Who is the loser?

Elysia and the others immediately shut their mouths, not daring to laugh anymore.


Zuri remained oblivious to everything around her, quietly enjoying her meal. She didn't care why the others were laughing, nor did she concern herself with Kaden's anger.


Kaden retracted his foot, his gaze wandering to a corner of the room. The girl sat quietly, eating with elegant movements and noble demeanor. The dappled light from the window cast a glow on her fair cheeks, making her profile look like a perfect painting.


The conversation earlier had been loud enough that she couldn't possibly have missed it. These people had shamelessly mocked her, yet she had no reaction at all.


Ricardo noticed his boss staring at the corner and followed his gaze. Wasn't that his boss's arrogant desk mate?


"Kaden, your desk mate sure has a unique personality," Ricardo muttered.


One of the lackeys nearby laughed, "It's not unique, it's just cowardice. Eduardo and his gang were so harsh on her, and she still tolerated it. Clearly, she's just a pushover."


Kaden said nothing, swallowing a shrimp dumpling in one bite.


Others around them had also heard about Zuri scoring 280, and low whispers of discussion spread, with occasional glances in her direction. Even without hearing their words clearly, it was obvious from their eyes that they were mocking her.


Zuri put down her chopsticks, her slender fingers holding a tea cup, sipping lightly to cleanse her palate before standing up to pay the bill.


Holding a small card case, she played with it in her palm as she walked. When she passed Saira's table, she paused, her calm eyes sweeping over everyone seated.


"A bunch of losers."


Her voice wasn't loud, but in the quiet restaurant, it was enough for everyone to hear clearly. All the students dining in the restaurant turned their heads, looking at her in shock.


Saira and her group were stunned.


"What did you say?" Natalie shouted angrily, "Say it again if you have the guts."


Zuri's gaze fell on her, and she enunciated clearly, "How pathetic, you can't even hear properly."




Natalie slammed the table and stood up, pointing at Zuri. "Who's the loser here? You, with your 280 score, have no right to call anyone a loser. Even if I did poorly, I could still score three or four hundred. If that makes me a loser, then what does that make you? Garbage?"


"No, that's wrong. Calling you garbage would be a compliment. You're worse than garbage."


The commotion once again drew the attention of those dining downstairs.


"Worse than garbage?" Zuri chuckled softly. "A bunch of losers, calling someone worse than garbage. You overestimate yourselves."


"A pauper from the slums, what right do you have to speak?" Naya tugged at Natalie, smiling, "Natalie, let it go. Zuri is ignorant and doesn't know better. She thinks her 280 is high. Why burst her bubble?"


"Everyone, let's just drop it." Saira tried to intervene, constantly giving Zuri meaningful looks to leave quickly.


Farida, who had been observing coldly, stood up with a smile. "How about this? Let's play a game. I heard from the principal that there will be a mock exam next week. Let the results speak for themselves. When the scores come out, it will be clear who the loser is."


Naya laughed, "That sounds fair. If Zuri doesn't dare to accept, we won't press her. After all, coming from a small place, her level is limited. Let's all be understanding."



Ricardo, watching the scene with great interest, nudged his brother, "Rhett, the boss's desk mate is about to fall into a trap. They're setting her up."


After speaking, he didn't get a response for a long time and kicked a few more times. Suddenly, he felt the atmosphere freeze, and the air grew cold.


He looked up and saw Rhett signaling with his eyes. Looking down, he realized he had kicked the boss.


Ricardo smiled awkwardly at Kaden, slowly retracting his foot.


Kaden ignored the idiot, propping his chin with one hand, watching the unfolding drama with great interest. Farida's proposal, Naya's provocation—it all forced Zuri into their trap.


A group of people watched her, waiting. No matter what she chose, they believed they had already won. If she refused, she would never lift her head in the school again. Her origin from the slums made everyone look down on her; with her poor grades, she would only become a laughingstock.


"Zuri, don't act on impulse," Saira advised.


Zuri ignored her, smiling at Naya. "Although your proposal is rather low, since you want to play, why not make it more interesting?"


"What do you suggest?" Naya raised an eyebrow, not taking her seriously at all.


"You don't accept being called losers. Let's compare. If any of you score higher than me, I lose."


"Of course, if there's no prize or punishment, it's no fun. The loser must clean all the toilets in the school building by themselves, without any help. Do you dare?"


Natalie and the others laughed. She thought she could scare them with such a tactic, how naive.


"Why not? We just worry you'll be too slow to clean up," Samara mocked, and the group laughed along.


Anyone else in her position would be embarrassed and furious by now, desperate to hide. But Zuri's calm eyes, watching them quietly, carried an inexplicable aura. Her slightly upturned lips added an air of mystery.


As they laughed, their laughter slowly died down, unnerved by her steady gaze.


Zuri smiled sweetly, "Laugh, why stop? Laugh while you can."


Later, there won't be as many chances.


"Crazy," Elysia muttered under her breath.


Eduardo, who had been silent, spoke up, "You made a suggestion, we should be allowed one too, right?"


Zuri shrugged indifferently, indicating for him to continue.


"If we win, the sports car you drove today is ours."


Saira was shocked. That was her brother's favorite limited edition car.


"Zuri, don't be rash," Saira advised, a hint of excitement in her eyes.


"Fine. You have a stake, I should have one too."


"What do you want?"


"It's simple. All of you will run fifty laps around the school track. Dare to accept?" Zuri's gaze swept over them.