Chapter 168: The Dragon's Covenant

In the room of "White Dragon" Ryushi Yukinaga at the Academy of the Gods, the dragon deity standing before him was his uncle, the leader of the dragon clan, the King of Dragons.

"'White Dragon,' do you remain loyal to our clan?"

"Why do you ask such a question, my uncle?"

"I have a task I want you to undertake! Are you willing to accept it?"

"Speak your command, my uncle! You are the king of all dragon gods; your request is the supreme order for all dragon deities like me!"

"Good, very good! Tonight, you must steal all the magical artifacts with supreme power that Snow Sky-Dog's group has gathered from across the three vast worlds. After that, we will ally with the King of Demons. Yesterday, the King of Demons sent a challenge letter to the Lord of the Gods! Although he has lost almost all his loyal and talented commanders due to the formidable power of the gods who are students of this academy, if our dragon clan allies with his forces, along with the support of the rebellious youkai, our insurgent forces are sure to triumph!"

Ryushi Yukinaga was deeply shaken upon hearing these words from his uncle, the King of Dragons! So, it turns out the king's alliance with "The Progenitor of the Gods," the head deity of the Academy of the Gods, was merely a facade to wait for this day. How could such a noble dragon god in all three worlds act so shamelessly?

"My lord, this I cannot do! Even if you were to take my life here and now, I would still refuse your command, King of Dragons!"

"Well then, Ryushi Yukinaga, you are indeed strong and brave! You dare defy my order! Very well then! I have already prepared a contingency plan! Listen carefully, Ryushi Yukinaga: In the final battle between the ruling forces of the three worlds—the Empire of the Gods, represented by the talented student gods of this academy, including you—and the alliance of Hell and the rebellious youkai, on the surface, the dragon clan will support the Empire of the Gods; but in reality, we will back both opposing factions! The dragon clan will send you into the final battle as a warrior of the Heavenly Kingdom, as a distinguished student of this academy. But I will also send another member of our clan, the 'Demon Dragon' Kamui, to play the pivotal role of commanding the army of mystical creatures from Hell. This will be our secret forever! You two dragon deities, cousins to each other, must strive to annihilate each other on that fierce battlefield! Regardless of the outcome, our dragon clan will gain significant benefits from this upheaval in the order of all three worlds! Ah, Ryushi Yukinaga, if you were to fully join Kamui's side, you and he would not have to try to destroy each other. Do you remember what I taught you, Ryushi Yukinaga? 'Chaos is not a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail, and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love... illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is. And it is all we will be proud of after we succeed in this great, thrilling endeavor!'"

Ryushi Yukinaga stood motionless for a relatively long time before he spoke again.

"If destiny has decreed that either Kamui or I must be reduced to ashes, then I will face this fate with courage! But my lord, your constant glorification of chaos, with such gleeful relish! I can refute it, my king! Do you wish to hear my perspective on what you consider your greatest, most profound, and philosophical life view?"

"Ryushi Yukinaga, this academy has trained you to be a god with a remarkable talent in every aspect! And now, you dare to counter my teachings! Very well, 'White Dragon,' let me hear your rebuttal of my philosophy on chaos!"

Ryushi Yukinaga bowed his head, his eyes gleaming with a fiery resolve. He knew that his words now would not just echo in the silence of the room, but challenge the eternal authority of the Dragon King, who believed he held the fate of the entire clan in his hands.

"My lord, the chaos you always praise, in my view, is not a ladder to glory! It is a veil that hides the goodness we have yet to recognize. Chaos may bring opportunities, but only for those blind enough to plunge into the abyss. It does not build, it only destroys! And when everything succumbs to chaos, the only one who benefits is the one who stands aside and mocks. You say we should climb this ladder, but you forget that sometimes, standing firm on the ground is the best way to survive and thrive!"

The Dragon King furrowed his brows, his gaze darkening yet retaining its haughty air.

"What do you mean, Ryushi? Do you think my strategy is flawed?"

Ryushi raised his head, his eyes meeting the king's stern gaze directly.

"I do not deny that you have a grand vision, my lord! But I believe we can find another path, not by extolling chaos but by creating a new order where peace and strength coexist. We are noble dragon gods; we can choose a brighter path instead of getting lost in the shadows of schemes and war! The fierce battle approaches! Unfortunately, I must seek peace by contributing my efforts to war as a god serving justice! It is regrettable that before enjoying the happiness of lasting peace, I must be engulfed in battle! But I do so because I am a god determined to pursue peace, despite the challenges posed by chaos-worshipping deities like you and Kamui! And it is a pity that I must fight Kamui, my kin, with all my strength and a resolute intent to destroy him! But I will not be a cowardly commander of the Empire of the Gods, my lord, my uncle! I will test the true might of 'Demon Dragon' Kamui by unleashing all my power to either annihilate him, strip him of his fighting spirit, or force him to surrender. (If he is fortunate enough!) I will show everyone in all three worlds that I am not a weak, incompetent, or useless man! My lord, please convey my message to Kamui that he should beware and never underestimate my strength on the battlefield!"

The Dragon King let out a loud, resounding laugh that echoed through the room.

"You are indeed courageous, Ryushi! You dare challenge all I have taught over thousands of years. But that courage is just a small piece in this grand game!"

Then he stepped closer, his voice lowering to a deep, insinuating tone, like venom dripping into Ryushi's ear.

"Remember, in this world, power is the law. If you do not embrace chaos, be ready to endure the consequences of the fragile peace you desire!"

Ryushi felt a chill run down his spine, but he did not step back.

"If that is what I must face, I will accept it! Because I believe this world deserves a different fate, one not ruled by fear and destruction. And no matter what my destiny may be, I will not abandon that ideal!"

The Dragon King said nothing more. He gazed at Ryushi for a long moment, as if reassessing his nephew.

"Then prepare yourself, Ryushi Yukinaga! This battle will not only decide the fate of the three worlds but also be the stage where you prove your words. Be ready, for from now on, your path will not be easy!"

Ryushi did not reply, he simply bowed and then turned to leave the room. His heart pounded in his chest, but not from fear! Deep within his soul, he felt a spark of hope igniting.

The cold corridors of the Academy of the Gods seemed endless as he walked, but each step he took grew more resolute. He was determined to crush this commander of Hell. (A commander renowned for his cunning and his enjoyment of battles that cater to the primal fighting instincts of a man!)

When the final door of the hallway closed behind him, Ryushi looked up at the vast sky. "Kamui," he whispered to himself, "I am not a pawn in this game! Prepare to face utter destruction, to feel the chill of death, or the sting of defeat even if you survive! Prepare to receive all of that from me, 'Demon Dragon' Kamui, a butcher of Hell with the bloodline of a dragon deity!"

And with that thought, Ryushi stepped into the enveloping night, ready to confront whatever lay ahead. His journey had only just begun, and he knew that every step he took would be marked by unwavering resolve and unyielding faith.