Chapter 169: The Artifacts' Dilemma

Today, at the Academy of the Gods, Snow Sky-Dog was summoned by his mentor, known as "The Progenitor of the Gods," to his office for a matter of great importance.

Snow Sky-Dog stood before his mentor. "The Progenitor of the Gods" cast a gaze filled with immense hope upon his distinguished student.

"Snow Sky-Dog, a few days ago, the King of Demons sent a letter challenging the Lord of the Gods, filled with disrespectful words. The final battle, the largest and most intense battle, is approaching, my outstanding student!"

"I understand, my mentor! But I am not afraid! I will give my all in this final battle! Not only I, but all the other divine students in this academy will do the same! Rest assured, my mentor, the forces of the Underworld, and the rebellious Youkai; I have experienced all their dangers! Perhaps the gods in their high positions in the Kingdom of Heaven have overestimated the capabilities of this rebellious alliance! Even if they unite and mobilize all their remaining forces, they cannot win against us in the upcoming battle! I, Snow Sky-Dog, am willing to risk my life to lead my mystical creatures and boost the fighting spirit of the other gods when they join the forthcoming battle for the most convincing victory! I am certain that the forces of the Academy of the Gods will triumph gloriously!"

"Snow Sky-Dog, you are my exceptional student! I do not overestimate those rebels. I am confident that you will shine brightest in the upcoming battle! But my student, there is still an important task we have yet to complete!"

"What is it, my mentor? Please tell me, I am sure I can accomplish it!"

"The Progenitor of the Gods" looked at Snow Sky-Dog with a meaningful gaze, momentarily unsettling him.

"Snow Sky-Dog, though Kurogami Masayuki has not yet brought me the seventh magical artifact out of eight that needs to be collected, he will surely bring it to this academy in a few days. When Kurogami Masayuki returns, he will also join that final battle! This is not a concern for me at all! What worries me is the eighth magical artifact, the most difficult one to collect; although both you and I know where it is, you are not ready to retrieve it for me! The rebels do not possess any of the eight supreme magical artifacts. Therefore, they are completely incapable of defeating us! However, both worlds desperately need the supreme power of these eight magical artifacts; whether this battle occurs or not! Winning the upcoming battle is inevitable! What matters most is that a god fetches 'The Ring of the Sovereign Over All Kings' for me!"

"Mentor, you know that artifact was created with me! But I cannot bring it to you yet! Mentor, I am not ready! The guardian spirit of 'The Ring of the Sovereign Over All Kings' is too powerful. I have tried many times before, but I have never managed to defeat him. There were times when I almost lost my life, but I still could not wound him, let alone make him submit to me!"

"Do you know what you are lacking, Snow Sky-Dog?"

"I do not know, my mentor!"

"All your virtues in every aspect are nearly perfected at the highest level. But they still stop short of being truly perfected! What you lack is a little compassion to complement your courage and intellect, which are almost at their peak! Just a bit more compassion, and only then can all three qualities—compassion, courage, and intellect—be perfected at their highest level! What you lack is the perfection of qualities, abilities, and virtues of a god, as well as a human being. And it's called 'The Realm of Enlightenment'!"

"Do you understand, Snow Sky-Dog?"

"I think I understand it almost completely, my mentor!"

"Then go back to the mountain where you were born, face that old man in armor, and bring 'The Ring of the Sovereign Over All Kings' to me! I am sure that if you prove to him that you have reached 'The Realm of Enlightenment,' there will be no fight between you and him!"

Though hesitating for a moment, Snow Sky-Dog followed his mentor's orders. He returned to the snowy mountain where he was born from the magical artifact "Hammer of Eternity."

"Old man, the oldest general in all three vast worlds, I have returned! I have not come back to fight you. But I want to take my magical artifact: 'The Ring of the Sovereign Over All Kings'! My mentor said that if I show you I have reached 'The Realm of Enlightenment,' you will give it to me. Old man, I have reached 'The Realm of Enlightenment'! Give me that artifact. If not, all three worlds cannot maintain the order that is about to collapse!"

