griffin's wing. His greenish face turned to ashen grey before he collapsed. Orochikami no Kami, a creature with serpent strength, roared in despair as Griffin's beaks pierced through him, ending his ambitious life.

Amidst the chaos of battle, the Valravn were quickly cornered. The raven knights, despite their formidable transformations, couldn't withstand the relentless and powerful onslaught of the Griffin warriors. One Valravn, eyes filled with hopelessness, tried to flee the fortress, only to meet its death under the pursuing claws of a griffin.

The Griffins continued their relentless advance. Their claws and massive wings tore apart the last defenses of the Valravn. The air was filled with agonizing cries and the fierce flapping of wings, painting a vivid picture of destruction and triumph.

As dawn began to break, the battle had reached its conclusion. The Griffins stood tall among the Valravn corpses and the ruins of the fortress. Their breath misted in the frigid air, but their eyes shone with the light of victory. Snow Sky-Dog stepped forward, his gaze firm and proud. The battle was over, and they had triumphed magnificently.

Lilith Nocturna, cunning as ever, fled to the rear of the fortress. She intended to escape by flight. But she was utterly astonished. Behind the fortress, a flock of Alicanto-Celestial Birds was approaching where she stood. Leading the army of mythical creatures was the Secret Goddess Amaterasu Yumi, one of Snow Sky-Dog's five girlfriends. In Amaterasu Yumi's hand was an extraordinary magical artifact she had borrowed from the Fire God: "The Fire Realm's Chain of Deities."

Lilith Nocturna had no choice but to summon the last significant horde of her remaining mythical creatures. From the magical gate she opened, a horde of aggressive Alp emerged, ready for battle! Despite knowing that the Alp could hardly match the Celestial Birds' superiority - their massive size and powerful aerial attacks - they prepared for the ensuing conflict.

As Lilith Nocturna signaled, the magical gate opened, and the Alp horde poured out. These eerie creatures, wearing the enchanted Tarnkappe hats that contained their entire magical power, marched into battle with ghastly, chuckling laughs, like nightmares stepping out of the deepest darkness. Their bizarre eyes gleamed with malicious light, casting an aura of terror. These creatures not only inflicted nightmarish delusions upon their victims but could also bring sickness with just a glance.

Conversely, the Alicante - Celestial Birds, embodiments of light and strength, soared majestically in the sky. Their wings glimmered like pure gold, casting a holy light that pushed back the darkness. Their sapphire-like eyes radiated immense power, sparkling like precious gems in the night. These giant birds, known to nest near gold and silver mines, now symbolized power and invincibility.

The battle erupted with a deafening roar as the two armies clashed. The Alicanto, with their enormous size and powerful wings, descended from the sky like meteors, causing massive tremors on the ground. These celestial birds used their strength to unleash powerful attacks, forcing the Alp horde to retreat. The golden wings of the Alicanto were not just for flying but also served as sharp weapons, ripping through the Alp ranks like divine blades.

The Alp, though fierce and cunning, couldn't withstand Alicante's strength and ferocity. They used every trick: transforming, fleeing, and casting dark spells. But all efforts were futile against Alicante's relentless assault. The Alicante's gleaming eyes emitted holy light, dispelling the darkness conjured by the Alp. The celestial birds flew in formation, diving and screaming, dismantling the Alp's lines in chaos.

Lilith Nocturna, standing atop the fortress, watched the battle with despair. She sought an escape route but was blocked by Amaterasu Yumi and "The Fire Realm's Chain of Deities." Under the brilliant light of the rising sun, Lilith Nocturna, with her aggressiveness and arrogance, now appeared as a faint shadow before the Secret Goddess's authority.

The golden wings of the Alicanto continued to beat forcefully, tearing apart the final defenses of the Alp. With nowhere left to run, the Alp was cornered and defeated by the overwhelming might of the celestial birds. The Alp's desperate cries blended with the victorious roar, creating a majestic and emotionally charged scene.

In her desperation, Lilith Nocturna tried to cast her last spells to escape. But Amaterasu Yumi quickly approached, using "The Fire Realm's Chain of Deities" to bind her tightly. The magical chain shone brilliantly, imprisoning Lilith Nocturna in an unbreakable hold. She roared in fury and frustration, but all efforts were in vain.

Snow Sky-Dog and Amaterasu Yumi stood together, watching the Griffin and Alicanto stand proudly amidst the battlefield of victory. They knew the battle had ended, and their mystical creatures had achieved the most spectacular and convincing triumph. The dawn cast its first rays of light upon the sky, signaling a new beginning, a complete triumph of light over darkness.

Lilith Nocturna, captured and tightly bound, felt nothing but anger and despair. She gazed up at the sky, where the mystical beings had defeated her, realizing that her arrogance and cruelty had led to her utter downfall. In the brilliant light of dawn, the victory of Snow Sky-Dog and Amaterasu Yumi became a symbol of justice and unwavering power.