Biological daughter

Lila's eyes flickered with surprise as she sized Zuri up. Despite her plain clothes, she had an undeniable beauty, yet she didn't look like a rich heiress at all—more like someone poor and shabby.


Seeing Lila and her group momentarily stunned, Rhea straightened her previously bent back and smiled, "Zuri, give me the card. I'll treat you today. Order whatever you like."


Order whatever? How amusing.


Using her money to treat her.


How did she not realize before how thick-skinned and shameless Rhea could be?


Zuri's expression remained indifferent, "We're not that close."


She turned to Lila and her group, "Move aside. You're blocking my way."


Maybe it was the coldness in her eyes.

Maybe it was her aloof demeanor.

Lila and her friends instinctively stepped aside.


Zuri walked straight up to the second floor.

Rhea hurriedly stepped forward to chase after her, "Zuri."


If she left, what would she do?


The doorman raised his hand to stop her, "Excuse me, the second floor is a private area. Your card doesn't grant access."


"The one who just went up is my friend. We're together."


The doorman glanced up at the person who had gone upstairs, then back at Rhea, smiling, "You can ask that student to come down and bring you up."


Lila and the others stood behind her, arms crossed, exuding arrogance.


"Hah, I thought they were good friends. Turns out, they're not even close."


"Look at her sucking up now that her friend is rich, but she doesn't care at all."


"If I were the Lin family heiress, I wouldn't stay friends with a pauper either."


"She wants to be friends with us? How delusional."


Rhea felt wronged, tears welling up in her eyes, and she timidly retorted, "No, Zuri and I have been friends since we were kids. I don't know why she's changed now. A month ago, we were still like sisters."


She cried, tears streaming down her face.


The surrounding students immediately sensed a deeper story.


So she's too proud to play with them after becoming the Lin family heiress, abandoning her old friends.


At that moment, Kaden and his group walked over.


Seeing him, Lila and her friends stepped back, making way.


Rhea turned around, confused, and was instantly captivated, staring dumbfounded at the handsome and refined Colin, who was getting closer to her with each step.


Her heart started pounding.


He's walking towards me. He's looking at me.

Is he coming to help me?


Rhea's heart tightened, her eyes fixed on him, a faint blush spreading over her ears and cheeks.


Kaden approached, looking at the love-struck girl in front of him with a cold face and a hint of disgust in his eyes, "Move."


Rhea was stunned, her eyes wide.


Seeing her still standing there stupidly, Ricardo said irritably, "Hey, didn't you hear my boss tell you to move? You're in the way."


If she didn't move soon, Kaden would take action.

Kaden wasn't known for his good temper.


Realizing her mistake, Rhea felt both embarrassed and angry, wishing she could find a hole to crawl into.


She hurriedly stepped aside.


Kaden walked past without even a glance in her direction.


Rhea looked around, feeling like everyone was laughing at her foolishness, her entire body prickling with discomfort. Unable to bear it any longer, she covered her face, tears streaming down, and fled.


"Tsk, so pitiful. Poor choice of friends," Natalie taunted Zuri, who had just gone upstairs.



Zuri seemed oblivious, following the waiter. As she passed their table, she paused.


Her cool, meaningful eyes skimmed over Natalie, with a hint of mockery and derision.


"An adopted daughter, how nice."


Zuri left behind a cryptic remark.


Natalie was taken aback, her expression changing, as did those of Naya and Samara.

Saira's face turned even more unsightly.


"What does she mean by that?" someone asked, puzzled.


"Is she mocking us for being friends with an adopted daughter?" Elysia said angrily, then quickly apologized to Saira, "Saira, I didn't mean to mock you."


"I know," Saira said understandingly with a slight smile.


Farida glanced at Natalie and the others, seemingly picking up on something unusual.


"It feels like she meant something else," Farida said thoughtfully.


"If not that, then what?" Elysia asked, confused.


Farida looked at Natalie and the others, "Natalie, do you know what she meant?"


Saira panicked.

She couldn't let more people know she had once spread rumors about Zuri being an adopted daughter.


Rushing to speak before Natalie and the others, Saira said, "Don't be angry with her. My sister has that kind of temper, but she doesn't mean any harm."


Her words successfully diverted everyone's attention.

Farida didn't press further, and Natalie and the others continued their previous conversation.


"Saira, you're too kind. Even after she mocked you, you're still defending her."


"You can't do that. It'll only make her more arrogant."


Naya nudged Colin under the table, "Colin, didn't you say you have a plan to help Saira? Tell us."


Before seeing Zuri, Colin was carefree, but seeing such a beautiful girl made him hesitate.


Natalie called him out, "Colin, are you backing out because she's pretty? Saira's been our friend since we were kids."


"If you're really thinking that way, Colin, we'll break off with you," Elysia threatened coquettishly.


Colin sighed, lowering his voice, "I went to the director's office and saw the special admissions score sheet. Guess who I saw?"


Farida was the quickest to react, "Was she on it?"


Colin raised his eyebrows, nodding, "Yes. Guess her score."


Everyone's curiosity was piqued.


"Stop teasing and tell us."


"Yeah, spill it," Eduardo nudged Colin.


He was also curious about the beauty's grades.


"Her scores were terrible, really bad. Out of 650 points, she only got 280," Colin said, spreading his hands in disbelief.

Are all pretty girls that dumb?


The whole table burst into laughter, drawing the attention of people on both the second and first floors.




A chair was rudely kicked back, the loud noise silencing the laughter.


Everyone's eyes turned towards Kaden.


Kaden looked grim, "Shut up."


Those three cold words brought instant silence to the cafeteria.