Saira's Plot

Upon hearing these words, Saira felt a pang of bitterness, her hands on her lap clenched into fists.

Now even the food was something she had to fight for.

Dalia nodded, seeing her husband rise, and hurriedly asked, "Aren't you going to eat?"

He couldn't stomach any more.

"No, I'm done." Before leaving the dining room, he glanced at Saira with a heavy heart, and left with a stern face.

After both of them left, Dalia sat back down. "Saira, eat more."

Saira looked at the table full of dishes, mostly sashimi, and after hearing Zuri's words, she had lost her appetite. Even knowing Zuri did it on purpose, it still left a knot in her heart.

"No, I'm already full."

After the way Dad looked at her just now, how could she have any appetite?

Mom was completely oblivious.

Saira complained inwardly, but didn't dare show it on her face.

If it were the past, she would have already lost her temper.

Now, even though she was angry, she had to endure it.

Seeing that neither of them were eating anymore, Dalia put down her chopsticks and waved for the servants to clear the table.

"Arianwen, what was Zuri thinking, bringing up such things at dinner? She made everyone unhappy. Do you think she blames me for not finding out earlier?" Dalia complained to Arianwen, feeling uncomfortable.

Arianwen sighed inwardly. If she were Miss Zuri, she would also feel uncomfortable. Her first meal back home was filled with dishes that Saira liked. Of course Miss Zuri would be upset.

Indeed, Madam handled this poorly, but Arianwen didn't dare say that.

She smiled and said, "Miss Zuri just needs time to adjust. If you show her more concern, things will get better naturally."

"Alright then."

Dalia stood up, not wanting to continue the conversation.


Knock, knock, knock...


"Come in."

The door opened, and Saira entered, her gaze falling on Zuri, who was sitting in her favorite spot.

From there, one could see the most beautiful view of the villa area. The chair was a custom-made crocodile leather sofa designed by her brother, unique in the world.

But now, it was occupied by her.

Seeing this, her heart bled.

It was foreseeable that this was just the beginning.

In the days to come, Zuri would surely take away everything she had.

Saira felt her breath becoming labored. Taking a deep breath, she put on a smile and walked to the seat opposite Zuri.

"Zuri, there's a small gathering tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?"

In her previous life, she had been just as considerate.

Zuri smiled slightly, "No, I'm not familiar with them."

Saira seemed to have anticipated this, and recited her prepared speech: "Those people are the children of Dad and Mom's friends or business partners. As the Lin family daughter, you must get along with them. You don't need to worry, I'll take care of you."

"Since you put it that way, I'll take a look."

Seeing her agree, Saira couldn't hide her joy and advised before leaving, "Zuri, you can't wear these clothes to such an event."

Her gaze swept over Zuri's white shirt and jeans.

Zuri humbly asked, "What should I wear then?"


Saira's voice became even more gentle, "It's too late to buy new clothes now, and it's hard to find good ones. Fortunately, there are many new clothes left for you in the wardrobe. They are all brand new, never worn by me. You won't mind, will you?"

As she spoke, she seemed worried that Zuri might dislike them, looking at her with a face full of concern and anxiety.

Zuri silently laughed, taking her hand proactively, "Saira, how could I mind? I'm grateful for your thoughtfulness."

"Good that you don't mind." Saira smiled happily, "Then rest early. Don't ruin your beautiful skin."

Saira stared enviously at Zuri's skin, as smooth and white as a peeled egg.

Even though they were the same age, Zuri's collagen seemed more abundant. Every woman wants her skin to be better than others'.

Saira was no exception.

"Mm-hmm. Saira, you should also rest early and take care of yourself. Otherwise, people might think you're two or three years older than me," Zuri said considerately.

For a moment, Saira was suffocated, almost losing her smile.


As Saira turned, her smile vanished, replaced by a look of resentment.

Zuri watched her leave, and once the door was completely shut, the smile on her lips gradually turned cold. She took out a wet wipe and gently wiped her hand, over and over, until it was red, then stopped.

Back in her room, Saira looked at the small space, thinking of that wretched girl occupying her spot, her place. The anger and hatred suppressed in her heart could no longer be controlled. She swept all the cosmetics off the dressing table.

The sound of things crashing filled the room.

"Saira, what's wrong?" Dalia's concerned voice came from outside.

Saira was annoyed and didn't want to see her, taking deep breaths to make her voice sound normal, "Nothing, just knocked something over. Mom, go to bed."

Standing outside the door, Dalia knew her daughter's temper. Since she wasn't invited in, she didn't push.

"If anything happens, tell Mom." Dalia said kindly.


After Dalia left, Saira's anger flared up again, her eyes cold.

No one would take what was hers.

Zuri, even if you're the real Lin family daughter, so what.

One day, they will all be mine, and mine alone.