Too Dirty

Had she ever considered whether her biological daughter could get used to the food and adapt to the new home?


No! She had never considered it.


To them, her mere entry into this home was an enjoyment. Why would there be anything she didn't like or wasn't happy with?


Saira glanced at Zuri opposite her and said to Dalia, "Mom, don't keep giving me food. You should eat more."


Saying this, Saira picked up a piece of sashimi and put it into Zuri's bowl, "Zuri, try this. It tastes really good."


Zuri looked at the raw fish in her bowl.


Was this sashimi?


No, it was a declaration of war, telling her that even though she was the biological daughter, it meant nothing. Her mother only saw Saira.


With a "clatter," Zuri put down her chopsticks.


The three people at the table looked at her in surprise, Aaron frowning with displeasure at the noise she made.


Dalia looked at her in confusion.


As for Saira, she was inwardly thrilled.


Go ahead, cause trouble. The more she caused trouble, the less their parents would like her.


"Arianwen, get me a clean bowl."


Zuri took the new bowl from Arianwen and set aside the previous one, eating slowly under the watchful eyes of the three.


Dalia frowned, visibly displeased, "Zuri, what are you doing?"


"Too dirty." Zuri replied calmly with just two words.


Saira was overjoyed inside but put on a sad face, lowering her head in grievance.


Aaron slammed his chopsticks down heavily.


"Zuri, where are your manners?"


The atmosphere at the dining table instantly froze. The surrounding servants were scared to make a sound, but Zuri, the main party involved, calmly swallowed her food and gracefully wiped her mouth with a napkin.


She looked up at Aaron, her expression calm, seemingly unaware of his rising anger, and spoke slowly, "Although sashimi is very nutritious, it also harbors countless bacteria that multiply rapidly."


"Do you know that every minute, bacteria increase by billions? From slaughter to the dining table, how much time does it take? And how many bacteria grow during that time?"


"I said it was dirty. Was I wrong?" Zuri's cold eyes met Aaron's without any fear.


Aaron realized his misunderstanding and cleared his throat uncomfortably, but he had no intention of apologizing to Zuri.


He wanted to pretend nothing had happened, but Zuri wouldn't let him.


Propping her chin with her hands, she spoke with a smile, "I left the orphanage at five, fought with dogs for food, competed with other beggars for a bridge to sleep under, and begged for money. In my life of over ten years, I learned only one thing, to survive."


"What is manners? Can it be exchanged for food, drink, or a worry-free life? If so, I would have excellent manners."


The dining room fell silent.


The more nonchalant she seemed, the more it highlighted the hardship and sorrow behind her words.


Arianwen and the others felt a pang of heartache but also worried that she might upset Mr. Lin.

In this house, Mr. Lin was the absolute authority. Challenging his authority or contradicting him was not allowed.


Zuri's actions were like pulling the tiger's whiskers.


Saira was shocked, not by the life she had led, but by her ability to casually speak about those humiliating experiences.


Aaron and Dalia were silent.


"Zuri, it's all Mom's fault." Dalia wiped her tears and walked to her side, trying to embrace her.


Zuri stood up, avoiding her embrace.


Once, she had longed to be held by her mother. Now, she no longer needed it.


She had suffered so much that she had become used to it.


"I'm full. Enjoy your meal."


Zuri didn't care what they thought or felt and left the dining room nonchalantly.


The atmosphere in the dining room grew even heavier after she left. Aaron looked at the table full of Saira's favorite dishes and lost his appetite.


Aaron looked at Dalia, "In the future, ask Zuri what she likes to eat before meals."