School Overlord

"Looks like the sun's rising from the west today. He's actually here early."


"Someone's in for trouble."


The speaker's gaze involuntarily fell on Zuri. The classmates glanced at her, eyes filled with schadenfreude.


Shaina's eyes sparkled with excitement, eagerly awaiting his arrival.


The boy's long, slanted phoenix eyes slightly lifted, exuding a cold arrogance and a roguish charm. He glanced disdainfully at everyone, his arrogance on full display.


The surrounding stares and whispers seemed to go unnoticed by him, as if he were walking in his own kingdom, completely carefree.


A group of boys with dreadlocks, chewing gum, followed him, looking both like an entourage and his lackeys, exuding a bad-boy aura.


This group was the most troublesome and unruly students in Windsor Academy.


From the principal to the faculty, they turned a blind eye as long as these students didn't cause trouble.




The back door of the classroom was rudely kicked open.


Everyone, from the teacher to the students, turned their eyes to the back. A tall figure sauntered into the classroom, indifferent and casual.


Shaina's heart leaped when she saw Kaden appear, her eyes fixed on him, filled with anticipation, hoping to see him throw that girl out the window.


No one paid attention to the class anymore; all eyes were on Kaden. As he approached, various expressions emerged on their faces.


Kaden walked forward without glancing sideways, his enchanting phoenix eyes landing on Zuri. He scanned the surroundings, confirming that the seat was indeed his, and that he hadn't walked into the wrong classroom.


Kaden stepped forward, leaning on the desk, looking down at her, "Hey, you're in my seat."


Zuri looked up, her clear, cold eyes meeting his handsome face. She pointed to the side with her slender finger, "That is your seat."


Kaden followed her finger to the seat by the window. It was indeed his seat, but...


"Hey, the seat you're in now is also our boss's seat," one of Kaden's lackeys shouted at Zuri, looking displeased.


Zuri raised an eyebrow, leaning back with a faint smile, "Does he have three heads and six arms, or two butts and two heads, needing two seats to fit him?"


Lackeys: ...


Classmates: ...


Math teacher: ...


Everyone gasped, looking at her in disbelief.


The math teacher's heart sank, thinking this was not good.


Although Zuri was known to be tough, Kaden was the real menace.


If these two clashed, the classroom would probably be torn apart.


Shaina, Nyla, and others clenched their fists, unable to hide their excitement and anticipation.


The other classmates were equally thrilled. It had been a long time since anyone dared to speak to Kaden like this. Those who did either ended up in the ICU or hadn't left the hospital yet.


Zuri propped her chin with one hand, glancing sideways at Kaden, "If you want to sit, then sit. If not, leave. Don't disturb my studies."


Kaden's lackeys clenched their fists, knuckles cracking, ready to rush forward and teach her a lesson.


They didn't follow any 'no hitting women' rule.


Kaden raised his hand, stopping his lackeys, leisurely scrutinizing the girl in front of him.



He extended his hand, and a lackey handed him his bag.


Kaden tossed the bag inside, leisurely walking past her. With a flick of his foot, he pulled out a chair, sat down, leaned back lazily, and propped his legs on the desk.


Everyone looked at Kaden in astonishment, not understanding why he didn't throw Zuri out the window, instead allowing her to sit beside him.


Zuri looked at the stunned teacher, reminding, "Teacher, class isn't over yet. Continue."


"Oh, oh." Yu Min responded repeatedly, seemingly too shocked to react properly.


Shaina's eyes widened in disbelief, internally screaming, why.


Why didn't Kaden make a move against her?


If it was because she was a girl, that was impossible.


Kaden didn't differentiate between genders when it came to fighting.


Kaden was very handsome, with a roguish charm that was irresistibly attractive to girls, but no girl dared confess to him. Those who did were either thrown into the lake or ruthlessly rejected.


This time, Zuri's provocation didn't anger him, which was beyond everyone's expectations.


Many looked disappointed, especially Shaina, Nyla, and others.


They had hoped he would avenge them, but didn't expect this outcome.


Kaden turned his head, looking at the girl beside him, with delicate features and fair skin. The light streaming in from the window even revealed fine hairs on her face, so fair and delicate it almost seemed to glow.


Among the girls he had seen, she had the best skin, so good that he had an urge to touch it, to see if it was as smooth as he imagined.


Kaden was someone who feared nothing. He did whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.


His hand moved faster than his brain.


As soon as the thought emerged, his hand reached towards Zuri's cheek.


Just as his hand was about to touch her cheek, it was suddenly grabbed by a warm, small hand with such force it seemed to want to break his hand.


Zuri turned her head, glaring at the person who tried to sneak an attack.


The students who had been secretly watching all along saw Zuri grab Kaden's hand.


It seemed Kaden had made a move on Zuri.


Everyone's interest in the drama was reignited.


Yu Min spoke up, "This is class time, everyone, please pay attention."


Kaden exerted strength with his fingers, freeing his hand from hers. He quickly brushed her cheek, feeling a smoothness even better than he imagined.


Facing Zuri's hostile gaze, Kaden smirked roguishly, "Not bad."


Zuri ignored him, focusing on the lecture, occasionally taking notes, completely uninterested in what he was doing.


Seeing her lack of reaction, Kaden lost interest. He put his feet down, placed his bag on the desk, and used it as a pillow to nap.


The golden sunlight streamed into the room, illuminating two perfect profiles—one in deep sleep, the other attentively listening to the class. They had no interaction, yet the scene was extraordinarily harmonious and beautiful.


When the bell rang, the person lying on the desk frowned, turned, and continued sleeping.


During the break, the usually noisy environment was unusually quiet today, everyone speaking cautiously, afraid to make too much noise.


For the next two classes, every teacher who entered the room would unconsciously glance at the corner, even their voices unconsciously lowered while teaching.