Apology? In Your Next Life

Kyle was on the verge of tears!


He truly didn't know how the recorder ended up in his pocket.


Zuri looked at Director Wang. "This is the evidence. Just as Yang said, people who play the victim and lie through their teeth should be expelled from Windsor."


The words were thrown back at them.


Blake's face turned red and then pale.


Deputy Director Freya, who hadn't spoken before, finally spoke up. "Blake was wrong, but you could have reported it to the teachers. The school would have dealt with him. However, using a water gun to spray your classmate and making a mess of the corridor is your fault."


Blake nodded repeatedly at his aunt's words.


Zuri's cold gaze met Freya's. "I don't believe the school can punish him fairly. After all, Deputy Director Yang and Blake are relatives."


Director Yang was about to get angry when she continued, "From what I've heard from the students, Yang has been bullying people regularly. Yet, he can still set traps for me so boldly. It shows that previous punishments had no effect on him."


"As teachers and a school, what's most important? Not grades or graduation rates, but teaching them how to be decent people. Character education comes first. Surely, Deputy Director Yang understands this?"


"Today he used a snake to scare people. Next time, will it be a venomous snake? If I don't teach him a harsh lesson, he'll never realize his mistakes. I'm not bullying him; I'm teaching him to be a better person and saving his future. You don't need to thank me, Director Yang."


The surrounding students, upon hearing her speech, found it odd but somehow very reasonable.


Director Yang was humiliated and looked very upset.


Director Wang stepped in, "It's class time now. Everyone, go back to your classrooms."


The students dispersed.


"What do you think the school will do with Zuri?" Natalie asked.


"It doesn't seem like they'll do much."


"Didn't you see how much Director Wang protected her? If she wasn't a Lin family member, she'd be expelled by now."


"She's just using her family background to act so recklessly," Samara said disdainfully, forgetting that she herself enjoyed similar respect at school because of her family.


As everyone predicted, the incident was downplayed.


Both sides were at fault.


Blake started the prank, and Zuri retaliated.


Both were wrong.


Since no one was seriously hurt, the school naturally downplayed the incident.


"Both sides were wrong. Apologize to each other, and let's move on," Director Wang said.




Blake's dictionary didn't have the word 'apology.'


He had lost all his dignity today.


Now he was supposed to apologize? Dream on!


Director Wang's gaze swept over Zuri and Blake, finally landing on Blake. "You were at fault first. Apologize to Zuri."


"Expel me, but I won't apologize," Blake shouted defiantly at Director Wang, then turned to Zuri with a venomous look. "You want an apology? In your next life."


Blake finished speaking and turned to leave arrogantly.


After he left, Zuri said to Freya, "Deputy Director Yang, you see, students with such poor character will only tarnish Windsor's reputation. From the school's perspective, I sincerely hope you educate such students properly. Indulgence will only harm him."


Freya laughed in anger.


This was the first time a student had lectured her in all her years as a director.


Freya smirked. "You're something."


Freya left, and Director Wang, looking at her, felt a headache coming on. This girl looked soft and weak but was tough inside.


"Don't do this again," Director Wang scolded sternly.


"Okay," Zuri replied obediently.


Director Wang shook his head and left.


Half an hour later, Zuri returned to her seat. Her classmates, seeing her come back unscathed, had expressions of 'as expected.'


When the bell rang, the math teacher entered the classroom in high heels.




Yu Min scanned the classroom, pausing slightly when she saw the seat by the window in the last row. A hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.


She quickly remembered the new transfer student. She didn't expect the student who angered Director Yang to be such a pretty girl. Truly, appearances can be deceiving.


Zuri opened her book. The content was unfamiliar yet familiar.


In her past life, to please her parents, she studied hard and did countless exercises, thinking that a good grade would make her parents happy and proud.


Through her relentless efforts, she succeeded. In her first monthly exam, she got first in her class and third in the grade.


When she eagerly showed her results to her parents, she expected praise or at least a kind word or smile.


But when she handed her report card to her mother, it was immediately thrown to the ground.


She still remembered her mother's angry face scolding her. Her brother Christian tore her report card to pieces.


Despite her frantic explanations, no one believed her.


Everyone comforted her sister Saira, who had done poorly.


Her good grades were ignored repeatedly, while even a mediocre score from Saira was celebrated with a feast.


Eventually, her good mother asked her not to do too well in exams because their family didn't need it.


To make her mother happy, she deliberately answered half the questions wrong on papers she could have aced. She could have scored a hundred but only dared to score enough to pass.


Reflecting on her past life, Zuri smiled self-deprecatingly.


In this life, she wouldn't have to pretend. She would be herself.


Zuri was no less than anyone else.


As she focused on the teacher's explanation, forgotten memories and knowledge gradually returned.


Just then, the roar of motorcycles came from outside the window. The loud noise echoed in the quiet campus, reaching the skies.


Students in the classroom turned to look out the window, seeing a dozen sleek black motorcycles roaring towards them. The leading motorcycle was incredibly fast. When it stopped, the others followed suit.


The boy in front took off his black helmet, shaking his head slightly. His short black hair flew, a few strands sticking to his sharp, handsome features. In the sunlight, the sapphire earring in his left ear sparkled, adding a touch of rebellious charm.


"Holy crap! He's here!"