The Divine General Yamato-no-Kami appeared from the void. He landed in front of Snow Sky-Dog.

"Snow Sky-Dog, the young man full of fervor but still too fierce and inexperienced! Have you reached 'The Realm of Enlightenment'?"

"Yes, my uncompromising teacher!"

"Tell me any life view that you want to tell me, and you must consider it a correct and profound view!"

"In every battle, as well as in life, the spirit of fighting, confidence, and determination of a true warrior can often be the decisive factor more than the number of allied soldiers or the quality of weapons!"

"You are still the same as before, Snow Sky-Dog! Now I will give you three minutes to reflect on the limitations in your recent speech. You must integrate the correct view from multiple perspectives to argue against your thoughts for me to hear! If you perform well, I will give 'The Ring of the Sovereign Over All Kings' to you without any fight!"

Snow Sky-Dog fell silent for a moment, his bright eyes staring straight into the infinite void ahead. His mind overflowed with contemplation about Yamato-no-Kami's words. Successive thoughts are like small ripples on a serene lake, each ripples a moment of insight and self-reflection. After a few minutes, Snow Sky-Dog slowly turned back to face the venerable general.

"Respected old man, I have thought a lot about your request! Perhaps you were right to say that my statement has many limitations. In battle, spirit and determination are certainly crucial, but they are not everything! We need a balance between courage and caution, between confidence and clear perception of our limits!"

Snow Sky-Dog continued, his voice becoming deeper, infused with the profound insights he had gained.

"A true warrior not only fights with courage and determination but also with an understanding of the enemy, of comrades, and oneself. True strength lies not just in powerful attacks but also in keen awareness of the situation and making the right strategic decisions! Only when we combine steadfast heart with sharp intellect can we achieve real victory!"

Yamato-no-Kami nodded slightly, a deep sense of pride shining in his eyes.

"Well done, Snow Sky-Dog! You have begun to recognize the subtler factors in balancing strength and intellect. But there is one more thing you have not mentioned!"

Snow Sky-Dog blinked, trying to grasp the deeper meaning in Yamato-no-Kami's words.

"What do you mean, Master?"

"Compassion, Snow Sky-Dog! That is what you lack. A true warrior not only knows how to fight and win but also knows how to pity and protect the weak! The greatest strength is not to overpower the enemy but to protect what is most precious, even when it means sacrificing oneself!"

Snow Sky-Dog felt his heart beating faster, each word from Yamato-no-Kami carving deeper into his mind. He realized that true victory is not just about defeating enemies but also about protecting and saving those he loves, for the sake of the threatened world.

Yamato-no-Kami continued speaking, his voice like a gentle breeze, carrying comfort and encouragement.

"Snow Sky-Dog, you have matured and understood the core principles of a warrior! Now, I give you 'The Ring of the Sovereign Over All Kings.' Not because you have reached 'The Realm of Enlightenment,' but because you have understood the true meaning of compassion, courage, and intellect!"

Snow Sky-Dog felt the wondrous power as the ring appeared in his hand, radiating with a brilliant light. He bowed before Yamato-no-Kami, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Thank you, Master! I promise to use this power to protect peace for all three worlds, to fight not just for victory but for compassion and the survival of all living beings!"

Yamato-no-Kami smiled, a smile filled with deep expectation and absolute trust.

"Go, Snow Sky-Dog! Fulfill your mission with all the honor and responsibility of a true god!"

Snow Sky-Dog nodded, his eyes sparkling with determination and fervor. He knew that the final battle was not just a clash of powers against demons, but also a journey to discover more deeply about himself, about the true values he protected. With 'The Ring of the Sovereign Over All Kings' in hand, he was ready to face everything, to write the final chapter full of wonder and glory for his story.

With confident steps, Snow Sky-Dog left the mountain, carrying with him determination and newfound strength. Cold winds blew, carrying promises and aspirations for a peaceful future, where all three worlds could live in harmony and prosperity.